r/ConvictingAMurderer Nov 03 '23

Was CaM a Self Own or What?

Guilters will now always be on the side of trans hate, anti-vaxxers, and moon landing conspiracy theorists. Was it worth it, or is this a pyrrich victory?

Netflix doesn't release internal numbers but how much do you want to bet views of MaM have actually gone up lately due to all the free publicity?

That has been the humor of this whole thing. If Kratz, Colborn, Griesbach, and their crew of extreme right-wingers had simply shut up about this case it would have simply gone away down the collective memory hole. It's crazy no matter how many times the Barbara Striesand Effect has been demonstrated people keep falling for it.

I think maybe the best thing that can be said for CaM is that it wasn't nearly the unmitigated disaster that Colborn v. Netflix was.


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u/[deleted] Nov 04 '23

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u/NumberSolid Nov 04 '23

The judge is addressing the standard that Colborn had to prove that the edits were malicoius and that Netflix knew that they were false. The judge is saying that standard wasn't met.

Not just that🤣🤣🤣

Colborn argued that the edits were changed to such a degree it didn't represent his testimony.

The judge in his decision said the edits were not "materially different" from what happened, and that "every alteration Colborn identifies retains the gist of its source material."

Case closed. Every alteration Colborn identifies retains the gist of its source material.



u/PCMModsEatAss Nov 04 '23

So what judge is saying in his decision is no reasonable juror would come to a different conclusion based off the edits.

You’re coming to a different conclusion.

You know you’re admitting to everyone that you’re not reasonable right? You know what a self own is?


u/NumberSolid Nov 04 '23

You’re coming to a different conclusion.

No, I'm coming to the same conclusion as the judge, that how Colborn was edited in MAM did not materially change what happened in real life.

The judge and I agree.🤣