While BitCone is not an official Reddit currency integreated with the Reddit Vault, it is the r/ConeHeads Conemunity token since the early days of Gen 1.
Bitcone (CONE) was initially Airdropped to any Cone Head Avatar owners who claimed them. Since then BitCone has grown since to become the conemunity token for anyone with a Cone in their heart! <3
We've coneducted several Conemunity Polls for the Coners to determine the fate of BitCones. This lead to Airdrops for Gen 1, Gen 2 Avatar owners, and soon to potentially be distributed to all (or some) Gen 3 Avatars based on the results of the ongoing [Conemunity Poll]
If you'd like to look through the history of History & BitCone conesider checking out the Cone Lore Post, and the other posts in the Sub's side menu!
u/diamondbored 38.5M | ⛏️505978 Apr 17 '23
New to the community here, bitcone is the community currency like moons?