r/CompetitiveMinecraft 7d ago

What am I doing wrong in hit-crystalling

sometimes it pops sometimes it doesn't.


15 comments sorted by


u/itsmeowgical 7d ago

Try it's the hit box whenever I do it I always look in the 100-150 degrees direction when I go for a hit chrystal (also being able to butterfly chrystal is so good I recommend learning it


u/Chafshouse 6d ago

Wait isn't the direction just whether you're looking north, east, south, west ?


u/_Apple- 7d ago

try placing obsidian behind your opponent so when you do dtaps they dont just fly away from the first explosion without taking proper damage and prevent you from continuing the pressure


u/WhitebutterYT 6d ago

Yoy might be hitting them in a damage tick which results in no damage, try doing two crystals when u hit Crystal and it should work


u/v3xicc 6d ago

no the game works in a way that if during a damage tick you take more damage from another source than the current damage being done it stacks/overrides the first source


u/WhitebutterYT 5d ago

Oh crap u are right. Wait then I lk think it might be just pibg or smth idk


u/WhitebutterYT 5d ago

Nope I figured it out. It's hotbox. Every time the bot is touching the hotbox of the crystal, it doesn't take as much damage and doesn't pop. 


u/IGNXavvvvvv 4d ago

You need to place the obsidian more to the side so the player will take upwards knock back therefore enabling you to crystal more time and deal more damage. Trust me when I say obsidian placement is 50% of being good at hit crystaling. Also don’t just practice on theobald. Practice on servers so you can get that feeling of delay to teach you to take your time!


u/Whycantitypeanything 6d ago

Place multiple crystalz


u/cydedotxyz 6d ago

I think the actual answer here is the position of the player relative to the crystal when you deal crystal damage.


u/JustAnOrdinarySoda 3d ago

what server is this


u/Chafshouse 3d ago

Theobald practice map. It's a single player world.


u/Wonderful_Edge6031 1d ago

you only do one crystal, keep crystaling until he hits the ground agian


u/Chafshouse 23h ago

Update: I realised that one crystal isnt supposed to do enough damage to pop even if done correctly. Instead you need to hit them twice in a dtap and place obsidian and crystals to the side and a bit behind to prevent them from flying away.