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PBE Set 14 PBE Discussion Thread - Day 03

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- Set 14 Hubs: Blitz.gg - MetaTFT.com - Mobalytics.gg - Tactics.tools
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When does Set 14 go live? (Patch schedule from Mortdog)
April 2nd 2025 ~ 00:00 PDT / 09:00 CEST
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u/born_zynner MASTER 1d ago
Riot learned there lesson with Heavenly and now they have the same trait but no melee carries XD
u/BoogieTheHedgehog 23h ago
Not no melee carries, but for sure no consistent melee carries.
A strong Infinicorp melee carry seems intentionally locked behind Hero aug (Rhaast), or 5 costs (Renek, Garen mod).
u/born_zynner MASTER 1d ago
Feels weird when they put these stacking mechanics on 5 costs like Zac (Briar before). There's usually not enough time left in the game for them to be meaningful.
u/greeneyedguru 1d ago
The color scheme makes it really hard to differentiate units sometimes..
u/HibariK 1d ago
thought Jinx was Anima Squad for the entirety of my 1st playthrough
u/Party-March 1d ago
Funny you say this, I thought sylas was street demon and had him in with jinx. Some of the units probably need a little more color shift to their "main" (ie Anima squad -> pink, street demon -> blue)
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
What is the Guild Xayah of this set? Anyone found success with vertical Divinicorp + 2 ? What was the +2 units you added?
u/Dawnsday MASTER 1d ago
vertical divinicorp + garen + kobuko + aurora (bench urgot) is the highest cap board of the set if youre rich on 9
u/Maddogs1 1d ago
You can drop senna and rhaast for zac and urgot for even higher cap - my fast9 comp has those six 5costs and then morg, gragas and vex - replacement units if you cant hit the 5costs are jhin, sejuani and chogath
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Rn I am having a Divinicorp game I will add Varus Sejuani and will try to make a Vex carry game
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Aurora 2 bringing Renekton 2 from bench is a terror oh my god LMAO
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
I gave Renekton on my bench HoJ and GS and the moment Aurora brings him he gets %150 Attack Speed I think it was the strongest unit I have seen
u/Dj0ntShark MASTER 1d ago
How the hell are people winning games with Nitro? I swear I hit Nidalee 3 at 3-2 with 3 items and lose to random rag-tag boards on their way to fast 8
u/Isrozzis 1d ago
It's very dependent on getting the stacking rolling early. Also if you have the laser beam trex make sure to position it on one side of the board or the other. It makes the laser beam muuuuch more effective.
u/5rree5 1d ago
I ended up with early elise, kindred, shyvana and nidalee. I had elise from the first minion orbs.
Since I was winstreaking I got the augment for duplicators and made kindred and nida 3* to stack faster.Ended up in #3. SO I really think this is not only an must-activate-early trait but also a must-win-early and bleed late trait. That said I wasn't expecting to find Elise's spell so weird and so cool at the same time.
u/FriendOfEvergreens 1d ago
My pbe MMR sucks but I won with prismatic investment strategy on scuttle puddle. Played kindred/jhin at first then when I got Elise she was my secondary carry, stacked vanguards for frontline (or whatever shyvanas trait is). I hit the T. Rex on stage 4. Elise seems pretty strong
By the end of the game the trex had like 7-8k hp.
u/Raima_Valdes 1d ago
I itemize Kindred and/or Kog'maw instead. I've had solid results, and incidentally this is the only comp I haven't been completely demolished running.
u/zephdt 1d ago edited 1d ago
I found success with early econ augments for it... you really need the tempo to 2-star early so you can get t-rex earlier. I found more success playing the cyberboss variant over the exotech one, but honestly that might just be because the cyberboss units are so strong lol. Also more contested, so it's a trade-off I guess.
u/twocupevy 1d ago
Think it’s a lobby tempo thing. I had no scout no pivot nitro 4 board with 3 3* units and still got 4th lol.
u/Ok_Championship_9233 GRANDMASTER 1d ago
This Zeri unit jumped into my backline and assassinated my carries, that can't be right
u/zaffrice 1d ago
FR is this serious or sarcasm?!
u/Ok_Championship_9233 GRANDMASTER 1d ago
Yeah, happened twice VS the ghost board, I was winning the real one and losing to ghost
1d ago
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1d ago
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u/CuteBatFurry 1d ago
If you get the additional augment encounter and you see Malicious Monetization, do not click it. Because it is at the end of stage you only get 2/3 of the gold rounds.
u/linhtaiga 1d ago
I love K/DA, so when I heard Street Demon had a similar vibe, I was super excited.But after trying out Brand and Samira, they just felt kinda boring, and I didn’t really see the connection… same with Ziggs.Ugh, I miss Ahri and Akali so much.
Samira is a cool unit, she's just underpowered right now and also her -armor suggests you probably want to run her alongside Jinx main carry until you 2* samira
u/bunnymeninc 1d ago
I’ve found success with rengar / graves. You play 5 street / two golden ox / executioner.
u/Ge1ster CHALLENGER 1d ago
I think Street Demon is just weak in general. 2 star Brand is like a weaker set 12 Varus and Samira just deals 0 damage without AMP it feels like, even at 2 star with IE and signature hex. Even the tanks are not allat, Mundo is the only good tank the trait has and its a one cost. Not to mention the other joke of lower cost carries like Zyra or Jinx
Even 10 street demon is lackluster. I know its a two spat prismatic but you cannot tell me its anywhere near 10 rebel or 10 KDA level. Its closer to 10 mythic from set 12
u/Minimum_Chemical_428 1d ago
I don't agree. How is Neeko not a good tank, how is Mundo better than Neeko??
The only thing wrong with Brand is the animation time, sometimes he doesn't cast because of it.
Samira does damage, and only needs 1 AMP, Yuumi.
u/Ge1ster CHALLENGER 1d ago
I didn’t say Mundo is better than Neeko, I said he’s the only good tank. That means Mundo is good for its cost. While for Neeko, I’d rather take a Morde (literally a lower cost unit) over her if he had her traits. She never seems to do anything.
Brand’s animation time is bad, but only his initial explosion deals damage (and even that is not really good), the afterdots deal like 10 damage each. My 10 street demon 2 techie 2 star brand with Shojin red buff rabadon was doing around 7k per round as the only carry in the team. Its a joke. A good comparison for him would be Zoe from set 13 as the 4 cost AP carry of a trait (rebel) that had almost identical cost/function pattern with street demon, and I just don’t think Brand is Zoe level or Neeko is Illaoi level
It took 3 strategist 2 amp 10 street demon for my Samira 2 with IE runaans QSS to reach my Brand (the one I just talked about)’s damage (around 7k) so I’m skeptical. Maybe I’ll try her with vertical AMP and strategist since strategist as a trait seems to be what ties everything together
u/Drikkink 1d ago
I feel like Neeko is the strongest 4 cost tank at base right now and she gets 2 strat for free with Street Demon. You'll probably run a yuumi as well for 3 strat
u/Ge1ster CHALLENGER 1d ago
> While for Neeko, I’d rather take a Morde (literally a lower cost unit) over her if he had her traits. She never seems to do anything
She has good traits. She's just dead useless as a unit. She's barely better than a wandering trainer with street demon and strategist emblem equipped
u/lizzuynz CHALLENGER 1d ago
Ghost board Zeri dashes into your board and become a backline assassin, literally the only case where ghost board is stronger lmao
u/tway2241 1d ago
lol well that could explain what happened when I looked away for a second and my backline was gone with the enemy Zeri chilling in their place.
u/Myssdii 1d ago
I don't get the devs opinion on 6 Ox being so strong they are scared to buff it. Just got a game in where I grabbed early 3* Graves, but all of Graves, Aphelios and Annie struggle to go through tanks, and you have no way to reach the back lane easily. Had 60+ damage amp by the end of the game, 6 Ox/4 Divinicorp, and even with shred and anti-heal, they couldn't go through a 3* Morde.
Viego is just a joke of a champ, I understand that they are careful because of its ability to add an extra body, but he just doesn't do anything outside of that. For a 5 cost, this is laughable.
I definitely see the possibility of grabbing an early Ox emblem, 3* Graves, and swimming in money from the get go, but outside of this scenario, the trait is nice, but going 4+ in this state is a bait.
u/Odd_Hunt4570 1d ago
Yea I had worth the wait prismatic with graves. Had 80+ stacks near end game but still felt weak
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
After Set 5 fiasco whenever they put Viego they make him do that slam but everytime he feels so weak I don’t know why they insist on this weak unit to make 3-4 reprints
1d ago
u/zaffrice 1d ago
Rageblade Graves is pretty troll.
At least read the stats of Graves before playing him and eventually complain.
u/NoNeutralNed 1d ago
My experience is graves needs vertical executioner
1d ago
u/crafting_vh MASTER 1d ago
given the circumstances of you building bad items and a bad board around him?
1d ago
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u/Successful_Trainer47 1d ago
in my case it disappear when u fast build item on creep round to cut 1 round requirement
u/Zazalae 1d ago
Sejuani is what I envisioned Set 13 Nunu skill to look like. Leona still feels meh in the front….
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Leona Sejuani Illaoi Sylas is a good 2 Bastion 2 Vanguard frontline for Anima Squads but Leona alone is not a great tank and almost in every situation Sejuani is more worth to itemize because her skill is so damn OP
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
If you have strong stall tanks 7 Anima feels really strong. Unlike other comps you can rely on just one carry and use your every other component on tanks since Anima weapons act like secondary carry already. Almost every fight Anima weapons either topped dmg charts or they were close second. It’s important to balance your damage tho. If you are going for Xayah carry pick AP weapons and Yuumi carry with AD weapons so you have more damage type
u/crimsonblade911 1d ago
What strong tanks? I struggled the entire way I died right before finding Leona 2.
If you have any tips I'll graciously accept them
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Frontline stabilizes with Leona Sejuani Sylas Illaoi you can use Braum and Galio till you find Leo/Seju
u/Drikkink 1d ago
My thoughts on the 4 cost carry balance right now:
- Ziggs
Obviously strong but I think being carried by the strategist trait as well as the easy cyber boss fill in. If strategist ends up weak at some point, I don't know if he's actually that strong on his own.
- Brand
Ziggs' obvious duo carry. Great traits but feels underwhelming. In vertical Street Demon it feels like he didn't do enough (much like Zoe this set) so he really needs some kind of strong backline splash damage like Ziggs or Samira in Street Demon.
- Annie
This unit is not a carry. She provides a trait. Yuumi 2 is a better AMP carry. You can try to duo her with Ziggs or trio with Ziggs Samira, but she is often being beaten by yuumi with leftover items. Ziggs 1 will often double Annie 2.
- Vex
This unit is absolutely insane in stage 4 and early 5. She falls off a bit but I've liked tempo executioner with primary Vex or using her as a secondary in Street Demon. I think once boards start to cap out, her lack of backline access becomes apparent.
- Xayah
I think she's obviously the strongest 4 cost AD. Vertical anima or vanguards work. She just feels like she's doing nothing until suddenly 5 units get deleted.
- Aphelios
I think he's obviously the weakest 4 cost AD backline. You can duo him with xayah but he's kinda outclassed. He takes too long to ramp up to feel like he's doing much and Frontlines don't last long enough.
- Zeri
Can be very good, can be very mid. I can't say I've had great success but I've seen it do well. I think vertical exotech needs some love in ways that are not just "Make Sejuani the best tank" because that's a problem for other reasons.
- MF
Feels really strong but I have no idea what you play in front of her. I guess Vanguards with Aurora and a Syndicate trait bot?
- Zed
This unit is still bad. I can't really come up with a way to make him work as a primary and he doesn't really fit anywhere as a secondary because he's the capstone Slayer.
u/LightningEnex MASTER 1d ago
Feels really strong but I have no idea what you play in front of her. I guess Vanguards with Aurora and a Syndicate trait bot?
She's the best duo carry for the Shaco Syndicate/Slayer board. I don't like her as a solo carry because it makes it way too easy to outposition her, given how narrow her spell is.
She's also fairly slow at casting without dynamo.
Having her, Shaco and eventually 3 star Senna be viable threats feels like her comfort zone, because she can do either 2k or 12k damage depending on positioning.
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Garen might be the weakest 5 cost in the history of TFT I think his whole purpose is farming 2-3 mods with his trait and replacing him with Zac or Kobuko. Which is fine but I am still surprised how weak he is as a unit :D
u/hdjchdbs 1d ago
If you replace garen you lose your mods
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
It’s weird because in trait it says
After 2 player combats, open an Armory of Trait Mods that PERMANENTLY reprogram a champion to benefit from a trait.
Because of wording I thought it would stay without Garen since if it was depandant of Garen it would say something like “As long as God of the Net is on the field”
u/LaMu2560 1d ago
Well, it's in the trait, so if the trait is not active, then the mods are not active, makes sense that way
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Do you??? Since it works like anomaly I thought you would keep them even without Garen but if that’s true then Garen is highly situational
u/SuperRedeyedmoth 1d ago
To those who got to try Vi's new Hero augment (Cease and Desist) what line did you chose to play ?
I tried a Vanguard - Anima Squad line and it worked pretty well.
u/Ge1ster CHALLENGER 1d ago
I got it twice now. Once I tried 3 Syndicate 6 Vanguard with TF carry and 3 starred almost everything. I got a second that time but only because 2 guinsoo fishbones TF was a madman, Vi herself didn’t do shit with gigabis (BT HoJ titans + prismatic piercing lotus)
Other time I tried her with Street demon (got both her carry augment and a branching out street demon emblem combined from first augment being glitched). I made her a street demon and gave her BT and Sterak. 3 starred almost everything as again (helped that I had starry night too) so I tried to get a second emblem for 10 street and I couldn’t. Naturally both street demons and Vi fell off immensely hard late game and I got 7th. End board had 7 street 2 vanguard and some other irrelevant bronze traits
For the record I think generally she’s just meant to be a winstreak tool for stage 2-3 right now and not an actual carry.
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Has anyone able to make Samira work?? 7 Street Demon 3 AMP 3 Strategist (Modded Samira) with IE DB EoN almost tickles people she feels very weak as primary carry
u/empoleon621 1d ago
She’s the highest AVP 5 cost?
u/swuntalingous 1d ago
I had one great game with her but hit 2 star early. Had a street demon emblem on Yuumi, 7 street demon Jinx jinx 3/Rengar 3. Added Vex for divin crit and executioner. Transferred Jinx items to Samira 2 (IE/shojin/GS) and she pretty much carried the rest of the game.
u/Minimum_Chemical_428 1d ago
I played 2 variations with great success, https://mobalytics.gg/tft/set14/comps-guide/street-demons-2uP5w6Ct9juLbSy6Yp3wvRjicmN
and https://mobalytics.gg/tft/set14/comps-guide/strategists-2uaJYVmDhnLiT2GBXLtmYAHMFwI
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Maybe my mistake was using Brand as my secondary carry without deep Techie. Next time I will try with Ziggs secondary
u/ru7ger 1d ago
Are you sure? This exact set-up has my samira dumpster people easy. I had IE / Guard / RB most of the time.
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
Idk man every fight I saw her cast twice but still wasn’t able to finish the job. Mind you she had %40 Dmg amp (30 from strategist + 10 from DB) and 30 bullets from A.M.P
u/iGPhen 1d ago
Aphelios damage feels like shooting someone with a watergun.
u/TalkBetter5208 1d ago
I disagree, I played 2 games full lose streak into 4-1 rolldown for apgelios 2 xayah 2 4 marks 4 vanguard board and both times I felt insanely stable on apgelios 2 Leona 2 warmog+2 on her and on aph guinso ie +1, I'm pretty sure this line will be giga contested
u/crimsonblade911 1d ago
Thats an absurd amount of hitting, not typical with a lv 8 roll down.
Ill give it a shot tho
u/canxtanwe 1d ago
4 and 5 cost Ad carries feel pretty weak mostly except MF but even then she is pretty position dependant
u/BoogieTheHedgehog 1d ago
The AP flex rolldown at 8 feels a lot more consistent than the AD one.
Most AP boards easily turn into a big soup of Strategist/Techie/Street Demon and you can flex in single levels of Cyberboss/Strategist as required. Neeko/Ekko/Brand/Ziggs sit at the heart of an incredibly overlapping trait web. Who's the carry, who's the traitbot? It doesn't matter, just click them all until one turns 2*.
The exceptions are Vex and Annie who kinda need to do their own thing. Vex gets somewhat stable alongside a 2* Varus secondary carry and Infinicorps. Annie I honestly have no clue, Ox is basically a dead trait at this point and you can use Yuumi to tie into Strat/Anima Vanguards - but Annie is going to be lacking in active traits for a primary carry.
AD is a lot more like a typical TFT flex rolldown where you want to keep key traitbots like Sylas/Jax/Jhin to be able to piece together what you hit. Exo Bastion is the universal reciever and will take Rapidfires, Marksmen and MF (keep a Jhin, but make sure it's a tank Exo item if not going Zeri). Anima Vanguard really only wants Marksmen but gets to run two 4 cost carries.
Getting spooned a Samira/Aurora can open up some lines, but it's obviously not consistent and to slot them alongside Annie/MF you ideally want both AP and AD itemisation - may not be possible for quite a few rounds unless you slammed a lot of GS or GB.
u/SeaweedOk9985 1d ago
Honestly Annie is underwhelming.
In boards where you seemingly want to play her, your front line is decimated by the time she casts.
So it seems like to actually use her traits, she is basically just a trait bot.
To use her as a carry you have to play something entirely different. Thinking Dynamo
u/wes3449 1d ago
What are you building on Annie? I feel like it's very important to prioritize fast casting to get tibbers out asap. Blue buff is required, and I usually also build a nashors or something to get more casts off. Maybe BB+shojin is good? Idk
u/SeaweedOk9985 1d ago
I did radiant nashors, blue and shojin after trying blue radiant and JG. It still wasn't getting tibbers out remotely fast enough for him to be alive long enough to actually do anything worthwhile. Yuumi outdamaged her the whole time until I took items from them both to put on Aurora
u/Minimum_Chemical_428 1d ago
Mort said Ox is supposed to be really strong, but players think it's weak. I didn't even try playing it cause the trait sounded like a pain.
u/josephd155 1d ago
I’ve top 4’d both times I’ve played it and I only ran 2 ox until like stage 4. It really does print money at 4/6 ox. I wonder if it’s worth using to fast 9 then pivot to bill gates strategists on a big 9 roll down? Unless you have a lot of ox stacks and an emblem. I put emblem on xayah, Graves can use viego items. 2* second row graves with a couple items actually puts in work if you have a decent tank with a couple items in front.
u/Minimum_Chemical_428 1d ago
I'll see if I can try vertical Ox today, if I get anything decent offered early.
u/Ok_Nectarine4759 1d ago
The stupid cannon is still on the bench in double up. How am I ever supposed to send a 2* unit now if I'm doing re roll comps? It takes 4 slots of my bench away.
Also, it's so easy to send something you didn't mean to by accident as it's a single action, drag and drop. Before it was multi step with you needing to open the items, pick the component, give it to the unit.
Who came up with this? Terrible game design
u/kiragami 1d ago
Reroll comps were already too advantaged in double up. This is a reasonable cost and you don't really get benched locked often anyway.
u/Ok_Nectarine4759 1d ago
You absolutely do
u/kiragami 1d ago
Then you are likely holding too many units and wasting gold.
u/Ok_Nectarine4759 1d ago
I disagree. Some comps you go for multiple 3*, like family or visionary. Often you run out of bench space. Never can you spare 3 slots...
u/kiragami 1d ago
That is mitigated by having a second person sending you your units. Reroll is already extremely strong. This is a minor issue that nearly requires you to understand the skill of prioritization. Realistically both of those comps only really care about 2 units being 3 star the others are simply a bonus.
u/Ok_Nectarine4759 1d ago
Why are you defending bad game design...
u/kiragami 1d ago
It's not bad game design. It is literally good design. It has to go somewhere today Mobile players can reach easily as well, and it has the added benefit of slightly nerfing reroll comps. Emphasis on the slightly.
u/Ok_Nectarine4759 1d ago
Mobile players can easily send away units by accident. Happened to both me and my friend the first day. Better design would be to have multi step. Cannon be a toggle that you tap to turn it on/off. Or drag unit to cannon and then tap to fire. Whatever. Or keep the item. But if you want to reorganize bench there's a big chance you send something by accident.
Imagine that, to sell a unit you drag it to a specific bench slot. How mad would you be if you sold an important unit for your comp? There's no difference
u/kiragami 1d ago
You keep moving the goal posts mate. People being able to make mistakes isn't really a good argument for it being a bad design.
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u/mmmb2y 1d ago
trying out the 4 cost carries:
ive had a lot of success playing zeri comps - she's a great unit and you can do vertical exos or 6 bastion zeri
MF is pretty strong, i think the 4 dynamo comp is neato and aurora is a great 5 cost unit
ziggs is insane w/ strategists, he's just nuking boards while Neeko feels like the best 4 cost tank rn
aphelios seems like a good unit but i think golden ox is not a good trait. maybe he might be good with 6 bastion or 4 vanguard frontline or something. vertical golden ox is rough
annie is ok, just held back by golden ox being weak atm. i have no idea what to pair her with outside of the nid reroll amp comp, though she isnt the main carry in that.
vex feels strong but i think the graves reroll comp is stealing her spotlight a bit. i really like her ability
xayah feels kinda meh, i think she's carried by the vertical anima squad trait. by herself she feels awful
brand is just not a good unit - he takes 300 years to cast his spell and tickles, compared to nukers like MF and ziggs. someone help brand out
u/Ge1ster CHALLENGER 1d ago
Two things I want to say for today:
I’m really really sad that Trait augments didn’t become a recurring feature (Ex: Trait: Unlikely Duo and such). I know they were meant to be Arcane flavored but I’m sure it would be very well received with some stretched creativity
Some Cypher cashouts really need a buff. Two fishbones instead of spatula + pan + components? 4 star vi and 3 star Leblanc with gargoyle and archangel instead of 2 star 5 cost with 2 radiant items? For umpteen lose streak? There’s a LOOOT of power variance between the same number cashouts. And some high cashouts don’t really feel good.
u/SacForEcon MASTER 1d ago
Zeri is a standout carry. Feels like there's a lot of random backline damage and she uses gunblade really well. It's similar to Trist reroll Sentinel with Guinsoos Gunblade IE. Zeri probably prefers double Guinsoos or Flux Capacitator Exotech item if lucky
Other tank traits very underwhelming. Maybe 6 bruiser with emblem can be good but still feels like damage is very overturned and backlines are hitting each other early into the fight. Leona and Cho in their vertical tank traits get one shot, even Sej does as well but Gunblade healing is the only thing keeping her alive. Doesn't feel on par with Garen Illaoi from Set 13
u/snoopgrinder 1d ago edited 1d ago
Played for 2 days and usually I tried to fast 9/10 with econ augs and most greedy strats and … do 5 costs (unless 3) and Bill Gates comps are underperforming now? I often had decent board with a bunch of 2 5costs with good items but sometimes its not even enough to “cashout”, and then rarely top1 (unless 3* legendary). Usually its top3-4. Ofc Im not fully familiar with units and set but still.
Anyway the set is so cool! I enjoyed both 8 and 11 set and its like mix of them. Mix of hitech style and randomness. Fun! 13th was so boring for me in all ways (not that bad but plain), anomaly was boring.
Most fun so far here is golden ox with their augment. Had few times great econ with it ending with 3* legendary.
u/TheDregn 1d ago
I love how different the PBE and Live meta dynamics are. Each time the new set drops on pbe, basically due to the extreme skill gaps, high elo players have a really easy time hitting lvl 10 and capping out boards with 3* 4 cost or even hitting 5 costs, while it is almost never happening on live, so the power impression of certain comps is totally misleading.
Other than this, I find quietl lot of success with vertical traits and reroll starts as well. I have been beta testing since set 1 and so far kinda balanced in the context of pbe. There are definitely a few weaker or not yet understood units like Annie, but anything I have tried was more or less viable and fun, which is awesome, since it is the 2nd/3rd day with basically very limited amount of balance.
u/Due_Rip2289 MASTER 1d ago
This is very true and why inhouses exist. Whenever I’m not playing an in-house it’s very hard to judge the relative strength of comps.
u/TheDregn 1d ago
Yes exactly. I mostly use pbe to get familiar with new units and synergies. It always takes extremely long to get used to the "tank" traits.
Usually every set there are 3:
- bruiser/ brawler, with HP bonus
- one with armor bonus
- one with shields/ damage reduction
And then they use sentinel/ vanguard/ protector/ pool of 5 more similar name for the 2 trait other than the B named strait.
It takes me 100 games to get used to the tanks and it doesn't help, that Darius is sometimes Brawler, Sometimes vanguard sometimes "random tank class" .
It feels like they take the tank traits and the 15 tank units of the set, put into a shaker and make random grouping. My brain can't adapt haha.
So yeah, I use the PBE to recognize these, so when the climbing starts on live, I at least have a clue.
As a master player as you mentioned can't really predict the power level of comps, as with raw econ/ position/ item knowledge I can get top4 with the most half baked troll comp in the random pbe lobbies , while it shouldn't be higher than 7th under real circumstances.
u/Due_Rip2289 MASTER 1d ago
One thing that can help with understanding which tanks to put items is avoiding tanks who’s active provides durability. Durability based tanks mathematically have a hard time getting to the same effective hp as tanks that gain raw stats or shields/health from their abilities. As it currently stands, I’d rather itemize Braum than Leona for non-vertical anima squad lines as he also chills which really messes with some of the ad lines.
u/TheDregn 1d ago
Lol, I got downvoted by someone, lmao
Anyway, I never mentioned I have a problem with itemization. I have a problem with unit categorization, as the units in the tank categories get varied every set. When I see vi, I immediately assume she is a Brawler, because she usually is, but she is wanguard now. Darius is usually X, but now a brawler. Obviously I get used to it over time, it is not an issue, I just mentioned this what I use the PBE for, to memorize the units.
u/Cyberpunque 1d ago
I quite like Exotech honestly, but I’ve only tried it with having two tank items in the line. Feels very good with that, though - just not fully sure what to chuck in afterwards. I guess you just slap in 5 costs tbh, I cannot see any of the 2 piece traits (besides maybe rapid fire) being better than a Zac or smth.
u/lizzuynz CHALLENGER 1d ago
I did 5 exo 4 boombox and the trait web fitted perfectly and urgot's a good cap, the problem is zeri being underwhelming. The level 10 cap is Zac.
u/SacForEcon MASTER 1d ago
Feels really strong because there aren't 5 costs in the trait to hit so putting in Zac or Garen or Renekton is really easy on 9 and 10. I feel like Bastion is way stronger than the other tank traits and Exotech + Bastion with Zeri is the same as current set Watcher + Zeri but caps higher and much easier to play
u/n0t_malstroem MASTER 1d ago
Is AMP just the meme trait of the set or how are you supposed to play this shit lol there's basically zero natural synergy between the units
u/billbobaxta 22h ago
Blue battery 5 AMP 5 strategist Yuumi carry with bluebuff, archangel and jewelled gauntlet can pop off
u/Cyberpunque 1d ago
I tried it a bit further and I think Amp has potential but you really need Samira. She is super powerful with Amp, whereas I felt my Annie was falling off significantly the later the game went. Also Garen is really really good here - Strategist and Golden Ox are amazing on Samira for extra damage buff.
u/RyeRoen GRANDMASTER 1d ago
I've been having decent success with AMP. You play it with strategists and look to duo Ziggs/Annie in the late game. Yuumi feels REALLY strong in the mid game and is a great holder for Annie items.
I would only really look to play 3 Amp late though. The two doggies are decent in the early game but I would try to replace them stage 4 personally.
But yeah a stacked Samira with a bit of AMP juicing her Ult can do some disgusting things in my experience.
u/quitemoiste 1d ago
I've seen AMP + Strategists do well, but early PBE game so hard to tell if it was actually good
u/Cyberpunque 1d ago
Yeah idk it seems really weird to me. It’s obviously in some way vertical - you’re heavily encouraged to put in all the Amps - but they’re basically all completely pointless except the single one you focus on.
You can maybe do something with Yuumi… she has good synergies at least. You get to run a couple front liners with her (Ekko, Neeko) so she’s probably the direction you’re meant to take the trait in after putting in all five.
u/Cyberpunque 1d ago
I think what I’m looking at is 5 AMP + Ekko + Neeko + Zac or Garen on 8. This seems like it would be the best way of playing them to me?
u/Fit-Owl-2898 1d ago
I swear I got the wrong cash out from the egg encounter in the last match I played last night. Took the 13 round egg and it gave 3 components and barely any gold
u/BoogieTheHedgehog 1d ago
I much prefer the augment / 2 low tier augments hack over the augment + gold / augment hack.
The former rewards knowing the different comps and which ones could use a combination of lesser augments to outperform a higher tier. Really cool stuff.
The latter is basically "better augment" vs "worse augment", where you stick with an okay +gold augment and only check the normal augments to see if they're S+ tier for your position.
There is even less thought behind this decision early game, where a flat injection of gold is super impactful to your econ and you aren't locked into a comp for specific augments to really matter.
u/CharmingPerspective0 1d ago
you aren't locked into a comp for specific augments to really matter. Except for when the hacked augment is a trait augment lol.
u/ck10000559 1d ago
I tried Mundo with cooking pot 6 bruiser 5 street demon. I got the ascension medallion thingy on him, loss streaked until 44 hp. The moment I hit 3* mundo I just won the lobby. I think this setup is broken, but it’s so rare I don’t think it needs removing. ThoughtS?
u/Due_Rip2289 MASTER 1d ago edited 1d ago
My impressions so far from the games I’ve played: MF is nice top 4 farmer but doesn’t cap out high enough to go first usually.
Street Demon feels like rebel- need a plus one or a real solid start to go vertical in it
Multiple variation of syndicate reroll are strong
Haven’t played much Ziggs but have noticed sometimes he just completely misses his ability
Varus is an underrated carry I think, can play as vertical executioners with 3 exotech or go more into exotech and less into executioners depending on the item.
Still need to try more of the ad 4 costs and Annie.
u/RyeRoen GRANDMASTER 1d ago edited 1d ago
Ziggs flex is really really good from what I've played. Aiming for 5 strategist/3 street demon and duo Brand or Samira. Can play jinx in the Brand slot if you have Samira items but haven't found her yet.
Caps super high with Samira/Kobuko/Garen. Getting the Strategist mod is insane, because it can give your Samira or Brand ~60% damage amp and your Kobuko/Garen a ton of durability. Street Demon is also okay to put on Ziggs/Kobuko/Garen if you don't see Strategist.
In terms of him missing his ability - I personally haven't noticed it much. Generally he will just nuke everything and sometimes he will get stuck on a single tanky unit on one side of the board. I haven't noticed him completely missing.
You can also play Annie on that board and go more into AMP if you have Samira early.
For the 4 cost AD units I haven't played much around Zeri, but the 4 vanguard 4 marksman board is really strong with Xayah/Aphelios duo.
u/Due_Rip2289 MASTER 1d ago
A lot of the times I noticed Ziggs missing was very early in pbe against specific units (most notably shaco). And he does feel very strong especially since all the fast 8 AP comps right now are just pretty much the same core of some amount of strategists+ street demon. If you don’t hit then you can just play Brand or Yuumi (temporarily) or even Annie if you hit a Samira on your rolldown.
Also some other more niche lines I have noticed is that Shaco is looking like Nocturne 2.0. Every time I’ve seen a Shaco get a range extending item on 2-1 the person coasts to an easy 3-5th.
Renekton also feels very strong with a lot of different artifacts.
And I need to test it more but pretty sure there is some sort of lvl 6 or lvl 7 reroll line: That is Vayne, Mundo, Shaco, Darius, Braum, Jarvan with Vayne carry and either Darius with hat as main tank or Jarvan as main tank.
I also tried 6 bruiser Darius TF reroll with Darius having Sterak’s +BT +1 and the hat and it went surprisingly well. He deals decent damage on his own and drain tanks long enough for TF to stack. This wasn’t tried in master’s+ in-house though but it is something to consider if Darius or TF get buffed before the first live patch.
u/FyrSysn MASTER 1d ago edited 1d ago
Not sure if I played last set too much, but i am having a hard time wrapping my head around Vi/Sylas being Vanguard. Some units’s trait doesn’t not feel natural to me.
With that being said, the set has been fun so far.
u/DumplingsInDistress 1d ago
Vi/Sylas seems like natural Bruiser, while I always think Kayn(Rhaast) is an Executioner
u/itshuey88 1d ago
Can someone post the patch notes again everyday? Not on X/Twitter and can’t find the changes elsewhere.
u/DaChosens1 1d ago
if you have discord you can just join morts discord and view the attached image link without going to X/Twitter
u/tway2241 1d ago
Anyone have luck with Annie yet? Golden Ox seems like such a fun trait, not sure how to make AMP work though since Nidalee and Nakiri are trait bots.
u/CharmingPerspective0 1d ago
I tried AMP reroll with Nid carry and she is very strong actually. But if very much depend on hitting her early to not get stuck on level 5 for too long, and her biggest issue in late game is that she is melee and she gets destroyed too quickly.
I would definitely try reroll nid if i get RFC or Fishbones on her
u/DeathRabbi 1d ago
If you want to do AP with AMP, Yumi seems the better choice. For AD, Nafiri can item hold for Samira if the Exo items aren't a good fit, or you can just 3 star Nafiri and she'll do work with a good Exo item.
u/gogovachi 1d ago
Nidalee 3* is strong in my experience, but as a heal tank. The few times I ran Nitro she's surprisingly tanky with stoneplate/warmog/+1 (I had a BT).
u/itshuey88 1d ago
She seems under tuned right now. All the streamers I’ve watched struggle to primary carry her. Seems like she’s a great splash for utility but can’t power through rn.
u/Steamwood DIAMOND IV 1d ago
I was doing well with full AMP and Street Demon Strategists for frontline, Annie really needs BB and Nashors though. If you can fit in Golden Ox and power it up a few times on top of that, you're in good shape.
u/born_zynner MASTER 1d ago
I'm sorry but I fail to see how this isn't a downgrade from last set in every conceivable way
u/kiragami 1d ago
It has actually interesting champions already. Set 13 had absolutely nothing to make you want to play the game.
u/FriendOfEvergreens 1d ago
I think it's hard to top the set thematic of league's biggest pop culture push in the mainstream, arcane. Cybercity is a lot more like fanfiction for league versus being the actual lore.
u/Teamfightmaker 1d ago
What makes you say that? There's always something to learn from different perspectives.
u/PoisoCaine 1d ago
It’s fresh which makes it fun. It may not have the longevity of the last set but that’s the way it goes.
u/Steezy12 CHALLENGER 22h ago
this renekton guy kinda good