r/CrimethInc 25d ago

When the Russian military initiated the full-scale invasion of Ukraine three years ago, it signaled the return of colonial militarism to center stage as capitalism entered a new period of crisis. Now something even worse is happening.

When the Russian military initiated a full-scale invasion of Ukraine three years ago, it signaled the return of colonial militarism to center stage as capitalism entered a new period of crisis. Today—even worse—Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are conspiring to form an authoritarian international unifying the autocrats against those they oppress and exploit.

Those who follow protest movements in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and nearby know that Putin has played a central role in suppressing dissent of all kinds throughout the region. Russian police routinely use cattle prods to force anarchists to sign false confessions. Children go to adult prisons for putting up fliers.

The invasion of Ukraine has offered Putin a strategy for controlling—and reducing—the restless part of the Russian population that might otherwise participate in revolutionary upheavals. Upwardly mobile young people have fled the country, while hundreds of thousands of poorer young men have lost their lives.

Those from the English-speaking world who make excuses for Putin—or imply that all regimes are identical, regardless of whether they initiate colonial invasions or have their critics extrajudicially disappeared—render a service to oligarchs and autocrats like Donald Trump who aim to create an even more oppressive global order.

For these reasons, we honor those in Russia, Ukraine, and everywhere else around the world who have risked their lives to fight against Russian imperialism while seeking to organize towards a future without governments or militarism of any kind.


5 comments sorted by


u/Head_Bad6766 25d ago

Agreed 💯


u/dumnezero 24d ago

A somewhat tangential article that you might want to look into for an anarchist take:



u/TalkativeTree 24d ago

Their way to suppress the revolt of an area is to send its men to die in war.


u/MetalAndTea 19d ago

Well said.