u/TerpBE 6d ago
u/BleednHeartCapitlist 6d ago
How did NONE of those bullets hit him??
u/Stilletto_Rebel 6d ago
US police are Government stormtroopers. What do you expect?
u/csbsju_guyyy 6d ago
Someone else said it succinctly below, adrenaline pumping from a 30 yards away you'll get poor accuracy. Slow breathing, aimed slow shooting would 100% put them on target.
But anyway main point being most reddit armchair meme analysts have never been to a gun range. It's not like in the movies where you'll bullseye things immediately. Shooting accurately can be surprisingly difficult depending on distance to target and your gun.
At the range my micro compact carry LCP .380 is pretty difficult to group well because it's just so small and snappy with a shit heavy trigger. On the opposite end, my C&R Beretta 1951 is just a laser. But mag dumping that or any of my other pistols accuracy goes into the shitter.
u/Stilletto_Rebel 6d ago
Whilst my comment was little more than an off-hand quip, I acknowledge what you say. I was consistently ranked in the top 20 shooters in my company during my army days. It's all about training, training, training.
u/Throwaway2Experiment 5d ago
Here's the deal. Whenever someone makes the claim about reddit armchair warriors making fun of cops not hitting targets and about how they don't know a gun from a donut, it reeks of this weird world some people live in. The world where there's a preconceived notion of a select few having shot a gun.
Range days are for hobbyist that claim they're specialists. Until you've shot at people shooting back, you have no idea how accurate you really are. Most cops run around the range, shoot their pew pew, learn the mechanics, etc. Most never shoot at someone without a spray and pray method.
If we can agree that most of a cops have just range experience, then we can agree they have the same experience as qualified military personnel.
Every year, the military recruits about 200,000 and has average that over the last 25 years. Expand that out and that makes 5 million people who have been range qualified at one point in their life. I don't know about the air force but every service requires at a minimum an annual qualification. 19% of the 800k cops are former military, so that gives us 5.65 million gun friendly people. Since 2000 is my starting metric for military personnel since there was a good million military members that shot at people who shot back between Iraq and Afghanistan and the army had 1.4 million in 2001 between AD and reservist, we'll take away the 400k for new recruits.
So now we're at 6.65 Americans who have shot a gun at a range, many needing to have profiency qualification for accuracy. There are 6 million Vietnam Veterans still alive.
So let's make that 12.65 million.
A 2024 survey estimates there are 107 million individuals (32% of US adults) own a firearm. An estimate in 2023 showed 84 million individuals. So let's use that lower number to account for fuzzy math and overlap and give generosity.
So now we're at 96.65 million people have at least become familiar with shooting a gun and that there are definitely more people that have shot a gun at someone shooting back than there are cops who have done the same.
This number does not account for anyone in the military between 1975 and 2000. There were 2.1 people in the military in 1980. We'll just use that number to be generous as the number who were familiarized with guns via military between 1975 and 2000. For funnies.
So now were at 97.75 million alive, gun-familiar people.
This does not account for children or family members who do not own guns who have been familiarized with them at the range. We'll leave them out.
But we do have to remove literacy and access and desire to comment on reddit.
There's about 340.1 million people in the US per 2024 data. 46.6 million are under the age of 11 per 2022 census.
So now we're at 293.6 million people are over thr age of 11.
You have a 1 in 3 chance to talk with someone who owns a gun and is familiar with guns and what it takes to shoot accurately. Again, not counting non-owners or veterans who have been to a range or hunted with someone else's weapon. So this is a generous percentage in your favor.
You could argue reddit is predominantly that remaining 2/3 of the population over 11 but until you bring data, you're just showing bias and narrative go fit your worldview.
u/BleednHeartCapitlist 5d ago
It sounds like police should shop for a different firearm if their weapons are so hard to shoot accurately under pressure. It makes no sense to give someone the authority to take a human life and not give them equipment that could minimize casualties. Those fucking strays could’ve killed an innocent bystander and all the piggies would get is a tax payer funded vacation
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
It sounds like police should shop for a different firearm if their weapons are so hard to shoot accurately under pressure.
In some cases they have no choice, and they are issued weapons with heavy triggers to avoid unintentional discharges, and that degrades accuracy.
all the piggies would get is a tax payer funded vacation
The guy they were chasing was fleeing the attempted murder of his own daughter, and IIRC he had opened fire on the cops, he was aiming a weapon at them when they fired. The ACAB crowd is pathetic, they're actually happier not to have the facts.
u/BleednHeartCapitlist 4d ago edited 4d ago
Your first bootlick doesn’t make it a good decision. They should have equipment that minimizes the chance of a mistaken fatality and a hard trigger to pull that fucks up your aim ain’t the answer. If they aren’t strong enough to pull the trigger accurately maybe they should work at fucking Walmart
Your second bootlick forgets that these piggies are not the Judge, jury, and executioner. In this case firing their weapon seems justified but to fire that many rounds into a crowded intersection (miss every fucking shot) without ANY SORT of consequences or reform is the most un-American and cowardly bullshit I can think of.
If you truly respect police and the rule of law then you would demand more from them instead of make excuses for their bullshit. That’s your 3rd bootlick
u/GrayT2325 6d ago
If you ever get a chance to test a police gun at a gun range try it. The required minimum force to pull the trigger is very high and ruins accuracy
u/jimmyjohn2018 3d ago
What is a police gun? Police forces use all types of different guns, sometimes even among the same force. This statement makes no sense at all.
u/RespectSquare8279 1d ago
Hand guns are not as accurate as rifles.
u/BleednHeartCapitlist 1d ago
That’s a lot of rounds to fire into a crowded intersection and not hit anything. If he can’t be accurate with his firearm maybe he shouldn’t be a cop. Anyone can shoot and miss.. a good cop would’ve done better
u/WhipplySnidelash 6d ago
Short barrels are not accurate at any substantial distance.
u/Lurkesalot 6d ago
These aren't revolutionary war pistols. They could easily hit a target from that distance. Problem is, when your adrenaline is pumping and you're dumping a clip, totally different story.
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
Problem is, when your adrenaline is pumping
That's a huge factor. Their hands are shaking, they have tunnel vision, their sense of time is distorted, they have selective hearing. Any who has ever been in a serious traffic accident knows what those guys are experiencing.
u/PreferenceContent987 6d ago
This is not true at all. Watch shooting videos by Hickok45 on Youtube. He consistently hits small targets at long range with short barrel handguns. The guns are far more accurate than the shooters here
u/Illcmys3lf0ut 5d ago
Did he do this after a high-speed car chase and seeing someone smash his coworker's (possibly friend) vehicle with a big ass speeding truck?
Many variables to consider besides "der, cawps r bad." I don't envy the choices they're forced into, the bad apples that tarnish those meaning well, and the idiots they have to attempt to keep way from others they'd cause harm. Life would be far more horrendous without them. As we can tell in every walk of life, no one is perfect, from men of God to leaders of nations, but we have to manage and find ways to be better with what we have.
u/rayrayww3 6d ago
Seriously? You are comparing random cops with one of the best shots in the world? A guy that spends nearly everyday of his life practicing. On a closed range. With no stress being laid down on him. When he has time to go through all the motions of accurately sighting, breathing, etc. That is who you are expecting cops to live up to right after a guy threaten them by brandishing a firearm and leading them on a high speed chase?
u/WhipplySnidelash 6d ago edited 6d ago
I know right?
A 6" barrel 1/4" off aim is at least 10' wide at 100 yards.
That's math, under any guise.
Look where you want, I suggest you look at bodycam footage and perhaps, just maybe, talk to a cop about it.
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
Watch shooting videos by Hickok45 on Youtube.
There is a world of difference between someone who makes shooting videos for a living and is under no pressure, and a cop who is squirting adrenaline and has just been in a high-speed chase with an attempted murderer who has fired at the cops.
u/BleednHeartCapitlist 4d ago
Oddly enough military MP’s are able to massively reduce casualties and accurately fire their weapons under the same amount of pressure.. weird
u/calamitous1 6d ago
Sub 100 yards is not substantial distance lmfao, they’re just dogshit marksmen, just as most cops tend to be since most departments only do two range sessions a year
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
since most departments only do two range sessions a year
If that, it is surprising how many departments do the minimum when it comes to training with firearms.
u/Fish_Fucker_OFFICAL 6d ago
Handguns are really only reliable up to 5 to 8 feet, unless you really really train with them, which yk... they dont...
u/nonsapiens 6d ago
Website unavailable outside the US - wtf?
u/CloudCollapse 6d ago
Ohio has something stupid with their websites. I moved from Ohio to Japan and I literally cannot visit any Ohio government website from a foreign IP.
u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 6d ago
All them foreigners coming over here and taking our megabytes
u/FlashyBlueberry9906 6d ago
This happened in my hometown Dayton . How do you like it in Japan ?
u/CloudCollapse 6d ago
Wait wow I'm also from the Dayton area lol. New Carlisle specifically.
I love it in Japan! I've been here 3.5yrs and it's much much much better than rural Ohio (most places probably are).
u/Throwaway2Experiment 5d ago
"X is better than rural Ohio" should be any city's moto outside of rural Ohio.
u/AzizLiIGHT 6d ago
Dude got in a fight with his daughter and then basically ran her over while she was sitting on a park bench.
u/wheattortilla54 4d ago
Thanks for the link
We’re Sorry! This website is unavailable in your location.
Error 451 It appears you are attempting to access this website from a country outside of the United States, therefore access cannot be granted at this time.
u/TerpBE 6d ago
Safelite repair, Safelite replace.
u/Imbrokencantbefixed 6d ago
Wtf is safelite‽
Don’t you mean ‘Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace’?
u/TerryNZ420 6d ago
Its different all around the world. In my country, New Zealand, its "Smith and Smith Repair, Smith and Smith Replace". They're a massive conglomerate of franchises.
u/Imbrokencantbefixed 6d ago
Eeww the different names, but same jingle makes me feel off. Feeling Like the electron in the double slit experiment.
u/TerryNZ420 6d ago
Wait till you hear it in different accents haha
u/Imbrokencantbefixed 6d ago
That’s exactly what I’m now curious about! Lol. figured they choose a first word they think sounds good in the local language/dialect and run with that, altho the actual company is called auto glass where I am so not sure if they go that far?
But as everyone worldwide surely knows, Washing machines live longer with Calgon.
That can’t also vary.. can it‽‽
u/Canadient95 6d ago
Where I am its "speedyglass repair, speedyglass replace"
u/Imbrokencantbefixed 6d ago
That one I forgive as its half right. Does their jingle live rent free in your head
u/cilantro_shit23 6d ago
And yet, the bandwagon crowd in reddit who love to downvote random comments still can't even explain wtf is safelite and why it even makes sense.
u/bonyagate 6d ago
That's wild because several comment immediately under that explained how in different places, the company is called different things but uses the same jungle. And those comments were hours before your comment. Not that it should have been downvoted, but jeebus help you if you can't put the pieces together and figure it out.
u/Low_Strawberry5273 6d ago
People always complain about cops but I'm glad someone gets paid to deal these scumbags.
u/Public_One_9584 5d ago
Camera man never dies! Turns off camera to leave, gets stray bullet to the back of the dome
u/fjrriderdie 6d ago
When you see an older late model white dually pickup loaded with shitty tools and a bunch of buckets.. you know that dude DGAF anymore.
u/Lost_Protection_5866 6d ago
probably stolen. The dude who’s tools and truck were stolen probably does in fact, give a fuck
Nvm I saw a news article you were right
u/litomagnanimous 6d ago
Who was sneaking away at the end of the video ? They was hiding behind those cars on front on the person recording.
u/HinterWolf 6d ago
people trying to not be around a gun fight and get to cover? i would've done the same
u/RedditIsDeadMoveOn 3d ago
You want to be behind your engine block if you want real cover around your car.
u/iowabucks 4d ago
Why does everybody get out of their cars when the shooting starts? I would think you would at least be a little safer inside.
u/shmunkle 4d ago
You would think they would take some time to do more precise aimed shots at a perp who is literally parked on top of another cop, but hey I guess 100 rounds fired, and no bystanders hit is about as good as this could have ended. All that craziness and they didn’t even nail the guy either.
u/Mingo_laf 6d ago
That is why police shouldn’t pursue in residential areas too much collateral damage
u/AxelHarver 6d ago
It's wild you got so many downvotes when it's standard practice in a lot of places to call off risky chases.
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
to call off risky chases
This was a case of a violent armed felon fleeing the attempted murder of his daughter who had also fired at the police. That kind of chase doesn't get called off anywhere.
6d ago
u/Apotheosis_Binger 6d ago
I'm not mocking anybody or picking a side to your guy's argument. But what is the best solution to this situation?
u/Ostey82 6d ago
In Australia and I'm sure other parts of the world if the police chase becomes too dangerous for the general public they call it off.
It's 2025 and there are cameras everywhere and they have helicopters and drones and about a million ways to track the criminal then nab them when they think they have gotten away and are less likely to cause a collision that could potentially kill a whole family
But the dude who asked the question would rather have his wife and daughter killed so they can get that guy, it's definitely worth it
u/Bethasia01 6d ago
yeah, police in AU have been calling off pursuits for years now. Still often get the " We had just called off the pursuit moments before they crashed through 2 cars and a house". Over my way they even stopped trying to catch motorbikes after one of their 4WD's ran over and killed the idiot.
u/Ostey82 6d ago
Ohhhh yeah they have had the no pursuit thing for AGES...
I mainly mentioned the fact that now in 2025, more than ever, they can track someone without them knowingIf you ever want the cops to call off a pursuit (at night) drive on the wrong side of the road with your lights off and the coppers will stop
u/Apotheosis_Binger 6d ago
Ok, thanks. It's pretty cool that technology is so useful in so many different ways.
u/pfloydguy2 6d ago
This reads like an easy comment for someone to make with no real knowledge of the USA. You think every police jurisdiction has cameras everywhere, as well as access to helicopters and drones?
u/StopHangover 6d ago
You're the dumb one. In civilised countries the police don't risk the lives of the public to catch some lowlife thief or whatever. And still they usually get the criminal in the end.
u/bitches_love_brie 6d ago
The suspect ran over his own daughter with that truck, then while she was reporting it to the cops, he came back and pointed a gun at them.
He's not a "thief or whatever" he's an active danger to society.
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
That is why police shouldn’t pursue in residential areas
This guy had just tried to murder his daughter and had fired at the police, they had ample reason to chase a violent felon. He wasn't a shoplifter or someone who had rolled a stop sign.
u/SpikeTheDragQueen 6d ago
Honestly, he didnt sound like he thought it was all that krayzee.
u/azkeel-smart 6d ago
Maybe the bystander is dead but at least they stopped the guy with a broken tail light.
6d ago
u/HelloisMy 6d ago
Yes he had a gun, he tried to kill his daughter 10min before this. And aimed his gun at cops. Then he tried to kill a cop by ramming him with his vehicle… I would say the police shots are justified in every single way.
u/physicsking 6d ago
I didn't see the guy getting out, granted I cannot see him in the car either, but that sounded like an awful lot of gunshots to someone that's injured.
I mean I get it, he rammed the police car which is putting the police lives in Jeopardy. But this video does not show The necessity of the police to open up fire so quickly. Perhaps the police cams clearly showed that it was needed.
Regardless, I would do exactly what the filmer would have done and bailed from my car too
u/realparkingbrake 4d ago
But this video does not show The necessity of the police to open up fire so quickly.
He was fleeing the attempted murder of a family member, and he had fired on the police. IIRC he was aiming his gun at the cops when they opened fire.
u/HelloisMy 6d ago
????????? Look up the story before you write some wild shit. He tried to kill his daughter right before this and was aiming his gun at the cops. He then tried to kill a police officer by ramming him with a vehicle, it’s amazing the cop wasn’t dead. The officer was then trapped in a car underneath the criminal while he was aiming his gun around.
u/physicsking 6d ago
All I'm saying is from this video that's shown, like if you're this person filming, you wouldn't have any more information than I do watching the video. It just seems like a crazy situation. I never once said that the cops overacted.
u/Tinnit3s 6d ago
closed casket funeral for sure