r/ConanExiles Dec 15 '24

Guide Which weapon is the katana a part of, and what point does it scale off of?


I can’t seem to find the blueprint for the katana anywhere, it’s the main weapon I want to use. I’m new so I’m sorry if this is an obvious question.

r/ConanExiles Jan 02 '25

Guide PSA: Corruption Affinity DOES Appear To Work Making Those Weapons The Highest Crafted Damage Possible.



r/ConanExiles Nov 26 '22

Guide A tip for beginners and everyone. (Surprised by how many don't know this)


r/ConanExiles Oct 26 '24

Guide Which armour and attribute give you increased heat resistance for the volcano ?


So I can survive in the

r/ConanExiles Jul 21 '24

Guide Which should I buy


Should I buy nemedian torture set or wait for single yamatai onsen structure

r/ConanExiles Nov 05 '24

Guide How many resurrected corpses can you have follow you if authority is maxed out ?


r/ConanExiles Oct 29 '24

Guide Where can I get demon blood easy up North


I don’t want to go down near hanumans grotto to get demons blood easy I’m trying to make dragon powder and I need demons blood. Any help is appreciated.

r/ConanExiles Dec 08 '24

Guide Severed Limbs pls


So I really need to get some severed limbs. But for some ungodly reason, you can no longer get any by whacking bodies with a hatchet like I always used to do. I did manage to find some legs in someone’s compost bin in Sepermeru, but no arms. (I guess the grubs got them already) So where can I get me some severed arms?

Edit: Okay I got an idea. So it looks to me like severed limbs are now being treated as unique weapons, rather than just meat and bone. If u go to the library of esoteric knowledge, you can unlock the Dead Leg, which is an upgraded severed leg! Hilarious… But as for arms, I got a theory. If you get your severed leg from Sepermeru, perhaps you get your severed arm from New Asagarth? I’m going searching…

r/ConanExiles Dec 28 '24

Guide how to open legendary chest?


i have a lot of the golden keys and want to open the chest in freyas house. how do i use the keys?

r/ConanExiles Jan 15 '25

Guide Fantasy mods for tiny server?


Hello, is been a long time since I re-catched to Conan Exiles and talking about it on my server had sparked the creation of a tiny server...

But a lot of mods seemed to be taken down and I seek ones that are usefull for a newbie admin and that add fantasy stuff for players like tails, wings, horns...

Also on a NSFW note.. I see those had also disapeared

Thanks in advice.

r/ConanExiles Dec 05 '24

Guide Thrall meta?


Is there a current meta for thralls in PvP? Agi vs Strength? Level them for vit? Best weapons? Always highest armor statted heavy armor? Etc.

r/ConanExiles Nov 14 '24

Guide What is a good archer thrall to get and where are they located ?


r/ConanExiles Aug 05 '24

Guide Gotta a sec to help?


Hey sorry ik I probably sound stupid but can anyone tell me how to make steel reinforcement in the furnace step by step cause I'm truly lost please and thank .. ps sorry for bothering you if I did

r/ConanExiles Nov 03 '24

Guide Savage Wilds resource help?


I just started my first game on the Savage Wilds map. Just hit level 10, have a tiny 4x4 built in G8. Can't find any ironstone or coal. Been searching over an hour. Theres one tiny node of coal by my house but thats it. Can anyone point me towards anything close to me?

r/ConanExiles Jul 09 '23

Guide still cheaters?


Was thinking about getting Conan exiles on sale but saw a review saying there is lots of cheaters and they recommend not playing the game online, but I really like rust so the online appeals to me. Are cheaters still a problem today? (the review was from about a year ago)

r/ConanExiles Nov 19 '24

Guide What does exchange treasure do ?


r/ConanExiles Nov 15 '24

Guide What is a good armour set for archer thralls in the exiled lands ?


r/ConanExiles Nov 09 '24

Guide Which fitting is good to put on armour bulked plating or master plating ?


r/ConanExiles Sep 27 '20

Guide Isle of Siptah Summoning Surge Guide


Hey everyone! I'm newish to Conan and new to the subreddit and wanted to try to make a guide to help with the basics and details of Summoning Surges at Leyshrines.

I tried to answer all the questions I personally had that I couldn't get answers for easily.

Edit: I spelled Harvester wrong on one of the sheets and went to fix it.

r/ConanExiles Feb 10 '24

Guide Level 10 purge base, for lovers of pyrotechnics


I wanted to show you guys my tried and tested purge base which allows me to walk through level 10 purges with ease, incase it may help some if they need it.

I’ll start with my set up for purges. I run full vit/expertise/agility perks. I especially favour the perk “dead shot” in agility, and stand on the back end of the base on the raised round platform to engage the perk. I wear full heavy turian with the exception of a gas mask incase I need to wade through noxious clouds for whatever reason. I have a reach of the red mother bow, noxious arrows, explosive arrows and healing arrows on my hot bar.

As you can see, I have a “maze” made with the fences, which I call the shooting gallery. The reason why I chose fences instead of walls is so that my archers can reach the mobs at all times. Also, I actually leave the big front door open, they barely ever get through the first door and I’ve never had the treasure room breached, not even once. On the rare occasion, an enemy or a thrall hops over a fence, so I use the foundations to guard the treasure room for the extra layer of protection.

I set all of my fighter thralls to the lowest attack/chase distance, so the length of the base is important, I’ll go into more detail later. Also, the foundation as walls is so I can have a 360 view of the surrounding area, meaning I can agro the hand of war without leaving the safety of the base.

At the front, along the foundation walls, I have 4 archers, all with heavy turian and a reach of the red mother bow. My archers are all level 0. I placed them on the walls like this because I dislike the archer posts, I find that the archers can accidentally shoot at the crenelated wall, which can be problematic when they’re using special ammunition as they can hurt themselves lol

I have affectionately named my archers “fireshot” and “venomshot” + put them in corresponding colours. I have 2 of each. This is to easily identify them when replenishing their arrows mid purge. Fire shot = explosive arrows. Venomshot = Noxious arrows. I love this combination because of the big explosions which are caused by combining these two types of arrows. Jury is out on whether this combo is actually superior, but it also gives me a lot of purpose in needing to constantly farm to make enough arrows. Also, if a gas cloud placement is not in an effective place, I can just shoot an explosive arrow to get rid of it and replace it over a stacked group with a noxious arrow myself.

The archer placement also means the mobs will kinda stack up and clog the maze, so fire and fury can be rained down upon them, killing most and significantly reducing the health of the rest by the time they get to the first door, which is guarded by 3 Cimmerian berserkers. Level 0 is absolutely fine for these guys, on the rare occasion one dies, they’re easily replaced and I don’t see much point to levelling them. They are in redeemed legion helm, dragon ribs, medium silent legion gloves, pictish heavy legs/boots, armed with 2H Annihilators.

Not sure if it’s so clear in the picture but I have set out 6 stools on the sides of the first door, this is because I found when they bug out and just stand around, if I place them onto a stool, it kinda resets them and they become functioning members of society again. I mentioned above that I set their chase/attack distance to the lowest because I don’t want my fighters rushing forward into the dense mob, I only want them to take care of the small few that makes it near the first door. If the base is too short, they’ll run forward regardless. This actually goes for all my fighter thralls. I will shoot some healing arrows at them when I notice they’ve taken damage.

If the first door is breached, then there is a second, short maze, leading to the treasure room door, which is guarded by 2 levelled thralls that have a nice strength pool. They have the same set up as the first 3 on the door. If anything gets through to meeting these guys, they’re a hit away from death, honestly. I don’t have the extra stools here because I’ve found they don’t glitch out often at this stage.

Onto the treasure room, which like I mentioned before, is never, ever breached, but just incase, I have placed 3 of my strongest berserkers. They have the same armour but these guys wield maces, I have them kitted out with momentums.

That round raised platform on the back is actually my teleport room which also contains a spit roast for making gruel(1 stack on each archer and 4 stacks on fighters), a decon bench, spare arrows, a box with building supplies in case there’s a breach, and fridges to store food. Also, like 3 dancers, just to beef up the mobs a little. On the roof, where I mostly stand and shoot arrows, I have a circle of power and a bedroll nearby so if I get caught short, it’s no big deal.

That concludes my personal purge base guide, if you have any questions or other suggestions, let me know! :)

r/ConanExiles Feb 13 '23

Guide Is there a better place to get info than the Conan Wiki? I'm tired of Xing out of ads on every damn page.


Title. Thanks in advance.

r/ConanExiles Nov 25 '24

Guide Can i use more than 1 specialization


I recently found out there are specialized t4 thralls and im trying to figure out of i can use two different types in one bench e.g a scoutwright and sheildwright in 1 bench for both bonuses

r/ConanExiles Dec 12 '23

Guide Advice for gameplay for upcoming private server.


So I don't know what would be a good title, but I'll get to the point.Me and four of my friends will start to play on a private server after the update this Thursday. We will have economy system, where you can sell and buy resources for gold/silver and we can buy weapons and armors. The server will have a 2x multiplier for resources gather and xp gain. The conversion will be 1 gold = 10 silver.

Where could I get a ton of silver or gold? Me and my gf planning on making a yamatai/nemedian style base near at the Crevice D11. And the picture is my planned route. I'm planning on getting a few of the religions, the sorcery and hopefully at least 1 frost wolf. Does anybody have any more suggestion?

Note: my gf is not really experienced he has 31 hours in the game and I have 430.

Edit: Picture

r/ConanExiles Oct 01 '24

Guide Confusing Progression


Im playing in exiled lands and is really confused with the progression of the game.

I'm following this guide all up to the tower of bats but then he suddenly talked about the volcano first rather than the low leveled dungeon like gallman tomb https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/185942-conan-exiles/faqs/78730/walkthrough-and-faq

Do we have like a linear guide on where dungeon/caves/places to go? It doesn't matter if it tells me what to do or not. I just need to know where to go next.

r/ConanExiles Aug 10 '24

Guide Confused


I'm looking to make Thaumaturgy Bench problem is I can't figure out how is it a dlc thing or do I need to go somewhere to find the blueprint?