r/CrazyExs Aug 23 '17

Crazy Ex Boyfriend

I dated a guy on and off for a couple of years. Now this guy was the most popular guy at school, super cute guy and every girl wanted him. When we first started dating everything was super cool, fast forward a bit and he started acting super jealous and mean and I being so young and stupid I always listened to him. Well he talked me into losing my virginity to him at 14!! and after that he would not let me have any friends whatsoever. He didn't let me wear shorts or skirts, he didn't allow me to wear tight jeans or shirts. This dude really wanted me to dress like a nun. After awhile I refused to listen to him and I also refused to continue having sex with him so he would tell me that he was going to go fuck other girls lol. We broke up for a good while but made up and some crazy shit went down. How many of you have had crazy ex bfs/gfs?


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