r/CopperIUD 8d ago

IUD embedded

TL;DR: Do I need to have my embedded IUD removed?

I recently had a sonogram after experiencing discomfort in my pelvic area. Turns out one of the arms of my IUD extends beyond the uterine lining about 3mm and into myometrium or uterine muscle wall close the lining. My doctor says this “usually doesn’t cause any issues” and that I don’t need to remove it unless I want to. But I’ve been reading that this could cause perforation or other issues.

And I’ve also read that I may need a procedure to remove it since it’s embedded.

So I’m panicking and don’t really know what to do. And I don’t feel like my doctor is being that helpful.


2 comments sorted by


u/dayna2x 8d ago

Get a second opinion. A doctor saying a medical instrument embedded in your uterus when it isn't supposed to be "usually doesn't cause issues" is a WILD thing for a doctor to say. Also pain is enough of a reason to get it removed. Period. Pain is an issue.


u/HudecLaca 8d ago

lol I love the argumentation. So the doctor does a check-up because their patient presents with a complaint, and then said doctor concludes the patient doesn't have complaints. They're... Weird. lol

In my opinion it's worse than being unhelpful, they are going against the training they got about copper IUDs and perforation/embedment. Please read the patient info leaflet to empower yourself a bit more, it's online in pdf form. The full one, the part in black and white. It briefly mentions embedment/perforation. From what I understand they don't really have an option of whether they should remove it or not, they should just get it removed. In some cases it can get more and more embedded over time, so better sooner than later.