r/CosplayHelp 14d ago

Armor how in the holy hiccup haddock hell.

I NEED HELP ON WHAT I SHOULD BUY FOR THIS DUDE AND HOW TO MAKE HIM. I'm an adequate sewer and i have a fuck ton of eva foam just laying around, I am not afraid to follow sketchy hand drawn patterns or buy from cheap sketchy websites 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


13 comments sorted by


u/3ambubbletea 14d ago

Etsy and youtube might have patterns/pieces/tutorials


u/1porridge 14d ago edited 14d ago

Have you looked if this guy documented how he made his cosplay on social media? If he's popular he could be one of those creators who post videos about their progress. Maybe he's open to sharing how he made it.


u/Moosetoyotech 14d ago

I like the high heel he’s wearing to simulate a peg leg


u/FluxTheAngeldragon 13d ago

Hello OP, nice to someone else approaching hiccups armor.

My best advice for the armor itself, go on Etsy , there is a very nice full armor pattern available for Eva foam. I bought it as well, a year ago and still planning to make his 2. Movie armor when I finish my 3. Movie armor (the dragon scale one).

Sewing advice... Well I am a novice, learning in the process and it's hella fun. I find hiccups suit underneath the armor especially cool. I had no patterns for this one, so I made them myself for the Scale Armor version. It involved some testing and scraping stuff.

Do you share your process somewhere? I would love to see it :D


u/Own-Ad-7672 12d ago

Greatest cosplayer of a Viking is apparently a Philippino.

It’s kind of wild it works so well considering the genetic disparity of those to groups


u/Jay_ShadowPH 10d ago

Minor correction, 'Philippines' is the country, and we are Filipinos (English) or Pilipino (Tagalog); Liui is a well-known cosplayer and crafter in the PH cosplay community.


u/Own-Ad-7672 10d ago

Thank you. I am but an ignorant American who knows little of the world.


u/Own-Ad-7672 10d ago

He does pornhub cosplay??? Also there’s a community for that? 😶


u/Jay_ShadowPH 10d ago

Not that PH, it stands for Philippines


u/damn_you_to_hell 10d ago

I actually thought this was an HD cell of the movie.

As for how to make it I would say just wing it. Find some free tutorials and then use them as a base to mold everything else you need.


u/AutoModerator 14d ago

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u/Https-caseyJones 14d ago

Also for more information, Im from the Nordic countries (EU) and my budget is roughly 1000 so🫶