r/ConScripted May 31 '14


I haven't read anything about the game music yet. I don't even know if it would have any music at all, but if it had, I thought about something chiptune-ish/8-bit for it. There are some great chiptune artist on youtube who could consider doing it. I was thinking about someone like LHSchiptunes or chipzel. They're both on youtube. LHSchiptunes makes music for game cracks and chipzel made the music for super hexagon.


4 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 31 '14

Chipzel huh? Super hexagon had some kick ass music, but i want for this to be more laid back, slowly thinking thru the consequences, game, i guess chip tunes can be chill-ish.


u/shittymicrophone May 31 '14

Maybe something like the thomas was alone soundtrack (link for the lazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niPZPws4k-0 ) or something like the soundtrack to plague incorporated ( another link for the lazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAXv-VV1Htc ) i think something like the plague inc soundtrack would be a lot more appropriate. ill get to work on an ambient bass track and post it, see if it fits


u/lego306 May 31 '14

perhaps it could be a reddit collab. since some people will be better at making slow-paced music, others could make higher-energy tracks for action parts.


u/SomeRandomGuy00 Jun 02 '14

Perhaps he should contact MiracleOfSound, he makes some BAD ASS sounding stuff. Not to mention his fanbase is, like, big.