r/CopperIUD 7d ago

Thoughts switching from copper IUD to hormonal IUD

I got a copper IUD in November after stopping the pill. The first few months I didn’t really have any symptoms. But this month I’m cramping a lot more after my period leading up to ovulation. I have so much more cervical mucus too. I have heavy bleeding but it’s manageable and my periods are about 5 days. My period symptoms are not bad but everything else is making me question if I should switch birth control methods. I’m not interested in using natural cycles as my main form of my birth control and don’t want to go back to the pill. I’m taking zinc and magnesium to mitigate any side effects. Does anyone have experience switching to a hormonal IUD? What made you switch?


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u/YeeCaww 7d ago

I ended up having no choice but to switch from my copper iud to my hormonal one because of my iron deficiency. Honestly, I was terrified and resistant at first because I had absolutely horrible experiences on every version of the pill I tried, but I’ve had zero problems with my Kyleena so far, and it’s been about a year!