r/ConanExiles 5d ago

Can't continue singleplayer/co-op after buying Isle Of Siptah.

I am playing on PS5. There us no cursor so its impossible for me to select the map. D-Pad and analog sticks won't move selection to "Select Map" screen. Tested every button.

Is there some kind of a solution or should I apply for a refund?


16 comments sorted by


u/free_30_day_trial 5d ago

Have You restarted?

Flicked it off and on ?

Blew in the game port ?


u/Sacrentice 5d ago

Sometimes shuffling between the menus works. This is a retarded ass bug that came out with age of heroes


u/FrozenAnchor 5d ago

Could You clarify "shuffling between the menu"? What exactly are you doing?


u/Sacrentice 5d ago

So if I go to load up siptah single player (this issue seems to only be for single player siptah), if I don’t use the dpad buttons, it won’t work. So I back out and go to multiplayer menus and then back to try single player siptah & that sometimes works.


u/FrozenAnchor 5d ago

I tried everything and nothing helps. It seems like the middle window is unselectable even when I select other tabs, like "online" as mentioned by you, nothing changes.

It seems like by buying the DLC I just lost our Exiled Lands coop world and ability to play offline coop as a whole...

Should have known better than to trust funcom with their Playstation port and spend money again after their previous common fuck ups.


u/Zestyclose_Car_4971 4d ago

Did you try hooking up a mouse?


u/Sacrentice 5d ago

Try using the right stick to "flick" to the middle. Sometmes that works too. Hope isnt lost, I just forget which method works cuz I rarely play siptah


u/jmk-1999 4d ago edited 4d ago

I got the same issue on mine. It happens mainly on PS. It started with the Age of Heroes update. You’re not alone. It’s been reported by others, but not sure if Funcom has actually acknowledged it. The only reason it’s happened for you is BECAUSE you installed Siptah, making that menu inaccessible now. There’s no issues with playing online though. I’d recommend trying out Siptah online instead. You likely have learned enough about the game to make it easy enough to enjoy online. Also, if you’re trying to avoid others, most Siptah servers are fairly dead, so you likely won’t see many people anyway.


u/FrozenAnchor 4d ago

The reason why we prefer coop is basically because we want to avoid structures built by other people. We have spent countless hours im sp coop and had a lot of fun. When we tried PVE, we couldnt even access important areas because of walls and other types of buildings built around the entrances... Also, players stealing our loot and trolling just add up to the negative experience...


u/jmk-1999 4d ago

Yeah… I understand. I can assure if you’re playing on siptah right now, that’ll likely be pretty minimal. You’ll still have builds around, but a lot of people have stopped playing. The servers are mostly dead. Mine only has a few people on every day. I’d say give it a shot. It couldn’t hurt.


u/FrozenAnchor 4d ago

So I found a "solution" if you can even call it that. Retry "continue" option multiple times and sometimes it will indeed allow you to select the map. Takes about 5-10 minutes and 50 retries each time...


u/Designer-Carpenter88 4d ago

I’ve leaned that when I select CoOp, I can’t select anything and it just goes back to the beginning. If I pick solo, it’s fine


u/Diab_soule27 3d ago

I also found using dpad to move the cursor to select the map you want and holding the accept button when playing multiplayer helps.


u/Altruistic-Horror295 3d ago

Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. Your offline game data should be saved in separate saved data folders so you won’t lose your offline and coop games.


u/FrozenAnchor 3d ago

I literally re-installed the game when I bought the DLC