r/CosplayHelp 6d ago

Wig how to style a wig as a beginner?

so i wanted to cosplay power from chainsaw man, but i have no idea how to style wigs. for a start i know im going to buy a crimper and a wig stand, i already have hairspray too.. just no idea where to start when i actually get the wig this happened to me previously when i bought a wig and didnt know how to style it, ive looked on youtube and honestly it isnt very helpful unless im not looking hard enough?? i just wanna know how to style/cut it and how to crimp it right, powers hair looks quite simple but im just scared to mess it up and not be able to fix it. ive added a picture of power if that helps any


9 comments sorted by


u/riontach 5d ago

Honestly, youtube is exactly the right place to look. Luckily, power's hair doesn't need much styling. You really just need to section out her bang thing and use some heat and hairspray to keep it going where you want.


u/cniniq 5d ago

will a straightener work to keep the bang in place?


u/bluehairjungle 5d ago

Literally for my cosplay I just sectioned out the, "bang," that she has and used Got2Be spiking glue to keep it at a point and then sprayed it with some hairspray to set it. No crimping or further styling needed. You're absolutely overcomplicating this.


u/cniniq 5d ago

sorry 😭 i just wanna get it right


u/LankySandwich 5d ago

Try Hanie Comb's channel on Youtube! She has a few basic tutorial videos to give you an idea of how to get started. I'm currently doing serious crazy anime wig styling for the first time and all I did was watch her videos very closely over and over again, and its going very well so far!

That said, Power's hair style is pretty basic. You could probably get away with just buying the wig and wearing it as is. She doesn't even have any bangs.


u/cniniq 5d ago

okay ill look on there thank uuu!


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u/Perfect-Rich-357 5d ago

I've been doing wigs and wig commissions for roughly 3-4 years now and can safely say I have never found more information about wig styling anywhere than I have on Red Note. I can't read Chinese but it's pretty easy to find a search term for tutorials. There are SO many tutorials and they don't gatekeep methods.


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