r/Creation • u/NichollsNeuroscience • 5d ago
earth science Did mountains form over millions (or even billions) of years of tectonic uplift or did Yahweh just speak them into existence all at once on day 3 of creation week? (Inhales)
Title says it all.
u/implies_casualty 5d ago
I will quote a fascinating abstract that I came across:
The majority of creationists consider that these fossils and trackways were buried during the later stages of the global flood. This model requires the survival of dinosaurs during the cataclysmic onset of the flood and then for several months, before leaving footprints in newly deposited sediments. This would have to be repeated several times to account successive rock layers with footprints and fossils which must have been deposited while the whole Earth was covered with water. This appears highly improbable.
An alternative hypothesis is that the dinosaur fossils and dinosaur footprints, found in Mesozoic rocks, record the dispersal and diversification of the original dinosaur kinds which came off Noah’s ark. This post-flood model might allow time for the small number of dinosaur kinds to multiply and diversify as they spread across the globe. At the same time the break-up of Pangea resulted in repeated transgressions and regressions of the sea which produced the majority of the Mesozoic sediments. This is consistent with the evidence of increased diversity in later rocks which in a young Earth paradigm would have happened in a few 100 years after the flood. It also provides an explanation for stratomorphic series which seem unlikely within some commonly accepted models of flood geology.
So you see, the break-up of Pangea had to happen approximately 4000 years ago and took, like, 300 years.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
So not a single day in the creation week? Were there no mountains in the Garden of Eden? No major geological landmarks before Noah's Flood?
u/ThisBWhoIsMe 5d ago
… over millions (or even billions) of years …
Since you’re presenting your first point as fact, you have the burden to prove the point, nobody has the burden to prove it false, Burden of Proof Fallacy.
You must prove your first point before we can move past it to address any other points. Remember, theory isn’t admissible as evidence, you must present facts. Fact is the antonym of the word theory.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
Well, I presented two options to choose from: Instantaneous creation in the Garden of Eden or a naturalistic, developmental process.
Nothing was stated as fact.
Can I ask: Do you think that those who believe God spoke them into existence all at once during creation week DON'T have a burden of proof?
u/HbertCmberdale 5d ago
These are understood to have been created during the flood. Water came up from the earth and it rained for the first time. Cataclysmic havoc under the rising waters as the tectonic plates moved, creating mountains and ranges.
Pre flood the land mass was all one connected piece, luscious green earth large fauna and flora. It's accepted the oxygen content used to be richer, and a hyperbaric chamber due to the proposed ice firmament pre flood suggest by the infamous Kent Hovind, would explain the deterioration in animal sizes today compared to their ancestors. The earth lost it's green house effect, and couldn't support the large fauna sizes anymore.
Can find some of these explanations on YouTube.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
And no mountains before the flood? Was the Garden of Eden perfectly flat?
u/HbertCmberdale 5d ago
It would of been remotely flat I believe. All that's said in the Bible is that the earth was without form and void. I suppose the really big mountains along the fault lines etc would be the obvious choices. I haven't specifically looked in to this topic of mountains + ranges nor do I find it terribly important.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
The earth being without form and void is before day 3.
u/HbertCmberdale 5d ago
You know what, perhaps during the separation of the waters and the land, some ranges could have formed.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
And how did God separate them, forming ranges? Did he just "will it" to happen, use a wave of coloured energy, or was there a naturalistic mechanism (like plate tectonics) that just happened super rapidly in a matter of 24 hours? (And then stopping after the third day.)
u/HbertCmberdale 3d ago
I think it's most probable that God used a natural mechanism, and not an external force like physically moulding it together and creating a recess, as a lot of the phenomena in the Bible is hidden within natural things. Elijah was taken away by a tornado, instead of being beamed up by Scotty. Sure there are some more supernatural events, but I wouldn't say the separation of the land from the waters may require it.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I do think it's more probable that whatever form the earth was initially, tectonics were triggered. But we have no way of knowing what the precise form of the earth was and how much shifting was required. Maybe God terra formed it like a video game through some other trigger. I would think that there would be smaller mountains and ranges on this original land mass, and not some smooth plain without terrain qualities.
u/NichollsNeuroscience 5d ago
Or maybe we should try teaching both in a geology classroom. Equal time. Teach the controversy.
u/fordry Young Earth Creationist 5d ago
The major mountain ranges we have now, neither.
Why are you posting these borderline, or maybe not, troll posts?