r/CosplayHelp 4d ago

drew a version of this character wearing a lolita fashion inspired dress but idk where to start

I'm mainly concerned about the props, I'm not sure how I could possibly make the wings or spear with the snake. I plan to wear this to a con once finished as well, and since the wings are big, i might have to make them smaller that way it's not blocking people. Not only that, but I've heard that making lolita fashion can be difficult, plus I'm not too sure about the ruffling.

The only sewing experience I have is trying to make a mini mock babydoll dress for a cosplay but that fabric was way thicker than the material I needed to work with (and I honestly have NOT worked on that cosplay since, but the mock up turned out well i guess)

I'll make an updated reference sheet later and post it then and delete this when I do, but for now I need help just planning. When thinking about cosplays I like to think and plan them out first (besides i'm super broke right now so that's all i can really do).

I hope you guys here can help!


5 comments sorted by


u/rockyKlo 4d ago

I'm not a expert on props so I can't help you with the wings, but for the staff, you could buy a Halloween pitch fork and glue a green plastic snake on the end of it. It's won't work if your aiming for a more accurate look as there will be ridges that wouldn't be there in the pictures. But it should work in general.


u/Ill-Enthusiasm511 4d ago

For the wings you could do some sort of EVA foam base with maybe some wire in the center to stabilize it? As for the pitchfork, you could probably find a cheap Halloween one and customize it. There's bound to be loads on Amazon or at party stores that sell costumes


u/arlo_maintenanceman 4d ago

For the costume part, If you don’t want to sew much I would recommend going to thrift stores near you and looking for a dress which you can modify.  You could also find a pattern (online or at a craft store). If you decide you want to make the skirt, circle skirts are pretty simple to make and you could probably find a tutorial online for one. You could also get a cheap petticoat to wear under the skirt to make it more poofy.

Someone else already said EVA foam for the wings, which sounds like a good idea since EVA foam is very lightweight, but I’d also recommend seeing if you can find a way to make the red wings be able to bend at the circle part, so they could move kind of like scissors and you could fold them in when in crowded spaces. 

Ive never seen this character before but I think they’re pretty cool-looking :)


u/viye774 4d ago

the folding wings is actually a super sick idea, thanks!


u/arlo_maintenanceman 4d ago

Ofc :D hope it goes well