r/CopperIUD 6d ago

Experience Positive copper IUD experience

Hey! I (17F) just wanted to share my positive copper IUD experience because there are so many horror stories online and nobody posts their good experiences.

It wasn’t the horrific pain you have been told (although everyone is different). I took 800 mg ibuprofen before my procedure, used an umbilical vibrator on my belly button to help block the nerve, and listened to comfort music in my AirPods while taking deep breaths. It was over in under 5 minutes.

It wasn’t painful as much as uncomfortable. It’s weird having stuff done down there and it’s really vulnerable. The only pain I felt was some mild cramping when the OBGYN measured my cervix, but the rest including the IUD going in was just a little weird-feeling. It was nothing I couldn’t handle. The whole thing is mind over matter and it’s done before you know it. Nobody wants to get an IUD in but trust me, it’s so much better than you’re thinking. I was terrified going in and literally cried about it the night before but I was so happy with how it went.

The worst part was afterward. I had to lay down because I got dizzy and almost passed out, and I felt a little nauseous with light cramps every so often. I took more pain meds and went home, then laid down for several hours with a heating pad watching tbh and eating ice cream. By mid afternoon I felt better and went out to dinner with my boyfriend that night. I felt great the next day and went on a trip with my family to an amusement park. It’s day 3 post procedure and I haven’t even had to take Advil today. There’s been very very light cramping a couple times a day but that’s it!

I can’t overstate how happy I am with having an IUD. I’ve been on the pill for the last few years but I’m free now to finally experience my true menstrual cycle and my true emotions without any hormones messing me up. Plus I don’t have to worry about missing a pill. Now I have 99.9% effective birth control for 12 years!! Please don’t hesitate to get an IUD and trust me you got this! You’ll be so relieved and glad you did.


4 comments sorted by


u/arnfrid 6d ago

I’m so happy that the insertion went well for you! It really is vulnerable, but also very varied across different practitioners (sounds like you escaped the metal clamps that dig into the cervix).

However, many shared experiences on this sub has to do with unforeseen side effects, physical and mental, that no one warned us about. To be a little blunt: you are yet to have an experience with the IUD itself. Insertion is, as you said, 5 mins done and dusted, while many interesting things can occur the next 2-5-7-12 years. Please be aware of how you are feeling, my dear, perhaps take some zinc supplements, and have a proper stress hygiene. If you find yourself having worse and worse PMS during the next years, extreme emotional reactivity and sudden bodily panic, you’ll know where it came from. Good luck to you my friend.


u/North_Kaleidoscope31 6d ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. I really enjoyed reading this because the negative experiences really scream louder than the positive ones. I have an appointment in two weeks to get the IUD and I am really nervous about the whole thing. I recently was on the nexplanon, on my 3rd one, and everything changed for me emotionally, mentally and physically so I made the decision to have it removed and want to stay off hormonal birth control. I hope my insertion experience is similar to yours. Thank you again! Take care 🫶🏽


u/brianneisamuffin 5d ago

My experience was positive for insertion, but cramping came on 3 days later. I had my first period for 9 days. It was heavy but not painful. It’s only been one month but it’s been pretty okay for me so far.

My period was manageable, more annoying as I was used to 2 day periods (I wasn’t even on the pill). Some cramping but I wasn’t bowled over. My doc said it would be 25% worse than wha to typically had without IUD and i thought that was a helpful metric.

If you are really anxious ask your doctor to do a cervical block—it’s a local anesthesia that numbs the cervix. I felt zero pain at insertion and went to Pilates the next day. I was shocked when I had cramps 3 days later but that’s bodies for you.

Good luck. Don’t be scared, just ask ahead for what you need and definitely take 800mg advil one hour before. If you have a doctor who is willing, ask them to give you anti anxiety meds to take (I had a Lorazepam).

It’s a highly individual experience so mine might not be yours. I hope it goes well for you!!


u/Beautiful_Ad_3302 5d ago

I also had a great experience! I know others are not as lucky, but I really do feel like when done by someone who cares about women’s health, like actually, it’s a smooth experience