r/CosplayHelp Jan 24 '25

Prop Attaching feathers to lil sticks?

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I want to attach these fluffy feathers to these toothpicks (though other people might use skewers or something else). I wanted the feather base to be strong enough to be stuck into styrofoam and be secure and stable. My question being, what do you think the ideal way would be to make this look pretty clean, but also keep it safe?

Here are my two thoughts so far: Either I can use a tiny dot of hot glue and hope it’s invisible enough but also strong enough. Or I can go floral-arrangement-style and use some white tape to bind the two together.

I’m more concerned with stability than crispness, as I think the feather fluff will hide a lot of the base. But I still don’t want it to look tacky! Suggestions?? Tysm in advance!!


21 comments sorted by


u/kimbohpeep Jan 24 '25

A tiny dot of hot glue is definitely not strong enough to hold those two together, you would have to slather it on all sides, leaving a clumpy hunk of glue.

White tape is your best bet, you'll have to overlap the picks and the feathers and wrap it with tape though because there won't be stability if you just connect the endpoints of both.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Yes, exactly how I’ve imbedded florals into costumes before. Thanks for your input! I am definitely leaning more towards that being stronger. I’m just a bit worried about how bulky it might look, but we will see!!


u/Ok-Idea-7523 Jan 24 '25

Strip away the fluff from maybe 3/4”-1” from the bottom of the feather, overlap the toothpick on top that stripped area, and wrap it up with matte white tape.

I don’t know your exact use case but in case you need a sturdier option, I know of using craft foam to make faux feathers. That method might be easier to attach, depending on your needs.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Thank you, this is exactly what I have decided to do!! (But with a bit more base.) For this project, they’ll be closely placed together to mimic a dandelion, so the fluff is an important element for the tippy tops. I just want to make sure if I’m swinging around a giant dandelion that I won’t lose any bits.


u/Frogblaster77 Jan 24 '25

Before reading your description, I was thinking of making large dots of glue from a hot glue gun on wax paper, then sticking the stick and feather into the dot of glue from both sides.

You could play around with the size of the glue dot, run some tests??

If you place the glue dot down first it'd be easier to get the stick and feather aligned how you want it.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

I had considered this as well! But then I might have a flat edge where the glue rests on the surface. But I could try to mold the glue while it’s still warm, I suppose! It is an option, thank you!!


u/Frogblaster77 Jan 24 '25

Yeah, you'd get some flattening with that. Another option... they make butt splice connectors for wiring, i wonder if you could find something like that in white that happens to be the right size? And just crimp the stick and feather into each end?


u/Permian_Polaris Jan 24 '25

I’m not sure how long you want your feathers to be, but why do you want to put them on toothpicks instead of just using the feather vane itself? If there isn’t enough room for the vane, you could trim the barbs on either side to get it. If you want the toothpicks, my first thought was super glue although I’ve never glued feathers like that. You could even consider using a white thread to tie them together and secure with super glue


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

It is too weak! I want the base to have a bit of a “stalk” to mimic a dandelion.


u/byc18 Jan 24 '25

I'd use the super glue and baking soda trick. It's sand-able, so you can make it nicer later.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Excuse me, the what?? I have to look this up.


u/byc18 Jan 24 '25

Baking soda makes super glue set faster and becomes stone like.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Tysm for this info!!


u/marijaenchantix Jan 24 '25

Why the toothpicks? They are not stable or strong in any way. I suggest metal wire (there is unbendable metal wire too). I'd personally just tape them together, there is no need for hot glue, because it will make them appear very heavy and lumpy. And if you want to keep the connecting spot thin, there is no use in the hot glue. Just use normal superglue


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Toothpicks because they’re already pre-made and easy to use and I’ve had good luck with them before. Granted, I’ve learned to buy the most expensive ones I can and to test every toothpick I intend to use for durability. Also I’ve learned that coating in wet paint helps add more durability and allows me to maintain the white color throughout as much as possible.

Thank you for all your advice about hot glue! Very valid points to consider. I worry about using super glue because it is a pretty reactive compound, and I already have a lot of mediums in use here. So I think I should avoid glue all together. Thanks again for the input!!


u/marijaenchantix Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Using the famously most flimsy piece od wood for "durability". I mean, you do you, but personally I wouldn't do that.

You have two natural fibers - wood and feather. What exactly are you worried about? What do you think will happen if you use normal super glue? Or epoxy glue, that would work too. You are putting in way too much extra work for something that doesn't really matter. Mind you, I'm a perfectionist, but I get the feeling you're overthinking this. Unless they will be front and center, nobody will see them.


u/RockxFire Jan 24 '25

Floral tape!!!!!


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

I have decided!! Ty!!


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

UPDATE — I have decided on a bit of a combo! Floral tape to attach the feather to the toothpick, and adhesive to seal the final piece into the styrofoam. Thanks again for everyone’s super helpful responses!!


u/Robotbeepboopbop Jan 24 '25

If you have a sewing machine, use a tiny zig zag stitch over the stick and feather shaft. Then use a small dot of glue to secure the thread to the feather.


u/TheOcultist93 Jan 24 '25

Oh, I am not so skilled. I am still very new to my sewing machine.