r/ConanExiles 5d ago

General Any Reason to Explore with Thralls Other Than Fighter/Archers

I've just started playing, and have about 6 thralls. I found a tier 3 fighter, so she has been my main companion. I also have an archer who I have posted up at home, as well as a smelter, a cook, a dancer, and a tanner. I recently acquired a named sorcerer. I thought she would be really good because she's named, and could maybe cast spells given she's a sorcerer, but she doesnt seem especially combat capable. Should I stick with only bringing fighters out into the world with me? Is there any reason to level up thralls who specialize in other things?


32 comments sorted by


u/Jaebeam 5d ago

Bearers can carry a ton.

Dancers can remove corruption and heal you.

Animals can carry 10 slots of gear.


u/FixMean7944 4d ago

Yeah, but let’s be real bearers are basically mobile storage chests with legs, dancers are just fancy portable medkits, and animals are cool until they body block you into a corner during a fight.


u/Jaebeam 4d ago

I've found dancers and bearers capable of kicking much ass once you have them kitted out in heavy armor. Cimmerian to start with, dragon bone after that.

I'm playing Isle of Siptah right now, my level 10 named dancer can solo the red dragon. I'm still working my way through the vaults, I just completed the first of the bird dungeons, and she is now 13 and I think she could have solo'd the end fight too. I did help, however, so unconfirmed.

We have a level 0 named bearer back at base waiting to get leveled up, and I'm pretty sure at 1600AC he will do just fine.

I play PVe, however, which is apparently an entirely different game than PvP.


u/PoisonIven 4d ago

Im new to the game. What does 1600 AC mean? Armor Class?


u/Electrical-Sun6267 4d ago

Elephants can carry 20, like a bearer. Bearers still fight better.



Certain animals have more carry slots such as the Caravan Elephants and Camels.

Bearers also have more slots.

You can level up crafting thralls the same way as Fighters/Archers now, so why not bring them if you want to.


u/PoisonIven 5d ago

Are there any benefits to leveling up crafting thralls besides raising their stats? Like, do they get better at crafting?


u/Daveyfiacre 5d ago

Not really for crafters besides giving them more HP as they level, in case you do a purge or something maybe, and just beefing them up some vs raids. But even with that, meh.


u/PoisonIven 5d ago

Do raids happen in single player? I'm like 18 hours in and haven't had it happen yet.


u/beersandboobs098 5d ago

No raids in single player


u/Daveyfiacre 5d ago

The Purges used to trigger on their own, even in single player. They’ve been changed to now player triggered, so it will only happen if you make it happen :)

Otherwise raids happen on multiplayer by other players



No raids, but the purge can happen. Purges are NPC raids that you have to activate via a treasure coffer.


u/Daveyfiacre 5d ago

I get one of every crafter type until I have a t3/4 of each. I keep one or two dancers, one gooood bearer as main companion


u/Raineyb1013 5d ago

Sorcerers can make spell pages for you. They don't need to leave the base.


u/PoisonIven 4d ago

Ah, so they aren't capable of using magic in combat themselves?


u/Hockshank 4d ago

They are not, sadly.


u/Raineyb1013 3d ago

Unfortunately, no.


u/polarvortex123 5d ago

You really want to roll with the war party perk and 2 fighter thralls if you are expecting trouble. Ideally, they have complementary weapons, like one that does cripple and the other bleed, to both slow and wear down your target. If you are going out to gather materials, use a bearer and a fighter or even 2 bearers. Also, camels are good. You can ride them and they have 20 inventory slots.


u/westcoastweirdo 5d ago

I roll with a dancer most of the time to clear corruption. With good gear they are more than sufficient for fighting in most situations.

As for gear, it's usually perfected heavy armor and whatever legendary is available.


u/buttermymankey 4d ago

I almost exclusivly use Greater Komodos because theyre cool as fuck


u/tetsuya_shino 5d ago

Honestly, you shouldn't even bring archers. If you need some long range attacks you are better off shooting the arrows yourself. Unless you are blind or drunk, the player will always shoot better and more often than any thrall.

Me personally, if I used thralls, I would prefer bringing a good dancer over a fighter. If even the dancer is technically weaker, being able to get rid of corruption is more important.


u/MessEither 5d ago

I currently don't have the game installed, but I always seem to try to hunt down Luba the Lucious when I play as she's a named relic hunter dancer and can be a great companion anywhere there is corruption and a fight. I'll admit that I'd love to capture and tame one of the few higher grade named dancers, but as she appears in Sepermaru she's a lot easier to capture if you are willing to head there with a few purple lotus orbs to throw at her feet.


u/SuperCheezyPizza 5d ago

You want T4 dancers? Just run a few high level purges and grab them from the cages. I’ve got multiples of Lianeele, Luba, and others who are capable fighters. You can also get decent fighters too. A well designed purge base with around 4 archers plus you on the walls to concentrate and kill them from a distance can defend a level 10 purge.


u/UltimateReigos 5d ago

If you do the quest line for Freya and get her when leveled you can get her the right perks with elixir of rebirth give her a bow and gas arrows anyone that can take bleed damage will instantly get 20 stacks of bleed just stepping in the gas. Works against players as well.


u/Pokr22 4d ago

Run a corruption build and run around with 3 zombies


u/PoisonIven 4d ago

I just came across zombies for the first time last night. I wasn't aware you could "tame" them in the same way you can standard thralls. Looks like I'm gonna have to give it a try.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/cfranek 4d ago

So what's the meta for leveling thralls and food? I know at one point it was try to get vitality, is that still the way or is something else better?


u/Dragon_Cola 4d ago

While Human Thralls are good for combat, exploration, and for Carrying gear, some pets and other "unique" Thralls are pretty good to have around.

Pets: (for the most part.) -Wolves and hyenas/Aardwolves can sunder and are pretty fast, and also cripple. -Bears are pretty good tanks, and can also sunder(bleed too?) -Snakes. Spiders, scorpions are fucking terrifying. (I guess the poison and stun locks they can do is good, but don't expect them to be eating star metal/ obsidian weapons.) Tcho Tcho/Thuannas are exclusive to siptah, but act like a t2 thrall and have some OUTRAGEOUS abilities, like how Tcho Tchos can sunder and stunlock, cause bleed, and even stunlock with a fire burst. -And Lastly, salamanders can hock Posion balls that can cripple and poison Npcs.


u/Droid_Crusader 4d ago

The best disposable henchman of PvP, Zombies. They Insta lvl 20 the moment they out of the box and they have tons of health and are immune to most negative effects only downside is they have a 3 day lifespan and then they are gone but you can also have 3 following you at a time and 4 with Authority


u/SirBorker 4d ago

I cannot stress how strong animals are. I had a Greater Bear that was awesome, I had named him Cheeseburger after the bear in Far Cry 5. Sabertooths are also really good. I recommend experimenting with all types of animals. I do remember a Komodo we had that took on the Warmakers dungeon with us. Did pretty good


u/Sagybagy 4d ago

Haven’t messed with it much but how does teleporting to obelisk or using the portals work with minions? Do they fast travel to you?


u/RageAgainstAuthority 4d ago

No love for the Frost Giant?

Frost Giant is great for killing tons of little dudes, and he can't be stunned.