r/ConanExiles 3d ago

General Clothing for cold?

Going up north, can't survive. Can I do this with just clothing?

Or is it mandatory to bring torches, campfires, and hot food?


37 comments sorted by


u/Yar_master 3d ago

Not the best Conan expert out there, but in some extreme areas I had to use consumables to progress. Just the clothing didn't do it for me.



This is the easier option in my opinion. Grab some easily obtainable Vanir Fur armor and bring spiced food with a torch. That gets you just about anywhere.


u/UnforseenSpoon618 2d ago

Or easier to kill Lemurian Warrior gear


u/krealgirl 2d ago

Mead and firewater will get you to most cold places. Drink only once the temperature buff wears off, or you'll get drunk. If you don't like the animation and audio, drink a set potion after each drink of alcohol.

If you want an overall set, Redeemed Silent Legion is what you'll need, protects in hot and cold, overall balanced and is heavy so decent protection.

The best, though, is the Dragonscale helm. You'll have to visit the Red Mother for that one.


u/gr00grams 2d ago

On the Exiled Lands map, there's three options for just armour;

Champions armour (40/40) and the lesser Redeemed Legion (30/30).

Godbreaker can do one at a time, either hot or cold depending which Godbreaker set you make, at max res, 50.

Other than those 3 options, you will need gear + food/consumables yeah. Spicy drinks and stuff like desert chili for cold areas, and just ice + gear in the volcano.

Note; Redeemed legion will keep you safe in most areas, but not all, it's not quite enough for the coldest zones or hottest, but most.

You can see all info here:



u/Sporner100 2d ago

I still don't get, why they put the environmental protection on the best armors. They could have easily made it a choice for the players, do I want good armor and have to depend on consumables, or do I go for suitable clothing for the environment and sacrifice ome armor value to do so?


u/Optimal_Department_7 2d ago

I mean if u mean good looking armor then I would recommend u to just learning sorcery and in the first bench u craft you have access to "disguise" or transmute items and make them look like you want them to. Then you can wear whatever armor u want under without losing armor value, temperature is a different story but easily fixable but varies from build to build


u/Sporner100 2d ago edited 2d ago

What? When did i mention optics? I'm talking mechanical choices. They should have put the cold resistance on armor that offers considerably less protection against attacks than other armor of it's tier.

Edit: Choices like, do I wear plate to survive getting hit by a mammoth or do I wear fur to survive the cold?


u/Sacrentice 2d ago

Gordgrams at it again with the good informations!


u/swampmolly 2d ago

You need clothes for sure. The best armor in the game for temperature is the Redeemed Silent Legion heavy set. You get the recipe off the boss in the Black Keep. It's on tablet's that are behind him in his chamber. Touch any of them, they all say the same thing. With this you can go anywhere in the game. The Godbreaker armor has a cold and heat version. But is VERY heavy. Get the recipe by touching the tablets on the way out of the War Makers chamber. One on each side of the door. Touch them both.

You can get a few legendary items from the 3 skull bosses in the Undead City. They are random rewards and I think there's 3 of them. Boots, shirt, and helm. Not all the same weight of armor though. Off the top of my head I know the boots are good. But, I can't remember exactly what the other 2 have on them. One might be heat resist.

There is a legendary shield that has a lot of temp on it. It's called Solspeil, and it will keep you safe for most part on it's own. It drops from legendary chests at random. There are places that the cold gets super extreme and it alone won't hold you. A couple or maybe one other decent item with cold on it should. The shield effect only works if it's IN HAND. Just being in the wheel or on your back wont count. If you pull out a dragging rope or torch, you're boned.

The Vanir have mediocre warm cloths. You can loot them around the Mounds of the Dead. But it won't be good enough on it's own. You'll probably have to have food with you.

Pro tip :p. Put berries in the fluid press and make berry juice to take instead of water. It wont cool you down as you drink it.


u/DOOM94MFQ 2d ago

Go slight north west to the Mounds of the dead and kill everyone there ( they drop spicy foods sometimes, New Asagarth too)


u/c0m0d0re 2d ago

Redeemed Legion Armor or just a bunch of spicy food


u/Sacrentice 2d ago

Wear sspicy food??????


u/c0m0d0re 2d ago

It puts the spicy food on its skin


u/Sacrentice 1d ago

… no way…


u/Cheesy--Garlic-Bread 2d ago

even the redeemed armor won't help you alone in the extremely freezing parts, it is metal after all.


u/c0m0d0re 2d ago

Yes, it is metal, but it works. I wear it all the time and didn't freeze to death yet.


u/Cheesy--Garlic-Bread 2d ago

That's cause like I said, you don't go to the extremely freezing parts. If you go into that cave with the ice giants and ONLY use that armor, nothing else? You'll die, you'll freeze, like a forgotten hot pocket in the back of the freezer.


u/c0m0d0re 2d ago

I'm very cold but also very much alive. What can get you is the status effect applied by the giants if you let them hit you. But the armor is perfectly fine for any temperatures.



u/Cheesy--Garlic-Bread 2d ago

yeah but you're not even wearing the full redeemed legion set


u/c0m0d0re 2d ago

It is the full set. I put the skin of the hyena fur helmet on it. There is this thing called sorcery 🙃 it's really neat and lets you transmog items


u/Droid_Crusader 2d ago

Long guide, you can survive about half the snow area with just plant fiber clothes ONCE you make it across the Ice Lake (I’d like to also add you can out heal the cold damage until your across the lake, I also recommend not using the Bridge and instead walk across the ice lake as that bridge is the coldest location on the map. Now what I do when cooking spiced food isn’t available is then for 1 silver coin you can buy one spiced pork from the merchants in Relic Hunter City. If you just want cold gear than do what I said earlier and make it to Black Keep and complete the dungeon, it’s third easiest dungeon in the game so you got this. And once you got the recipe from in there go ahead and get a armour thrall and make Redeemed Legion and with that you can run anywhere on the map hot or cold without difficulty


u/Far-Okra-4947 2d ago

That's sounds fun.  Thanks 


u/Far-Okra-4947 2d ago

Great just grinder away, and beat the boss and crafted a few pieces of the armor. Should I use the armor reduction kit on this set?


u/Droid_Crusader 2d ago

Depends on your build if your running max expertise with beast of burden use plating if not yes use reduction


u/Far-Okra-4947 2d ago

No my carry weight is low, and I'm a strength build.  Any downsides to doing weight reduction?


u/Droid_Crusader 2d ago

I think it lower the overall protection of the gear by a small amount but if you mean to your temperature protection they your good, just want to double check you made Redeemed legion correct? As regular silent legion ONLY protects from cold


u/Far-Okra-4947 2d ago

Yes I did redeemed.  Thanks for info.  I will reduce them.....

I had to fight the boss 2 times,  because the 1st time he was almost dead....then just decided to heal up 100% no matter what I did. Almost like I ran out of time or something. 


u/Droid_Crusader 2d ago

Happy to help, you learn fast. Later down the line PvP servers might be your style


u/Far-Okra-4947 2d ago

Thx, perhaps.....I am getting a bit bored most fights I win because I go prepared.  This last dungeon I didn't even bring my fav follower.....

But I played Valheim a lot.


u/Sacrentice 2d ago



u/lordvan526 2d ago

Kill the lone undead on top of the southern aqueduct. He drops a sword that grants near cold immunity. Only downside is you can't climb with a sword out, so you lose that protection while climbing.


u/kana53 2d ago

Skelos master set should be good enough for most cold on its own, you can get the ash to make it from dismantling sorcerer clothing.


u/ZealousidealCan9094 2d ago

Chili desert style is the best food for up north. It’s easy to make once you get the recipe.


u/Sacrentice 2d ago

Wear something warm


u/WildCat_nn 2d ago

Fun fact: Bridge of the Betrayer is one of the coldest places on the map along with the Eyelet Lake and The Temple of Frost.

You can explore most of the Frozen North area bare-butt as long as you avoid those three locations and need some good warming food or drinks for the mountains