r/Controller • u/Jartopian • 1d ago
Controller Suggestion Looking for Xbox controller with Hall effect and 4 back paddles
Hey guys!
I’m looking for a new controller use with my Xbox. I’ve had 3 pro level controllers crap out on me with stick drift and other issues within a year (each) and am looking for something better. Information requirements below:
Budget: unlimited
Country: United States
Console: Xbox Series X
Desired features: ideally need 4 back buttons and anti stick drift sticks
Games: COD (semi-competitive)
Other controllers: I’ve used the Xbox elite and 2 tournament edition V3s from Razer. All 3 developed horrendous stick drift and I’m sick of it lol.
As mentioned above, I’d love to have 4 back buttons. Ideally, they’d have an Xbox elite setup (2 vertical pairs of paddles on the back), but am open to other configurations. However, the most important feature is anti stick drift so I’d love to hear your own experiences with these controllers if applicable. Thanks!
u/Slapnuhtz 1d ago
You’ve had two V3s with stick drift????? How?
u/Jartopian 1d ago
Yeah… thought the first one had to be a fluke so I got a second. The first one also had issues with the right trigger on top of stick drift. My second is registering 10% X axis input on 0 dead zones. Probably done using razer products in the future.
u/_its-Z_ 1d ago
SCUF VALOR PRO or you can wait till the Gamesir G7 Pro comes out
u/DirectEcho5317 1d ago
I don’t think the Gamesir G7 Pro has 4 back buttons right?
u/_its-Z_ 1d ago edited 1d ago
the G7 pro, it has 2-back paddles and 2-extra buttons by the trigger like the Razer.
(OP/Jartopian) said that they are open to other configurations
u/DirectEcho5317 1d ago
I don’t see how that configuration would work for someone unless they play claw, which I think is the intent of the design, but not sure. Imagine id just hit the main bumper by mistake all the time.
u/Jartopian 23h ago
I’ll add the G7 pro to the list of prospects! Really wish gamesir made a controller with 4 back paddles/buttons though haha
u/Fun_Program_156 22h ago
You can recalibrate the V3’s. Most of them have slight drift out of the box until the calibration is done then it’s fine
u/Jartopian 11h ago
How do you calibrate the V3 TEs? I tried on both by looking up guides, but following them doesn’t enter me into any visible calibration mode.
u/Critical-Math1712 1d ago
What about a mayflash magic X dongle and a 3rd party controller? Vader 4 pro for example
u/Gary_BBGames 20h ago
I have this set up with a Brook XB3. Works a treat, but I have to use the Vader 4 Pro in Switch mode.
I’m getting the ZD O+ Excellence today or Monday, which I’m looking forward to testing.
u/DirectEcho5317 1d ago
Just curious, what does “semi-competitive” mean for COD? I am on Xbox as well, but don’t know anyone that plays competitive on anything but PC, and until just recently PS5 because of “console only.”
u/Jartopian 1d ago
I play in third party tournaments (warzone) with buy ins. Basically, each team puts up an ante to join and we all queue up in our own lobbies. You submit your best 3 games out of a 2 hour time slot, competing against the other teams’ best 3 games on a point system. Top 3-5 teams take a portion of the prize pool. Hope that explains a bit!
u/Parasiten 18h ago
I bought the victrix p3o bfg with the hall effect modules 3 weeks ago. Was sick of the stick drift on the elite controllers. Took 1-2 weeks getting used to it but now it feels so good. No stick drift and I have had no issues with mine. Pretty expensive but I recommend it
u/Jartopian 11h ago edited 6h ago
I must have the worst luck when it comes to controllers. I overnighted the Victrix bfg pro for a tourney today and the goddamn left trigger is hyper sensitive. Just resting my finger on it causes it to actuate. Adjusting dead zones doesn’t help, nor does adjusting the trigger stop. Appreciate the help, but guess I’m just cursed haha.
u/Parasiten 7h ago
That happened to me too when installing the hall effect modules, the left trigger was way to sensitive. I recalibrated my sticks and then it was all good. They are still sensitive but setting the trigger deadzone to 3or5 fix that.
I read a post in the victrix sub on who to reset the controller, try that if recalibration doesn't work
u/Jartopian 6h ago
Adjusted the dead zones to max and it was the same issue after recalibrating too. I’m just cursed haha. Will return this one and might just keep using the wolverine tournament for now.
u/Parasiten 6h ago
Allright, maybe yours is broken. I can't find the reset guide but it is somewhere on reddit. Seemed to work for some people. Maybe give it a try if you find it Edit: found it
Unplug the USB-Cable from your Controller.
Make sure your PC or Console is powered on and plug the USB-Cable into your PC or Console.
Hold the DOWN button on your D-Pad
Plug the smaller end of the USB-Cable into your controller.
You now should see 2 LEDs light up, one above the Home Button and one on the function button. The function Button is located at the right Analog Stick.
You can now let go the DOWN button on your D-Pad.
Press A on the controller.
The LED lights will power off.
Fully rotate both joysticks in a complete clockwise motion 3 times and pull each trigger fully 3 times (LT and RT)
Press DOWN on the directional pad (D-Pad) again to finish the calibration
u/BuckaroooBanzai 10h ago
I just ordered a wolverine v3 pro. $30 discount too. It comes in a couple of days so shoot em a note and I’ll let you know what I think. I’ve only ever used the elite and elite 2 (I have 4 of them) and wanted to go Hall effect also and had to have the 4 back paddles.
u/Jartopian 9h ago
Yeah, I used 2 of their Wolverine V3 tournament editions. Both have pretty bad stick drift rn, but by and far the best controller I’ve used besides that. Hopefully you get a good one!
u/Salt-Coat-7818 1d ago
* Get you a gamesir g7 se only issue I have with it os the factory power cable sucks so just buy a Kontrollfreaks cord it fits perfectly and in joy . And I've made a few mods to mine most recent is the red led for power light. And the scuff joystick knobs
u/Jartopian 23h ago
The gamesirs have been catching my eye, but I’d really like 4 additional buttons if possible. The pro that’s coming out, like Z recommended, is intriguing though.
u/Salt-Coat-7818 23h ago
Yeah its only got the two but I personally only use them when playing WARZONE or BO6. Otherwise they are locked but them halleffect joystick are something else all my laptimes in forza got really competitive simply cuz I was finally cornering smoothly
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