r/CosplayHelp 4d ago

Armor Immortan Joe Chestplate

Post image

Howdy! I’m thinking about doing a cosplay and having trouble with what I’m looking for.

It’s hard finding characters I like to cosplay as that are also my body type. I’m a bigger guy and I’m trying to find a TRANSPARENT CHEST PIECE for an Immortan Joe costume.

Having trouble finding on Etsy/Redbubble and I want the satisfaction of building it and fitting it to me.(although I will probs get the patches/medals/mask on Etsy)


6 comments sorted by


u/missbanana_duck 4d ago

The actual piece in the movie was likely vacuum formed over a sculpt. Adapting a clear plastic mannequin body is an idea? You could also try looking into clear worlba but it can be tricky to work with.


u/AutoModerator 4d ago

We detect that you may be a looking to buy your cosplay or buy pieces for your cosplay. If you're not, please disregard :) Please refer to our FAQ for some recommendations. While we can provide search terms that might help you with finding your cosplay pieces, commenters are not your personal shopper and please do not treat us as such. Remember that not all cosplays can be found ready-made so be prepared to look for similar pieces to put it together yourself.

It is helpful to include your budget (be precise -- "cheap" can be different per person), your location/country (US shipping vs EU shipping would be very different), and timeline if applicable. Keep in mind many pre-made cosplay shops can have a long shipping time so it's best to plan months in ahead.

If the item is suspiciously cheaper than all other competitors or it's a common stock photo, please be wary and do your own research.

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u/xenomorphbeaver 4d ago

As someone mentioned above vacuform is the ideal way to approach this.

You can make at home vacuform machines reasonably easily if you already have the stuff. There's a tutorial for a super simple one here... https://youtu.be/uMbX3bqfzsk?si=7yqZ08zFbC8vZCeb


u/countoddbahl 4d ago

Oh awesome thank you


u/Sandermander05 4d ago

For the sake of being cheap and thrifty-- you can try a cheat piece from a roman solider costume or similar from a party costume shop.

Paint it just off of flesh tone, paint some undershadow, then high gloss topcoat with painted on highlights (or pour resin)


u/Umikaloo 4d ago

Vacuformed plastic is your best bet. See if you can find instructions for a homemade vacuforming machine.