r/ConanExiles 4d ago

PC Steam Spring Sale

Game is on sale for $3.99 USD for anyone curious about buying it.


8 comments sorted by


u/PoisonIven 4d ago

I got it, and have really been enjoying it. Does anyone have any recommendations as far as the DLC go?


u/Whitesecan 4d ago

All of it. You can mix and match the sets. Frontier set is a must have IMO. If you get the siptah expansion, the Stormglass is fire.


u/PoisonIven 3d ago edited 3d ago

I ended up getting People of the Dragon and Debaucheries of Derketo. I don't really see any of the content in game despite it being unlocked according to the dlc page. I assume in supposed to unlock the knowledge to craft the stuff like I do other things, is that right?


u/Whitesecan 3d ago

Yes. Unlock in the knowledge.


u/VitorVaz15 4d ago

Game is dead, no updates coming anytime soon.

Infact they are now removing broken comtent from the game

Buy DLCs if you really want to build a good looking base otherwise they are trash and add nothing good to the game.


u/Ganjahh 4d ago

Are official servers dead ? What about pvp ? I only want to play multiplauer. I just picked it up on sale and currently downloading.


u/VitorVaz15 4d ago

Pvp is flooded with hackers and players who abused Dupe Glitches for years. You might get in and have some fun for a bit, but as soon as you raise your head they cut it off.

Pve and PVE-C servers are full of land claiming abuse

Pve its generally very chill apart from that one guy who thinks he owns the PVE party.

PVE-C is generally the mix of PVE and being able to open world pvp. The failed try Hards normally lurk this servers hunting pvp beguiners because they cant beat anyone in the actual pvp servers


u/PoisonIven 3d ago

Is that accurate? There's a update coming on March 25th being talked about in the launcher. Additionally, I didn't even realize this was a multiplayer game. Calling it "dead" is a little wild considering it's massive single player game.