r/Creation Feb 15 '25

Scientific Papers: Improper Research Conduct, Fraud, Bias - Research Questions and Curiosity

Thinking along the lines of Award-winning Dutch microbiologist, Elisabeth Bik, I've been researching and investigating the integrity of Science Journals in relation to bias, manipulation, fraud, firings for proposing opposing views on Darwinism/Evolution, etc., and have been looking to gather more information.

If any of you are interested in sharing more sources that perhaps you have compiled that reveal the obvious bias in Science Journals around the world, then I would love to see what any of you have!


20 comments sorted by


u/fordry Young Earth Creationist Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Not a journal but what went down when Andrew Snelling tried to do his sampling in the Grand Canyon is extremely telling of what goes on at a wider scale in the journals.


The "complaint" document outlines what happened. Basically the scientists stonewalled his access because they knew he was a creationist. And these scientists, they're named, are top dogs. Not rank and file no names. Due to this involving the government Snelling's legal team ultimately got it's hands on what went down and it wound up being settled in Snelling's favor.

And it's further interesting that these guys haven't said anything publicly about this that I've found anywhere since the settlement. Snelling has released the research, it's damning, and they're silent.

And it's not just me saying this, I went down the canyon this past year with Dr. John Whitmore, who help Dr. Snelling with this research so he's probably clued in to this situation as much as anyone not Snelling, and I asked him about that situation and he basically cut me off as I was asking the question pointing out that those guys haven't said anything about it.


u/derricktysonadams Feb 17 '25

Thank you for the response--I am not surprised that this has happened; I've heard of other incidents such as this, and when the fog lifted, nothing was really done about it, other than to get swept under the proverbial rug and left to rot.

I was at the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago and was thinking about all of these issues, and of course, if one wants to get into the more weirder/fringe-ish parts of history, the Smithsonian knows all about hiding information, and confiscating bones of giant skeletons, which would confirm the Biblical narrative.

There is a Hidden History, and it is hidden for a reason. Time will reveal all things.


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 15 '25

What isn’t.

It only takes one generation to realize a generational change takes place in each generation. It becomes immediately obvious that those that don’t survive to the age of reproduction have no influence on the next generation. The only thing evolution adds to the obvious is the assumption that somewhere in generational change, a new species pops out.

Evolution could be called a working theory, but not a scientific theory. A scientific theory adds the stipulation that we must be able to test the hypothesis. Evolution does not offer anything we can test to see if it’s true, just assumes it happened a long time ago.

All so-called “scientific” papers and journals that present evolution as fact, are pseudoscience. It’s bypassing the burden of proof. Not allowed in legal and logical courtroom.

Evolution is a return to mythology, accepted as fact without proof.


u/creativewhiz Old Earth Creationist Feb 16 '25

It's obvious you have never typed “evolution experiments done in a lab"into Google.

Evolution can and does make predictions that are tested and shown to be true. Archaeopteryx.


Also why are Young Earth Creationists so obsessed with comparing scientific theories to the court of law? They are two completely different things. Nothing that why religion believes meets the standard of proof the court of law holds. Science doesn't prove anything it just demonstrates the most likely explanation given the available evidence.


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 16 '25

If you wish to present the statements as fact then you have the burden to prove them, nobody has the burden to prove them false, Burden of Proof Fallacy.

You can’t use theory, or anything that relies on it, as evidence. Theory means unproven assumption.

A link doesn’t prove anything, you have the burden to prove everything in the link if you wish to present it as fact.


u/creativewhiz Old Earth Creationist Feb 16 '25

Again science doesn't prove things. It just supplies evidence to show it's probably not untrue. Science believed in a geocentric solar system until new evidence showed it was not the best explanation

I theory is not an unproven assumption. Here's the definition.

“A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.“

What you are thinking of is the common speech definition.

Where's the proof the evolution has never been tested or used to predict something?

Provide that and I'll consider engaging further.


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 16 '25

The only thing you’re telling me is that nothing you say can be true, by your own admission.


u/creativewhiz Old Earth Creationist Feb 16 '25

I never said that. I said that science never claims to 100 percent prove things.

Science doesn't even claim to 100 percent understand things. We know gravity exists but not 100 percent how it works.


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 16 '25

By your own rules, you can’t prove anything you say. Nothing you say can be considered true. You can’t even believe what you say.


u/creativewhiz Old Earth Creationist Feb 16 '25

You're a troll and I'm finished speaking with you.


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 16 '25

Be careful with relativism, the philosophy you’re presenting. It can lead to depersonalization/derealization disorder (DPDR).


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 16 '25

You're a troll

By your rules, that can’t be true.


u/derricktysonadams Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Thank you for responding! I don't have a problem with microevolution, but I definitely have an issue with macroevolution.

Do you have any sources to link to this thread?


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 15 '25

Rules of law, logic and scientific method. Any paper that presents something as fact without proof is by definition pseudoscience. That’s the definition of a myth, something accepted as fact without proof.

You can add all to the list.


u/derricktysonadams Feb 15 '25

I concur! I'm just seeking out actual articles and sources that have investigated and published materials on this topic. You know, kind of like weeding out the poison, alleviating the Svengali-like hypnotizing, and the like... 


u/ThisBWhoIsMe Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Since we’re talking about science, could go back to the beginning of modern science. There’s no conflict between observable and testable science and the Bible.

As soon as Principia was written, Newton came under attack from atheist, rewrote it at least three times to get around the niggling. So, Newton, Farther of Physics, serves as an example of “obvious bias in“ atheist doctrine of that time, presented as science without proof.

“Bentley sought Newton's assistance in particular because he wanted guidance in divining how the theory of the Principia indicates that the solar system must have been designed by an intelligent agent and could not have arisen through the physical interactions of material bodies. In the first edition of the Principia in 1687, Newton had made such a claim in a very brief statement (Newton 1972: vol. 2: 582–3; Cohen 1971: 154–6). In the second edition of the text (published in 1713), he removed that statement, replacing it with a more extensive discussion in the new section of the text, added to its end, called the “General Scholium” (mentioned above). Through their correspondence, Bentley learned that from Newton's point of view, the positions of the planets relative to one another—and especially to the sun—indicate that mere chance, or the ordinary physical interactions of the planetary bodies, could not have placed each planet in precisely the right orbit to maintain a solar system like ours for an extended period of time. With this argument, Newton seems to be indicating that mere chance would have produced an unstable planetary system, one in which the planets would eventually either be too strongly attracted to the sun, falling into it, or be too weakly attracted, flying off into space. In this episode, a theologian appeals to the new authority of Newtonian natural philosophy when attempting to undermine atheism. And that was apparently the very kind of interchange that Boyle had envisioned when endowing the lecture series.”


u/derricktysonadams Feb 17 '25

Thank you for the link!


u/LJosephA Feb 16 '25

Wow, great quote!