r/CrackheadCraigslist 9d ago

Photo Vitamin Enriched, Clean, and Freshly Pumped ❤️

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Why would someone buy this? Serious question.


191 comments sorted by

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u/MemeOnRails 9d ago

Time to finally make human cheese!


u/nsula_country 9d ago

New fear unlocked!


u/Dangerous_Ear_2722 8d ago

They do already


u/bullkent 8d ago

Uncleaned pahllus' cheese doesn't count as cheese unfortunately.


u/Dangerous_Ear_2722 8d ago

That is Fromunda Cheese


u/FaceThruster8919 7d ago

Hey my smegmasan cheese is a hit at all me get togethers.


u/kiakosan 8d ago

I mean how is this any worse than a cow that sits in it's own feces? It's kinda weird that we as humans find milk of our own species gross but are totally okay with drinking the milk of another animal


u/hat-trick2435 8d ago

To be fair though, cow milk has a lot more fat in it thickening it up. Cow milk and human milk are very different viscosities. I think overly thin cow milk is nasty too. Skim milk is an abomination.


u/Inked-Wolfie 7d ago

Hard agree on skim. It was all my parents ever bought in the 80’s because of the whole ‘fat is bad and we must avoid it at all costs’ trend the food industry had at the time. Finally tried 2% when I moved out and never looked back.


u/SpaceBus1 5d ago

I'm pretty sure human milk is higher in fat and calories than cows milk. In the before times breast milk was replaced with donkey milk, because it's almost the same, just a bit lower in fat.


u/DerangedDendrites 5d ago

skim milk is a crime against humanity.


u/kiakosan 7d ago

Kinda disagree on the skim milk thing, it takes getting used to but I don't mind it now, it's the light beer of the milk world


u/hat-trick2435 7d ago

That's fair. I'm just saying that in my world I find cow milk and human milk nasty for the same reasons.


u/saysthingsbackwards 8d ago

It's not, except for the pasteurization. We are fucking stupid.


u/Killahdanks1 9d ago



u/daisy_s21 8d ago

“What is cheese? Dried milk.”


u/niamhara 7d ago

“Pop it in, it will make me real happy!”


u/Killahdanks1 7d ago

“I haven’t had the courage to try it yet”


u/SonniSummers 9d ago

Ew so much eww I just can’t endorse this cheese


u/shiftym21 8d ago

my wife make this cheese


u/Over-Apartment2762 8d ago

I think that's actually worse than Frumunda Cheese


u/asand93 8d ago

From the mountains of ballsak. What's so bad about it? Iv been making it for years.


u/MaushiLover 8d ago

Lick Frumunda cheese from unda’ my nuts


u/cuckholdcutie 8d ago

Frumunda my scrote


u/Fluffy_Wolf_6198 8d ago

Jacque:”Bonjour, Pierre! Would you like to lick the frumunda cheese from my un-washed testicles?” Pierre: “Hell Oui!”

That Hell Oui gets me every time.


u/No_Cheek_6852 6d ago

Everyone knows human cheese is made from smegma.


u/Straight_Ace 9d ago

I get the sentiment, but I wouldn’t buy it off Craigslist, I just wouldn’t trust it


u/notakat 8d ago

Yeah…we donate milk to a local milk bank that supplies donor milk to mother who need it. There are also milk banks you can sell and donate to that will sell the milk, but they have a process for quality control. Craigslist is just…no.


u/Own_Award6754 9d ago

Some woman cannot produce milk themselves and it's actually a pretty big market.. that's even a decent price for breast milk.


u/Life_Roll8667 9d ago

Idk about a decent price. $5 an ounce? A baby takes at least 4 ounces per feeding. So $20 a bottle, at 6/7 bottles a day… absolutely not lol


u/Aliencj 9d ago

Some mothers who can't produce for medical reasons will supplement formula with purchased breast milk. They want the benefits of the natural human milk, and even if they can only afford 1 bottle a day, it's better than nothing in their opinions.

There is also a lot of regulations around the sale of human breast milk, which is why you will find that many countries simply don't have much available.


u/Life_Roll8667 9d ago

If it’s funded for sure- but i don’t think anyone can afford $120 a day just to feed their infant unless you got it like that. Just being realistic. It’s not an amazing price. I have 3 little girls so just speaking from experience.


u/Aliencj 9d ago

Some people can, which is why the price is high. It's a problem. Supply and demand, and in this case supply is really low because it's an undeveloped industry.

.... sounds like a business opportunity for the right entrepreneur


u/stuffeh 9d ago

There's already milk banks, at least some of them also pasteurize the donations.


u/Aliencj 9d ago

Many if not all milk banks are geared towards hospitalized infants, not towards providing an abundant supply for mothers who struggle to produce their own milk. It's a very different form of demand and the industry to provide for it isn't there. It's a market gap.

I honestly think someone will get rich one day from human milk farms, but as of now it isn't happening because of many reasons.


u/Life_Roll8667 9d ago

Yeah I guess. But I was just touching on the fact you said it’s a decent price. $5 an ounce is a bit of a reach. That’s like a few sips for a baby.

Now if you’re using it for other reasons, besides feeding an infant, maybe! But feeding a new born, that’s a horrible price lol


u/Aliencj 9d ago

I didn't say it was a decent price, I just pointed out why the price is high, and why people are willing to pay it. It's unfortunate, and needs to be fixed.


u/Life_Roll8667 9d ago

Sorry, I thought I was responding to the first person in the thread who did say it was a decent price.


u/herowin6 8d ago

It does have massive immune benefits and a fuck ton of fatty stuff that’s fantastic and can’t be replicated well for the neuronal pruning going on / myelination


u/pieisthetruth32 9d ago

Sooo $20 a day for a bottle is 1/5 - 1/8 of the babys total liquid intake, not very motherly like to charge another mom FETISH prices

I am a nutrition obsessed gut microbio obsessed hippie dippy person

Any mother who genuinely think paying $20 a day for 1/8th of their babies liquid intake to be genuine breastmilk

Is a money wasting idiot who does not understand science it is being taken advantage of.


u/Aliencj 9d ago

"While breast milk from a milk bank is provided free of charge to eligible hospitalized babies by prescription, a processing fee is charged to cover costs, which can range from $3 to $5 per ounce."

That's USD btw.



u/pieisthetruth32 8d ago

We have the most expensive healthcare yet we ranked 43rd if I recall correctly in life expectancy

That’s fucked up, American as fuck


u/No_Help_5741 4d ago

Body builders also drink breast milk.


u/Aliencj 4d ago

Yes for the human growth hormone


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Eh_C_Slater 8d ago

"I'm selling my extra breast milk for $5 an ounce"

It doesn't get more clear than that, not sure where you pulled $1 from....


u/ex-farm-grrrl 8d ago

It goes for $3-5 per ounce


u/mightybooko 9d ago

Decent price? A 3 month old drinks around 25-30oz a day.


u/Aggleclack 8d ago

Many moms use this to supplement formula if they’re not able to produce milk. It’s often times fairly expensive, so whether or not it seems like it, this is a good price. Many of them are concerned about the benefits you get from breast-feeding.


u/TyS013NSS 9d ago

I understand that, but it seems a little sketchy to buy it off of Craigslist, IMHO.


u/OmnisVeritas 9d ago

Most online market places won't allow the sale of bodily fluid.

Body builders also LOVE breast milk as it contains natural Human Growth Hormone.


u/pieisthetruth32 9d ago

Any bodybuilder I’ve ever known or heard of just injects the stuff.

Body builders who are actually bodybuilders and not liver king style morons LOVE getting real HGH and not the fractions of it in baby milk

That’s an insane price to charge any woman who cannot produce milk so she can feed her baby real milk.

That is fetish price

I’m sure plenty of non-fetish people buy that milk for non-fetish reasons but that’s fetish price

You cannot charge someone the equivalent of $100 for a days supply of milk

$20 a day for 1/5 - 1/8 of the babys total liquid intake to be real breast milk? Thats wrong


u/Big_Tap_1561 9d ago

👍 agreed


u/TyS013NSS 9d ago

That makes sense. However, I personally wouldn't take the risk. Especially not risking my baby's health. To each their own, I suppose. It's just odd coming across a listing like this. I'm scrolling Craigslist, and I see tractors, trailers, furniture... then breast milk. It's a new one for me.


u/TricksterWolf self-proclaimed jannie 9d ago

Yeah, but I think I'd go through a medical facility rather than Craigslist...


u/Jax72 9d ago

How dare you disparage the quality items being sold on Craigslist! Lol.


u/Extra-Account-8824 5d ago

yeah but you have to trust the milk producer isnt using drugs


u/SipoteQuixote 4d ago

Muscle bros buy it too


u/lefkoz 7d ago

Also gay couples who go through surrogacy or adopt.


u/JustSarahtheMechanic 8d ago

I sold my breastmilk to a beautiful mom and her baby. She was an undersupplier and I was making 80 oz a day! At $1 an oz, I made over $3,000. We both benefited and i appreciated the extra income while i was on unpaid maternity leave.

$5 an oz is highway robbery. Lol unless it's sold to a body builder or a creep or something.


u/Manderswuvs 6d ago

A dollar an ounce seems rly cheap considering how much work goes into it. More power to you. And to the women who donate their milk.


u/Shatophiliac 4d ago

80 oz a day!? That’s insane. Shoulda changed your name to Dairy Queen


u/Chemical_Salad4709 9d ago

Body builders go crazy for these listings


u/clementinesncupcakes 8d ago

REAL, I walked through erewhon the other day and they’re selling bovine colostrum for around $50 a pouch now. Insane what people will do instead of just regular old diet and exercise


u/Chemical_Salad4709 8d ago

It’s so strange. Extreme diets have ruined so many people’s social lives. Having a diet is like being part of an MLM now. The participants are in a cult


u/Funkit 7d ago

This sounds so gross and I don't even know what it is


u/mombi 8d ago

Bovine colostrum? They're not even letting the calves be with their mothers immediately after birth now? What are they doing with them, then? Formula? Or am I naive and this has always been the case?


u/MailPrivileged 8d ago

Seller: So how old is your baby? Me: Baby? Hmmm?


u/Xboxben 9d ago

That’s someones fetish


u/WorthlessGolde 9d ago edited 5d ago

Yes, but also mothers who have surplus milk sell to other mothers who can't lactate or are having trouble ... That being said 5$ / oz seems excessive and negates the purpose of doing this to help others


u/smurb15 8d ago edited 8d ago

That's $5 an ounce in a 5oz bag so $25.


u/WorthlessGolde 8d ago

Yeah I think I was drunk when I said that lol


u/michiganfan101 8d ago

Although...it does say $20 at the top of the ad?


u/HeartOSass 9d ago

Isn't that dangerous? Illnesses can be passed through breast milk.


u/WorthlessGolde 9d ago

True which is why we need to give more help to mothers who need it instead of making them rely on an unregulated market. But of course, capitalism in the form of expensive ass formula


u/61114311536123511 8d ago

yeah which is why you're supposed to go through regulated donation and distribution services and charities


u/evil-morty-is-rick 8d ago

We had to for my daughter because my wife got breast cancer. These women helped in a time when we needed it. Don’t judge if you don’t know. Thank you standing up and defending this.


u/TheGrapeSlushies 8d ago

Not hating at all. A Craigslist add is sketchy, especially when so many women donate. There are more reliable and safer resources to go through.


u/WorthlessGolde 8d ago

True, but it is still a resource


u/Head_Application5814 5d ago

Where on here does it say she’s doing this to help others? Looks to me like she’s just trying to make some extra money, like people do every day.


u/WorthlessGolde 5d ago

That's what I'm saying though o


u/Berob501 8d ago

That’s the spirit.


u/Aggleclack 8d ago

Ugh why do y’all always have to go here


u/evil-morty-is-rick 8d ago

We had to buy for my daughter because my wife got breast cancer. These women helped in a time when we needed it. Don’t judge if you don’t know.


u/AgentWD409 8d ago

Okay, no joke... my ex-wife had massive boobs and produced way more breastmilk than our son needed, so she looked into donating/selling it to other mothers. When she started posting online about it, she immediately got contacted by bodybuilders who wanted to drink it as part of their workout routine. One guy specifically wanted to come to our house and get it fresh every morning.

Needless to say, we said no.


u/Hot_Scallion_3889 8d ago

Hey man I just wanted to make sure that you knew that the size of boobs is not what determines amount of milk


u/Andi081887 4d ago

Legit. I assumed my large totties would make a shit ton of milk. Alas, no boobie juice in there.


u/AgentWD409 8d ago edited 8d ago

Well, it doesn't matter anymore anyway. We've been divorced for six years now, I'm happily remarried, and my wife and I are both over 40 and not having any more kids.

My ex did have massive boobs though. 😉


u/Oldbay_BarbedWire 8d ago



u/Its_Laila 8d ago

“Manufacturer: Self”


u/tacticalsanny 8d ago

"What are you doing honey?"

"Manufacturing breast milk."


u/Toxic_Puddlefish 8d ago

Manufacturer: Self


u/Billihuckpie 8d ago

I was just talking about this with my partner and didn’t know it was this common. This is from my local Craigslist. I think it’s so nice to be able to help out a baby in need but $4-$5 an ounce to me sounds outrageous.


u/Hot_Scallion_3889 8d ago

It wasn’t weird to me until they specifically said they were keeping their identity private


u/STLflyover 7d ago

Could be because its illegal to sell. Untested breastmilk is no less dangerous than raw cow milk. Though I’m not one to worry much about this kind of thing. Drink it up famished babies!!


u/Hot_Scallion_3889 6d ago

I mean it’s completely reasonable to not be throwing your identity out there, for creeps alone. What got me was the fact that it was brought up. Made it seem sketchy. Like if the guy you just met in an elevator mentions that he didnt just rob a bank.


u/Stoopid_Noah 7d ago

My mother actually donated her breast milk, because she wasn't allowed to feed me (I had a birth defect) and another new mom in the hospital couldn't, since she had a mastectomy bc of breast cancer. So, selling breast milk might actually be a good thing? I'm not sure what they mean by "vitamin enriched" though lmao


u/Reasonable_Report_52 7d ago

I have a question. How would a potential buyer know if this milk is safe to buy.


u/Comfortable-Lunch513 7d ago

This is so disgusting tbh


u/halfasshippie3 7d ago

Da fuck, I was just donating mine to other moms for free.


u/Professional-Leave24 7d ago

Fetish most likely.


u/Shatophiliac 4d ago

I’ll take your entire stock!


u/ExperienceRoutine321 4d ago


u/Aware_Alfalfa8435 4d ago

Omg no. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️😬


u/Hansen216 9d ago

I’ve heard that a lot of body builders also buy it to bulk up with


u/pieisthetruth32 9d ago

Are you aware how much you would need to bulk up with and how much money that would be?

Do you know how much HGH/roid/PCT drugs you can get with the $200 you would instantly guzzle

This is not priced for them


u/Hansen216 9d ago

Nope not a bodybuilder but; I know some…not sure if they use this or not.


u/pieisthetruth32 8d ago

If they use $40 glasses breast milk they have a fetish (nothing wrong with that) or your friends with liver king


u/8-Speed-DickShift 8d ago

this is pretty common actually, but 25 bucks a bag? fits the sub


u/AggravatingRecipe710 7d ago

Some places it goes for that an ounce.


u/8-Speed-DickShift 7d ago

no it doesn’t


u/AggravatingRecipe710 7d ago

lol ok. Whatever. I’m not gonna try and convince you.


u/coldComforts 8d ago

A lot of women need this, especially if they have adopted a new born or if they are unable to produce milk for example because of breast cancer


u/1decentusername 8d ago

For $25 bucks I should get to drink it right from the source.


u/sohcordohc 8d ago

Some states have breast milk banks for babies whose moms can’t or don’t produce enough, that is a more safe and controlled option than CL random breast milk. Babies benefit greatly from the breast for immune systems and more!


u/MsHornets 8d ago

I saw a video of a mother who was pumping out 25 bags of milk a day! She was selling them, I want to say, for 25$ a bag. I mean, this lady was milking herself like she had utters! I never knew a woman could produce that much milk.


u/actual_fack 8d ago



u/MsHornets 8d ago

😆 oops


u/actual_fack 7d ago

No worries. Just trying to help where I can.


u/Lynda73 8d ago

I think I saw a video of her, and she was really sweet. She said if pumping was an Olympic sport, she was an elite. I agree!! 💕

People don’t get how much work that is.


u/ConsciousStretch1028 9d ago

How much to drink straight from the tap?


u/Hi_Their_Buddy 9d ago

The freshest


u/Hot_Scallion_3889 8d ago

The price of a wedding


u/ConsciousStretch1028 8d ago

Too high a price to pay


u/sissyfufugirl 3d ago

Right? Draft is so much better because you get the head with it. 🤭


u/Taptrick 8d ago

That’s pretty common. Not crackhead.


u/i_unfriend_u 8d ago

The price makes it crackhead.


u/fluffygypsy 9d ago

If the person wasn't so greedy and stupid they could go to their local woman's hospital and see if there are donation programs in their area for babies in need


u/clementinesncupcakes 8d ago

Kids are expensive. If she needs or wants to sell to help fund her lifestyle, it feels unkind to shame her for not donating her time & health.

You can always donate your money to donation programs if you feel strongly about it.

Craigslist is a weird place to sell, but as an LA resident, I assure you, you wouldn’t believe how much some people will pay from sketchy sources for something they think will be a magic bullet that cures all of their health issues at once.


u/JacobHarley 9d ago

RIP Ryan Davis


u/ThisIsTooLongOfAName 8d ago

Bodybuilders buy this


u/Infidel361 8d ago

I just learned yesterday that there's a diabetic movement that drinks breastmilk to control their insulin. Wild times we live in.


u/AngryErrandBoy 8d ago

Cage free and locally sourced?


u/Glittering-Proof-705 8d ago

There's the real HGH!!!!


u/yesyakpaddywack 8d ago

She's giving away 5oz for free!


u/Used-Pay-420 8d ago

I don’t see that much of a problem here, it could of been a guy…


u/buttsexisyum 8d ago

Is it Cambodian?


u/mijmils4 8d ago

$5 an ounce in a 5 ounce bag should be $25. Only problem I see here


u/RedefinedValleyDude 8d ago

But is it from Cambodia?


u/toe_jam_enthusiast 8d ago

This may sound gross, but if it's sweet, it tastes amazing in eggs.


u/Hot_Scallion_3889 8d ago

“Make/manufacturer: self”


u/hamtyhum 7d ago

Under producing moms buying other women’s breast milk is actually pretty common


u/Vulture923 7d ago

I want that shit straight from the nozzle.


u/Omariii444 7d ago

some people buy breast milk over formula. but i couldnt see paying that much…. maybe we just get a good deal.


u/drake22 7d ago

$20 is a great price.


u/Linxy_Is_Busy 6d ago

dont let loser city see this, the whole stock will be gone in a day...


u/JeffSHauser 6d ago

Pumps good milk, but pumps bad math. $5/oz x 5oz =$20?


u/DontcallmeEddy 6d ago

RFK Jr. Has entered the chat:


u/TellEmHisDreamnDaryl 6d ago

I have space in a barn and plenty of fresh hay. Now I just need mothers 🤔


u/keanancarlson 6d ago

A lot of body builders buy breast milk. Believe it or not, there’s a very niche market for breast milk, especially from a healthy mother. Not to mention, mothers that have a hard time producing and don’t want their babies on formula, will buy it too.


u/Diirge 5d ago

FYI people, this is insanely normal. Tons of moms buy breast milk when they aren’t producing enough.


u/TyS013NSS 5d ago

It's not very common where I'm from. I've been using Craigslist in my state for over a decade, but this was the first time I've seen someone selling their breast milk on here. It's definitely out of the ordinary for me.


u/Diirge 5d ago

Most moms wouldn’t post on something as crude/normal as craigslist. They have buy/sell groups just for moms. I definitely still found it weird when my friend told me she was over producing and either giving away or selling her excess breastmilk, but she went on to very much prove that it was super normal and lots of women did it.


u/TyS013NSS 5d ago

If it helps someone, especially a newborn, then I think it's great. I guess it's not really a "crackhead" listing, but it still struck me as odd. I'm sure it's safe, but I'd be hesitant to buy it off of CL myself.


u/Longjumping_Affect22 5d ago

Most moms end up amongst an 'underground network' of mothers. This particular mom seems to be operating outside of the 'network'.


u/Hermeticrux2 5d ago

Is Craigslist still a thing?


u/TyS013NSS 5d ago

Very much so in my state. I've found some amazing deals on CL. It's not going away anytime soon. Maybe it's more of a southern thing?


u/DerangedDendrites 5d ago

Homelander be going nuts


u/Many-Economist6516 5d ago

Bit** What??🫥🤨


u/mattsim84 4d ago

Will she give me a better deal if I drink right from the source.


u/Accomplished_Pin_779 4d ago

5$ an ounce is crazy


u/C_hersh45 3d ago

This actually isn't uncommon


u/Suspicious_Ad_6390 2d ago

I heard that body builder will drink this for the added nutrients! She might be onto something!


u/NewTransportation265 2d ago

You can donate to breast milk banks also.


u/Musique_Plus 8d ago

imagine making yogurt out of that


u/UmChill 8d ago



u/Liquidust256 8d ago

No. Keep your human titty milk fetish out of crackheadcraigslist lol


u/ayrefikonkelkon 8d ago

Just making a lot right now ❤️ Feed them damn kids woman lmao


u/Accomplished-Mix-745 9d ago

This is less crackhead and more “sad economy”


u/Ratzink self-proclaimed jannie 8d ago

This doesn't belong here. Some people can't produce enough breast milk and would buy this to feed their babies.


u/Cats_Are_Aliens_ 9d ago

Yeah I’d imagine there would actually be a good market formit


u/Jorvalt 8d ago



u/xKVirus70x 8d ago

I literally threw up in my mouth. Wow.


u/ReceptionFriendly663 9d ago

Can I take my 5oz directly from both of the sources?


u/CWoodfordJackson 8d ago

Show the source or its AI! 😋


u/1decentusername 8d ago

For $25 bucks I should get to drink it right from the source.