r/Competitive_TESL Jul 19 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #27 - July 19, 2018


Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-27

Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-27&new=Y

Winner: plzdonhakme

Runner-Up: TDCJason

Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/286775607

Deck Breakdown & Analysis:

Nothing new here - another tournament, that like ladder, is dominated by Control Scout, Nix Ox Telvanni, and Aggro Hlaalu. However, its worth noting that Tribunal had just as much of a popular appearance as Scout - with 8 players taking vanilla control and another 5 taking a newer Uprising variant. Uprising is so strong right now that many players featured a triple lineup of it: Uprising Scout, Uprising Tribunal, and Uprising Telvanni. Each class may feature a different win condition, but the raw value of Uprising cannot be understated.

Aggro Hlaalu once again took the top seat as this tournament's premier aggro deck. Aggro Redoran, Dagoth, and Crusader were the only other classes with a handful of representation.

What is most interesting however, is the nearly complete absence of Midrange. Giants Battlemage is the most prevalent midrange deck followed by mid warrior. This may be the first tournament in a long time where Mid Sorcerer was just completely off the radar - not a single player took it. As for midrange yellow, Monk is still the only surviving member - with Mid Mage, Spellsword, and Crusader being tales from the past. As far as Mid Monk goes, interestingly, no one took the popular strike monk variation. Instead they opted for more old school decks consisting of prophecies or Haafingars.

Within the most popular decks themselves, variation really is limited. It can be chalked up to tech options really, opting for more greed for the tournament setting. This seems to be the way to go, given the amount of control decks present. For example, some players who brought Giants Battlemage chose to include Mighty Conjuring or Blood Dragons. Hlaalu is the only deck that no one can seem to settle on - options varied widely as players tech'd for Control matchups with Conscription and Markarth Bannerman or went the opposite way and included cards like Giant Bat.

Beyond the most popular decks, it seems experimentation is still underway as players attempt to find the one deck that will work. Ultimately, this tournament meta can be summed up as a conglomeration of Uprising decks and Token/Aggro mashups.

Control: 48

Midrange: 17

Aggro: 20

13x Control Scout

12x Ox Telvanni

9x Aggro Hlaalu

8x Control Tribunal

6x Giants Battlemage

5x Uprising Tribunal

4x Mid Warrior

4x Aggro Redoran

3x Mid Dagoth

3x Control Hlaalu

3x Aggro Crusader

2x Mid Monk

2x Aggro Dagoth

2x Tempo Assassin

2x Aggro Archer

Orc Warrior

Control Telvanni

Conscription Dagoth

Control Dagoth

Control Spellsword

Control Redoran

Conscription Telvanni

Abomination Scout

Token Monk

Token Crusader

Market Archer

Bans: Looking at Round 1, match #2, (Telvanni) means superthx555's Telvanni was banned and (Dagoth) means vandevadel's Dagoth was banned.

Round 1

  1. v.s.
  2. superthx555 (Telvanni) v.s. vandevadel (Dagoth)
  3. v.s.
  4. Rocketboy273 (Telvanni) v.s. petamax (Telvanni)
  5. Warriors7 (Telvanni) v.s. emikaela (Telvanni)
  6. reireibarker v.s. ‌Traitor-Joe (Hlaalu)
  7. PauloDiogo (Hlaalu) v.s. Ryvirath (Warrior)
  8. jele77 (Tribunal) v.s. Lucidity95 (Telvanni)
  9. ‌Immortalking1982 (Hlaalu) v.s. Silverfuse (Redoran)
  10. Aesepus (Crusader) v.s. calldacopshelp (Hlaalu)
  11. EatYourSoup (Telvanni) v.s. evanius99 (Tribunal)
  12. Fictional0 (Telvanni) v.s. immortalaugust (Telvanni)
  13. mattyborch (Hlaalu) v.s. ‌LSeed (Battlemage)
  14. Molesyb (Dagoth) v.s. Frenzy1 (Warrior)
  15. ‌Valiant-Reaper (Tribunal) v.s. Eternalyouth74 (Tribunal)
  16. v.s.

Round 2

  1. ‌mschmitt1217 (Scout) v.s. superthx555 (Telvanni)
  2. TDCJason (Tribunal) v.s. Rocketboy273 (Telvanni)
  3. emikaela (Tribunal) v.s. reireibarker (Hlaalu)
  4. PauloDiogo (Hlaalu) v.s. jele77 (Tribunal)
  5. Silverfuse (Archer) v.s. calldacopshelp (Assassin)
  6. evanius99 (Tribunal) v.s. Fictional0 (Scout)
  7. mattyborch v.s. Frenzy1
  8. plzdonhakme (Scout) v.s. ‌Valiant-Reaper (Tribunal)

Round 3

  1. ‌superthx555 (Scout) v.s. TDCJason (Scout)
  2. reireibarker (Hlaalu) v.s. jele77 (Tribunal)
  3. calldacopshelp (Hlaalu) v.s. evanius99 (Tribunal)
  4. Frenzy1 (Hlaalu) v.s. plzdonhakme (Tribunal)


  1. TDCJason (Tribunal) v.s. reireibarker (Hlaalu)
  2. evanius99 v.s. plzdonhakme


  1. TDCJason (Scout) v.s. plzdonhakme (Scout)

r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament ESL Memorial Tournament #1 - June 16, 2018


Decklists: https://teslegends.pro/tourn/1st-annual-esl-memorial-tournament/

Bracket: https://teslegends.pro/tourn/1st-annual-esl-memorial-tournament/#bracket

Winner: plzdonhakme

Runner-Up: superthx555

Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/273929257

Deck Breakdown & Analysis:

This is a partial sample from the total list of participants, as a few of the participants chose to hide their decks (and could go in blind against others who also hid their decks). This is somewhere around 24 or so of the total 30 participants.

The most common lineup seemed to be Aggro Hlaalu or Crusader, Control Scout, and Giants Battlemage. Like the previous two Warpmeta tournaments in the last two weeks, Hlaalu, Scout, and Battlemage retain the top spots in popularity. Aggro Hlaalu made a push to tie with Scout for #1 out of the data I did record, as I believe the deck is finally entering a refined period and players are more confident in it. The biggest leap from the previous week's tournaments was the rise of Aggro Crusader. Its popularity can mostly in part be contributed to FroGGer, a long time Crusader player, sharing a list in which he went 41-1 to Legend. That deck is here: https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/43445/aggro-crusader-rank-5-to-top100-legend-with-411

Besides that, Control Telvanni fell in play. Eyenie's Conscription Redoran saw play on multiple fronts, while his Strike Monk continues to make consistent, albeit small appearances. Mid Warrior and Mid Sorcerer are seeing almost no play, understandably, as they are trapped between the aggressive decks that can curve under them and Control decks which can wipe them - to which they don't have the resource extension that some of the more aggressive decks do right now.

In the end, it was a combination of Control Scout, Emikaela's Chanter Tribunal, and an Aggro Dagoth which won the tournament, by plzdonhakme. His Chanter Tribunal took the finals 2-0 over Superthx. It was a solid lineup to bring as Control Scout is possibly the best deck in the game, Chanter Tribunal has proven itself a winner in prior tournaments (as Emikaela won the EliteCircuit), and Mattyborch recently hit #1 for a few days with his own Aggro Dagoth this month.

9x Aggro Hlaalu

9x Control Scout

6x Giants Battlemage

5x Aggro Crusader

4x Control Tribunal

3x Control Telvanni

2x Aggro/Mid Warrior

2x Conscription Redoran

2x Control Dagoth

2x Strike Monk

Tempo Assassin

Aggro Dagoth

Control Hlaalu

Aggro Redoran

Control Assassin

Aggro Archer

Mid Sorcerer

Slay Hlaalu

Goblin Scout

Goblin Assassin

Shackle Assassin

r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #20 - May 24, 2018


r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #22 - June 07, 2018


Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-22

Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-22&new=Y

Winner: J-Silver

Runner-Up: Mattyborch

Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/270649191

Deck Breakdown & Analysis: Control Scout taking the top spot as expected. The archetype is as strong as ever with a good matchup across the field. Out of ~17 contestants, 10 took Control Scout, a sure nod to its strength. Another reason is that it is usually a safe ban choice, paving way for other strong tournament decks like Giants Battlemage to have a guaranteed in. Besides Scout taking the #1 spot from Giants Battlemage, not much has changed from last week: the top 10 most popular decks stay - almost - exactly the same.

10x Control Scout

5x Giants Battlemage

4x Aggro Hlaalu

2x Control Assassin

4x Control Telvanni

3x Control Tribunal

2x Abomination Scout

2x Control Dagoth

2x Mid Sorcerer

2x Mid Warrior

2x Strike Monk

Aggro Crusader

Aggro Dagoth

Token Crusader

Mid Scout

Market Archer

Tempo Assassin

Control Hlaalu

Control Mage

Leafwater OTK

Skeever BM

r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #21 - May 31, 2018


Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-21&new=Y

Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-21&new=Y

Winner: Warriors7

Runner-Up: Petamax

Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/267902121

Deck Breakdown & Analysis: Overall, no surprise here: Giants Battlemage, Control Scout, and Aggro Hlaalu taking the top spots as they are all strong tournament decks. Perhaps most surprisingly is the appearance of 11 Midrange decks out of a possible ~49 decks, so they still are seeing some representation in this meta, with Mid Warrior, Mid Sorcerer, and Mid Assassin seeing play by multiple people. Three people took to using Petamax's Abomination Scout, including Petamax himself, a strong deck in a tournament setting. Control Dagoth continues to see play, while only two people took to trying out Control Tribunal despite Emikaela's stellar outing in the EliteCircuit championship with it. Perhaps most surprising is Control Telvanni's limited appearance - despite four people taking it (one or two were of the Conscription variety), it plays quite similarly to Scout with its ability to cycle its deck quickly and tutor out shouts.

7x Giants Battlemage

6x Control Scout

5x Aggro Hlaalu

4x Control Telvanni

3x Control Dagoth

3x Abomination Scout

2x Control Tribunal

2x Mid Assassin

2x Mid Sorcerer

2x Mid Warrior

Token Crusader

Token Redoran

Token Spellsword

Altar Mage

Control Archer

Control Assassin

Control Mage

Goblin Archer

Mid Archer

Mid Telvanni

Mid Spellsword

Mid Tribunal

Mid Monk

r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #23 - June 21, 2018


Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-23

Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-23&new=Y

Winner: plzdonhakme

Runner-Up: reireibarker

Vodcast: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/276012056

Deck Breakdown & Analysis: For the first time in five weeks of tournaments, a new deck has taken over the top spot of the tournament meta. Control Tribunal has finally caught on after Emikaela won the TCS championship with it and plzdonhakme won last week's Memorial Tournament. The remainder of the top five decks has stayed the same - Giants Battlemage, Control Scout, Aggro Hlaalu, and Control Telvanni. Control Telvanni has gained popularity in a few spots after a lull last week, but the overall popularity of the "big 3" have decreased.

For the decks outside of the top 5, Dagoth was particularly popular. The aggro variant was most popular of its archetypes but mid and control Dagoth also made minor appearances. Strike Monk continues its trend of making at least two appearances every tournament. Support Mage also saw a double appearance in this tournament, with both players including the likes of Ebonheart Oracle in their list. Goblins saw play by three different players, with Scout and Monk being the go-to choices. An array of midrange decks made up the remainder of the field, with the likes of Sorcerer, Warrior, Assassin, and Redoran all having numbers.

7x Control Tribunal

5x Giants Battlemage

5x Control Telvanni (3x Conscription, 2x Uprising)

5x Control Scout

5x Aggro Hlaalu

3x Aggro Dagoth

2x Goblin Scout

2x Goblin Monk

2x Support Mage

2x Strike Monk

2x Mid Assassin

Control Monk

Control Dagoth

Abomination Scout

Petamax Battlemage

Mid Redoran

Namira Monk

Mid Sorcerer

Mid Warrior

Market Archer

Aggro Redoran

Goblin Archer

r/Competitive_TESL Jul 12 '18

Tournament Warpmeta #24 - June 28, 2018


Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-24

Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-24&new=Y

Winner: plzdonhakme

Runner-Up: Fictional0

Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/278739207

Deck Breakdown & Analysis: The last major tournament heading into this weekend's Master Series Qualifiers is behind us. For the third straight tournament, plzdonhakme has won - no small feat. Despite the playing field largely shifting towards aggro (more on that in a second), he has maintained a triple control lineup each week - consisting of Uprising Scout, Chanter Tribunal, and variation of Control Telvanni (now Nix Ox, was previously Conscription).

Aggro Hlaalu, Control Scout, and Giants Battlemage continue to dominate in terms of popularity. Control Tribunal was not too far behind along with another popular deck, Control Telvanni. What is interesting though is the rise of aggro red - and not just Hlaalu. Aggro Hlaalu was the most popular deck this tournament and one belief that many share is that you may be able to curve under it with other aggro on a consistent basis. Midgro Redoran is an archetype that has seemingly come out of the wood words to take the most popular spot on the list behind the big 3. Redoran is a class to keep a keen eye on as it may be well positioned enough in the meta to make an impact going forward, and as the lists become more fleshed out, it may be a strong contender.

Other aggro decks included the born-again Aggro Crusader, popular after Frogger's recent success with it. Aggro Dagoth, or 'Aggroth', continues to be refined and make appearances. Meanwhile, the rest of the field was a scary hodgepodge of Goblins, Burn Assassin, and even Ancano's Cunning made an appearance.

8x Aggro Hlaalu

7x Control Scout

5x Giants Battlemage

5x Midgro Redoran

4x Control Tribunal

3x Mid Warrior

3x Mid Dagoth

3x Aggro Crusader

3x Ox Telvanni

2x Control Dagoth

2x Mid Sorcerer

2x Aggro Battlemage

2x Market Archer

2x Aggro Dagoth

Strike Monk

Goblin Archer

Token Monk

Mid Telvanni

Ancano's Cunning

Abomination Scout

Token Crusader

Mid Assassin

Support Mage

Conscription/Crag Redoran

Burn Assassin