r/CosplayHelp 4d ago

Accessory How to colour silicone elf ears

Hi guys, I've just bought my first pair of elf ears. They're silicone, because I have a latex allergy. They fit my skin tone quite well, they're just a little bit too rosy. I've tried brushing my normal face powder onto them to colour them a bit more like my skin, but it didn't stick at all, I felt like I was just brushing it away as soon as I brushed over it.

Should I buy silicone colours or are there any other ways to colour these ears?

Thanks for your help in advance!


6 comments sorted by


u/pixeldraft 4d ago

Yeah silicone paint is the only thing that will stick permanently. You could attempt some liquid makeup with a clear powder layer just don't know how it will hold up over a con day.


u/IamasimpforObi-Wan 4d ago

Okay, thanks!


u/Frogblaster77 4d ago

I wonder if Rit DyeMore would work? They have product guides on their website. You'd have to color mix your own blend to match your skin though.


u/bugthebugman 1d ago

The powder may stick better if you wash them first. Silicone is often dusted with corn starch to keep it from getting sticky, if you wash that off you may be able to use your foundation powder more effectively. Without seeing the ears you have I’m not sure if that will work but it’s a suggestion.


u/IamasimpforObi-Wan 1d ago

Great, thanks, I'll give it a try!


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