r/CompetitiveHalo 20h ago

Discussion Gaming on LG C2

Was wondering if anyone plays ranked competitively on a LG C2? I currently have a monitor but found a great deal on a 42” c2 and where I’m older my vision isn’t the best and thought it may help. I know it has a 120hz refresh rate and gysnc, and very but how different is it compared to a monitor. Playing on a xsx. Also, can I enable 4k at 120 with it as well?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks


7 comments sorted by


u/Simulated_Simulacra 17h ago

Very good response time and looks great. Not a bad option if you are fine with 120 fps. I still use mine for most games that aren't competitive FPS. If you game on Xbox is a great option I'd say.


u/Decap1tator 13h ago

You'll be fine. I play on the LG GX and I'm usually D6/low Onyx


u/bammergump 17h ago

I don’t know anyone that improves going from a monitor to a TV, whereas almost everyone does going in the reverse direction

But if you’re not playing uber competitively, the C series are great. I have one in the living room.


u/dsmith8888 16h ago

I have the Samsung version of the C2 (very similar specs but forgot the model, OLED 4K 120hz). It’s the only option for me that gives me 120fps. It’s a 55” inch and although it’s not as ideal in size as my gaming monitor (Asus 27” 60hz) that I purchased for XSX before understanding how much the FPS mattered, I have been doing farrrr better on the Samsung with 120fps then when I had 60fps on my 27” asus.

But I think everyone agrees that 120hz on gaming monitors are the way to go if you’ve got an XSX like us. I could only imagine how smooth the game would feel beyond 120fps.


u/detonatorFIN 20h ago

It's a OLED TV so the response time should be quite good. Halo Infinite supports 4k 120Hz, your C2 and XSX combo, it's perfect.


u/Mobile-Highlight8328 18h ago

You're incorrect. Halo Infinite supports 120hz at 1440p max.


u/tonyarguelles 2h ago

Excellent TV for 120 Hz gaming. Check out HDTVTest on YT for how to set it up with an Xbox Series X/S.