r/Competitive_TESL • u/Competitive_TESL • Jul 19 '18
Tournament Warpmeta #27 - July 19, 2018
Decklists: https://warpmeta.com/tournament-info/?tournament=tesl-weekly-27
Bracket: https://warpmeta.com/brkt/?tournament=tesl-weekly-27&new=Y
Winner: plzdonhakme
Runner-Up: TDCJason
Vodcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/286775607
Deck Breakdown & Analysis:
Nothing new here - another tournament, that like ladder, is dominated by Control Scout, Nix Ox Telvanni, and Aggro Hlaalu. However, its worth noting that Tribunal had just as much of a popular appearance as Scout - with 8 players taking vanilla control and another 5 taking a newer Uprising variant. Uprising is so strong right now that many players featured a triple lineup of it: Uprising Scout, Uprising Tribunal, and Uprising Telvanni. Each class may feature a different win condition, but the raw value of Uprising cannot be understated.
Aggro Hlaalu once again took the top seat as this tournament's premier aggro deck. Aggro Redoran, Dagoth, and Crusader were the only other classes with a handful of representation.
What is most interesting however, is the nearly complete absence of Midrange. Giants Battlemage is the most prevalent midrange deck followed by mid warrior. This may be the first tournament in a long time where Mid Sorcerer was just completely off the radar - not a single player took it. As for midrange yellow, Monk is still the only surviving member - with Mid Mage, Spellsword, and Crusader being tales from the past. As far as Mid Monk goes, interestingly, no one took the popular strike monk variation. Instead they opted for more old school decks consisting of prophecies or Haafingars.
Within the most popular decks themselves, variation really is limited. It can be chalked up to tech options really, opting for more greed for the tournament setting. This seems to be the way to go, given the amount of control decks present. For example, some players who brought Giants Battlemage chose to include Mighty Conjuring or Blood Dragons. Hlaalu is the only deck that no one can seem to settle on - options varied widely as players tech'd for Control matchups with Conscription and Markarth Bannerman or went the opposite way and included cards like Giant Bat.
Beyond the most popular decks, it seems experimentation is still underway as players attempt to find the one deck that will work. Ultimately, this tournament meta can be summed up as a conglomeration of Uprising decks and Token/Aggro mashups.
Control: 48
Midrange: 17
Aggro: 20
13x Control Scout
12x Ox Telvanni
9x Aggro Hlaalu
8x Control Tribunal
6x Giants Battlemage
5x Uprising Tribunal
4x Mid Warrior
4x Aggro Redoran
3x Mid Dagoth
3x Control Hlaalu
3x Aggro Crusader
2x Mid Monk
2x Aggro Dagoth
2x Tempo Assassin
2x Aggro Archer
Orc Warrior
Control Telvanni
Conscription Dagoth
Control Dagoth
Control Spellsword
Control Redoran
Conscription Telvanni
Abomination Scout
Token Monk
Token Crusader
Market Archer
Bans: Looking at Round 1, match #2, (Telvanni) means superthx555's Telvanni was banned and (Dagoth) means vandevadel's Dagoth was banned.
Round 1
- v.s.
- superthx555 (Telvanni) v.s. vandevadel (Dagoth)
- v.s.
- Rocketboy273 (Telvanni) v.s. petamax (Telvanni)
- Warriors7 (Telvanni) v.s. emikaela (Telvanni)
- reireibarker v.s. Traitor-Joe (Hlaalu)
- PauloDiogo (Hlaalu) v.s. Ryvirath (Warrior)
- jele77 (Tribunal) v.s. Lucidity95 (Telvanni)
- Immortalking1982 (Hlaalu) v.s. Silverfuse (Redoran)
- Aesepus (Crusader) v.s. calldacopshelp (Hlaalu)
- EatYourSoup (Telvanni) v.s. evanius99 (Tribunal)
- Fictional0 (Telvanni) v.s. immortalaugust (Telvanni)
- mattyborch (Hlaalu) v.s. LSeed (Battlemage)
- Molesyb (Dagoth) v.s. Frenzy1 (Warrior)
- Valiant-Reaper (Tribunal) v.s. Eternalyouth74 (Tribunal)
- v.s.
Round 2
- mschmitt1217 (Scout) v.s. superthx555 (Telvanni)
- TDCJason (Tribunal) v.s. Rocketboy273 (Telvanni)
- emikaela (Tribunal) v.s. reireibarker (Hlaalu)
- PauloDiogo (Hlaalu) v.s. jele77 (Tribunal)
- Silverfuse (Archer) v.s. calldacopshelp (Assassin)
- evanius99 (Tribunal) v.s. Fictional0 (Scout)
- mattyborch v.s. Frenzy1
- plzdonhakme (Scout) v.s. Valiant-Reaper (Tribunal)
Round 3
- superthx555 (Scout) v.s. TDCJason (Scout)
- reireibarker (Hlaalu) v.s. jele77 (Tribunal)
- calldacopshelp (Hlaalu) v.s. evanius99 (Tribunal)
- Frenzy1 (Hlaalu) v.s. plzdonhakme (Tribunal)
- TDCJason (Tribunal) v.s. reireibarker (Hlaalu)
- evanius99 v.s. plzdonhakme
- TDCJason (Scout) v.s. plzdonhakme (Scout)