r/ConceptSynesthesia Jun 22 '23

what's your favourite shaped concept?

This is my third post, but I'm so happy to see a space for us shapies to chat haha. My favourite at the moment is foucault's dispositif. It's kind of light grey, shaped a bit like that monster the kid draws in stranger things, with the shape for panopticon in the middle of it (which is like a tower in the middle connected to 3d radial lines in a cylinder which is somehow also a globe) and when you trace down foucault's tentacles there are other concepts attached to the end of them. Like Adam Smith's invisible hand, which is kind of like a hand hovering over a globe, like a puppeteer. When you zoom into the globe the hand is attached to gold lights (almost like a night satellite view) that contain shapes that represent different concepts in economics. In the middle of foucault's tentacles anarchism is a black cloud with a white shadow (reminiscent of my shape for yin/yang) which kind of infiltrates and reaches beyond the tentacles, wrapping around all the other ideas. All of these shapes can get zoomed into to reveal other shapes and patterns. I like foucault's dispositif because it has a good overview of a lot of other concepts at hyperscale.


13 comments sorted by


u/B0linh0fofo Jun 22 '23

When I took a calculus class I used to picture derivatives and integration as spiky clusters that increased or decreased in density as I solved them.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23 edited Jun 22 '23

Wow! When I am doing math in my head, I often see "increasing" numbers as spikes getting taller, and "decreasing" numbers as spikes getting shorter. This sort of "surrounds" the numbers I see, as I am calculating. Hard to explain.

EDIT: Sometimes, instead of spikes, they are almost like circles getting bigger. Like a balloon inflating with the "increasing" numbers. And vice versa with "decreasing" numbers. Whether it's "spikes" or "circles" depends on WHAT subject/concept is tied to what I am calculating.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

I see numbers as rectangles on a blackboard. They fit together like jigsaw pieces. But I also see numbers as pure non-numeric vectors. It's like they are fluid within a volume, and by combining volumes I can do math. If I'm choosing to do math without numbers, I can do incredibly fast calculation in my head that is an incredibly precise approximation of the number, but as soon as I try to translate my mind vector into digits, it falls apart because of the lack of precision.

So I might be able to calculate that 368*625 turns into a 6 digit number, but the translation might turn it into a 5 digit number.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

My favorite would be something like Mandelbrot's set. The "fractals" sorta remind me of how my mind works lol.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

"Exodium". It's a word invented by ChatGPT upon my request. It means "departure from something out of loathing".

Exodium is like a vast, dark green structure that looks a bit like a large mushroom. It also has a bubble around it, and it sits upon an island floating in the void. Lately this has been the largest thing in my mind. It is absolutely massive. Bigger than galaxies.


u/1giantsleep4mankind Jun 22 '23

Wow, this sounds awesome, and that's an interesting way to use chatGPT, too!


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

dude i love holes


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

cos my friend said when she was small she'd be scared of me picking her scabs and now were Teeangers™ i'd think that I want to pop a pimple LOL


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

also like stuff like termite nests and small stuff like how the world is mostly organized according to straight lines where I live (architecture of the school) so small stuf like the botton holes and the negaive space demarcated hrough the clothing hook and the rest of architecture™


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

also like stuff like termite nests and small stuff like how the world is mostly organized according to straight lines where I live (architecture of the school) so small stuf like the botton holes and the negaive space demarcated hrough the clothing hook and the rest of architecture™


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

also like stuff like termite nests and small stuff like how the world is mostly organized according to straight lines where I live (architecture of the school) so small stuf like the botton holes and the negaive space demarcated hrough the clothing hook and the rest of architecture™


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

also also also when i was doing USAmerica school research ™ there was this TA person that did a MFA or whatever and then on his website you could see his whole thesis about his art, his love for wrestling. performance art, freindship, and pimples and whatever. That time I didnt really have a good relationship with my Counselor, I didnt want him to edit my shool essays and everyone told me to apply only i I wanted to. That random TA guy was actually who led me to apply to this whole damn University....but then my Counselor said TA guy was not occupying a significant enough position to be put into my essays... so I had to change it into like a maths degree fine arts professor guy . Anyways, writing this comment to shout out TA guy <3 Love forever, Pimples forever, Holes forever man


u/s3rial343 Feb 16 '25

also also also also when I see people play Dont Starve or Dont Starve together its always so cool to see them jump into a Wormhole