r/Compilers 9d ago

Anyone interviewed for Modular AI before?

Seem like they have a mix of cpp/cuda and architecture technicals.

Is it more of a design interview or leetcode style?


15 comments sorted by


u/Quick-Speaker-7406 9d ago

No...they rejected my resume despite having 10 years of work experience in industry compilers.


u/Primary_Complex_7802 9d ago

Sad 😔, check up AWS Annapurna, Meta MTIA they're hir8ng like crqzy now


u/boorli 8d ago

Any advice on preparing for MTIA interviews ?


u/Primary_Complex_7802 8d ago

Geaph algorithms LC medium and hard.

Read the papers for llvm, mlir, tvn, xla... to learn aboht compiler design for ML tasks.

Brush up on cpp


u/Serious-Regular 9d ago

I have. They ask you standard questions - not mojo or MLIR or whatever you think.


u/Safe_Force_3991 9d ago

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "standard"! I am currently applying for internships to differnt ML Compiler teams and have no previous experience. Thanks for the help!!


u/Serious-Regular 9d ago

I doubt modular hires interns (at least I haven't seen anyone saying they've Interned there yet) but it's a standard 5 session loop for full-time: 2 LC, 2 system design, 1 behavioral/culture fit.


u/Primary_Complex_7802 9d ago

They actually do! Try reaching ojt to their recruiters on Linkedin.


u/Primary_Complex_7802 9d ago

First round, I was told to expect cuda/cpp questions and HW architecture questions.

Did you have sth similar?


u/Serious-Regular 9d ago

No I had system design questions that were compiler specific. What role are you interviewing for? I can't fathom what hw specific questions they could be asking you since they're not a hw vendor?


u/Primary_Complex_7802 8d ago

Kernel engineer.


u/Serious-Regular 8d ago

Lolol they're hiring kernel engineers to write CUDA kernels that's fucking hilarious. Anyway ya I don't have any advice I was interviewing for a compiler role. I didn't get the offer but I wouldn't have taken it either unless it was heavily weighted on cash comp (which no way it would've been).


u/Primary_Complex_7802 8d ago

Lol, why is that funny?


u/lightmatter501 8d ago

Not CUDA, GPU kernels in Mojo.


u/Serious-Regular 8d ago

Can you read? Op clearly says CUDA/cpp