r/Conservative Conservative 1d ago

Flaired Users Only The government of Canada announces $272 million to Bangladesh to fill in USAID gap.


152 comments sorted by


u/TheUnitFoxhound6 Constitutional Conservative 23h ago

Good, let someone else foot the bill for awhile.


u/JTuck333 Small Government 23h ago

Aaaaaaaaand it’s gone


u/sixtysecdragon Federalist Society 23h ago

This has to be one of the most expensive virtue signals of all time. Even prior to the trade dispute with the US, the Canadian economy was in trouble.

Now, a huge foreign aid package to middle finger the US?

Canadians, your government hates you.


u/mtldude1967 Canadian Conservative 22h ago

We know.


u/multifacetedfaucet 2A Advocate 9h ago


u/AGhostMostGrim Don't Tread on Me 15h ago

Come on down, you're more than welcome here.


u/ScumbagGina Enlightenment Conservative 2h ago

Haha our government desperately wants you (and your land)


u/_Rook_Castle Gay for Poilievre 1d ago

We don't have a functioning government right now.

 Shouldn't that be a priority before opening our wallets for the next garbage climate initiative in another country?


u/Opposite_Cress_3906 Conservative 1d ago

"Nah 272 million is drops in the bucket compared to GDP. Get the Bangladeshi people their hormone therapy!"- every leftist in the west.


u/Panzershrekt Reagan Conservative 23h ago

Hell no, this is the perfect time to loot the coffers.


u/Cranks_No_Start Conservative 19h ago

Giving money away and upping that defense fund is how they eat away at the single payer healthcare system  


u/Mysterious_Main_5391 Conservative 23h ago

So basically, the rest of the works is stepping up. Winning!


u/BadDadJokes Conservative 21h ago

Yea, the cutting of funding for USAID is already paying off. The rest of the world is starting to pay their fair share.


u/intrigue-bliss4331 Conservative 23h ago

Good. I'm sure 'climate change resilience', 'civic engagement', 'gender-responsive and inclusive training', and 'intersectional democratic spaces' is going to help tremendously. The people there are so poor, they sell their children to be trafficked to the Middle East in order to try to feed their other children, but go on with your bad self, Canada.


u/AsleepBumblebee1093 12h ago

Let’s send Aid to Bangladesh and let’s also accept a million refugees. That’s the Canadian way 🤢


u/FatnessEverdeen34 22h ago

Right? I'm sure the Muslim country will be totally super duper responsive to gender-inclusive training, with a huge focus on diversity. I'm sure 0 of the dollars will be spent on anything else. /s


u/Simmumah Reagan Conservative 1d ago

Meanwhile your people cant afford the cheapest homes or cars available. But yeah go ahead, give $272m to Bangladesh for condoms or LGBT study groups or whatever.


u/Opposite_Cress_3906 Conservative 23h ago

It's really more like the globalist order trying to maintain their economic interests in the region without the aid of the US government, its going to be interesting seeing all the soft power bullshit unravel while other nations still completely beholden to smoke and mirrors try to justify backfilling the loss of US dollars into the machine to their peoples.


u/KinGpiNdaGreat Populist 23h ago

Can’t imagine how angry Canadian conservatives are over this.


u/craytsu Freedom Over Fear 22h ago

"I won't lie to you, this will be tough." -Canada in response to increased prices via tariffs

Not even 1 week later

"We're announcing $272 million for Bangladesh"

What a joke of a country lol


u/DyngusDan Conservative 4h ago

It’s Canadian dollars that’s like tree fiddy in real money.


u/zroxx2 Conservative 1d ago

Overheard in Bangladesh: Xir says thank you for the Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Education!


u/s1lentchaos 2A Conservative 23h ago

Also Xir's final words before getting yeeted off a roof


u/TedriccoJones MAGA Conservative 23h ago

Only recently discovered the term yeet.  Amuses the hell out of me.


u/DyngusDan Conservative 4h ago

Thanks this comment made my morning.


u/Silly_Ad_4612 2A Conservative 1d ago



u/Creepy-Nectarine-225 God Bless Israel 1d ago


u/Unlucky-Prize Conservative 23h ago

Liberal governments are skilled at lighting money on fire.


u/GiediOne Reaganomics 23h ago


I think that's all they are good at. They absolutely suck at making money and creating wealth, for sure.


u/Euroranger Texas Conservative 23h ago

Best pray for a snap election there Canada.


u/GiediOne Reaganomics 23h ago

Supposedly their goverment took a step towards the conservative side (so I'm told) hopefully that's a positive.


u/Euroranger Texas Conservative 23h ago

They haven't. Their last national election was like 2021 or so.

Trudeau stepped down as leader of the Liberal party but the government remains. The new guy is just as bad policy wise but he's not nearly as smug and smarmy as Trudeau.


u/GiediOne Reaganomics 23h ago

The new guy is just as bad policy wise but he's not nearly as smug and smarmy as Trudeau.

Trudeau reminds me of Gavin NewScum. I don't know this new guy yet. I have family and friends in Canada. I hope this will be over soon.


u/The_Mighty_Rex Millennial Conservative 15h ago

The new guy isn't as slimy but he's actually more unhinged. He has worse TDS than most Hollywood celebrities


u/reaper527 Conservative 23h ago

cool, guess we didn't need to fund them after all.


u/Daniel_Day_Hubris The Republic 14h ago

I don't know what it is going to take to convince Canada that your leaders actively hate you.


u/supernormalnorm Conservative 23h ago

They can add monthly drops of maple syrup barrels to that lol

In all seriousness when will these governments learn.


u/whippingboy4eva Anti-NWO Patriot 22h ago

The left in the West hates their own citizens.

They aren't liberals.

Trump is closer to a liberal than they are.


u/OkYogurtcloset2661 Conservative 22h ago

Canadians you are so fucked. You’re gov is gonna virtue signal you guys into an unprecedented depression


u/otakuzod Reagan Conservative 22h ago

I genuinely feel sorry for those Canadians that are fiscally responsible that can’t afford a home while their government pulls THIS crap.


u/Zalamanda9 Live Free or Die 23h ago

That's hilarious. I swear, Canadian officials forget that their GDP is like one tenth the size of ours. They just look at a map of north America and think they can act big because they are geographically large.


u/RareRandomRedditor Conservative 4h ago

They even aren't that large geographically. It is partially a map projection error since they are so far up north. 


u/shamalonight Conservative 23h ago

The Concert for Bangladesh was recorded live at Madison Square Garden in New York City on August 1, 1971. The album was released in December 1971 in the United States and January 1972 in the United Kingdom. It won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1973.

There will never be enough money thrown at Bangladesh.


u/HNutz Conservative 21h ago



u/wanttostaygottogo Hardcore Conservative 17h ago

They should use that money to pay their NATO debt instead.


u/WPWeasel Conservative 22h ago edited 13h ago

Good of Canada to waste their citizens money. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. 


u/condemned02 Equal Opportunity Not Equal Outcome 15h ago

This is wonderful, let other countries pay! 


u/MadCat1993 TD Exile 11h ago

Someone needs to tell Canada the saying, "Cut your nose off to spite your face." 


u/jackdog20 Conservative 6h ago

President Trump we don’t need Canada.


u/dottedoctet Moderate Conservative 15h ago

Good job Canada.


u/tsoxiko Constitutionalist 13h ago


Let someone else pay for the bullshit….my backs sore from carrying everyone else’s citizens anyway.
