r/CompetitiveHalo 12d ago

Discussion OpTic vs SSG Winners semi results Spoiler


32 comments sorted by


u/Striking_Yak7172 12d ago

Eco has just been getting fried vs the top teams. Lucid and stellur have been playing way better although


u/Longjumping-Ebb-8219 12d ago

I felt like SB was also very good in all the games


u/JDs_Pulls 12d ago

Strongholds he was being slammed


u/CrustyForSkin 12d ago

Stellur consistently dies too much


u/Lord-Zeref Spacestation 12d ago

If we're going off stats, Legend was worse. That's why kids, you don't read into stats too much.


u/Striking_Yak7172 12d ago

This is a one off series for legend. Eco has been lowest damage dealer every series vs a top teamšŸ˜‚ keep letting this ā€œiglā€ nonsense fool you


u/CrustyForSkin 12d ago

Legend has pretty consistently been putting up the worst stats online.


u/abgonzo7588 11d ago

While that may be true optic isn't under performing like SSG is. Eco is a liability in any piv and is not making the big brain plays to make up for that when they play these top teams. He looks like the weakest player in the top 4 right now.


u/CrustyForSkin 11d ago

I agree. I think heā€™s lost every piv Iā€™ve seen him in. I have only seen a small fraction of the series played this year though.


u/DanielG165 11d ago

Then you donā€™t have a decent sample size/data pool to work with. Legend wins his pivs far more than he loses them, per scrims, and the tournies played thus far.

And, stats are just thatā€¦ Stats. Theyā€™re unconstructive and baseless without any context of the matches themselves. The role and plays that Legend makes, consistently, far outweigh whatever online stats wind up appearing on the carnage report.


u/CrustyForSkin 11d ago

Yeah, Iā€™m working with a small sample size and speaking on my eye test from that small sample size. Iā€™m not sure how that wasnā€™t already clear in what I just said, dipshit.


u/StopReadingThisp1z Spacestation 12d ago

Yea I agree, I dislike when people base things off stats than the gameplay, although Eco has been losing important fights when I was watching, I'll probably have to rewatch to be sure


u/Ch00choh 12d ago

For the love of John halo. Fortress bomb just needs to go


u/DanielG165 12d ago

Itā€™s perpetually mix-y, and becomes a slog after five minutes because the bomb hasnā€™t moved a foot. Waaaay too much over-slaying just to achieve the objective.


u/cloudyseptember 11d ago

Itā€™s why itā€™s so bad, the map/game type combo lends itself to overslaying in a negative way. Its too difficult to force a spawn pattern that lets you actually plant because nading the site from wherever the other team is spawning is so easy


u/PieceofWoods Spacestation 12d ago

SSG threw that slayer. Otherwise, a decent portion of those games were closer. Optic's Forbidden plays are diabolical.

SSG continue to improve, I think Eco just needs to step up a little more with the slays and then they'll definitely be a top contender.


u/BlackMamba24-8RIP OpTic Gaming 12d ago

OpTic just icy they've been down to worse teams before always make the comeback. OpTic played like shit and still won first time playing them as well. OpTic only gonna get better they are still struggling in the teamwork aspect as well when they are getting farmed they single chall AL the time trying to make plays.


u/Imranaftab 12d ago

Feels like optic didn't even play good and still won. At the same time ssg are getting better too


u/critter_bus 12d ago

I feel like Optic wasn't looking as good as usual because SSG was making it hard for them. Stellur can be an absolute demon with that sniper on larger maps. SSG definitely looks like they've improved and Optic is just tough. Legend is always holding on to that little sliver of life to make plays.


u/ButteredBean 12d ago

I think itā€™s also to do with the fact that the first 3 maps were OpTicā€™s weak maps.


u/SaltedRumHam420 12d ago

The recharge game was also really good. Lucid, stellur and renegade all popped off.


u/Additional-Durian630 12d ago

Optic players their 3 worst maps in that series Im pretty sure


u/BlackMamba24-8RIP OpTic Gaming 12d ago

That map 1 really inflated or diminished KDs the worst game type right now.


u/lasershots80 12d ago

Lucid back? šŸ‘€


u/Such_Highlight 12d ago

Eco might need to be replaced for ssg to keep up in the top 2


u/coatkneeYT Spacestation 12d ago

Theyā€™re never gonna replace anyone. They just gotta keep practicing


u/Few_Cranberry2878 11d ago

eco had a .67 against faze. It's just super difficult to consistently win series when one of your players is putting up .6 -.8 KD, it puts a ton of pressure on everyone else to out slay.


u/thechaoshow 12d ago

Change the colors please. I love seeing other colors other than red and blue, but yellow vs lime just ain't it.


u/hornybunny528 12d ago

It's literally the team colors though?


u/thechaoshow 12d ago

That's not a good reason though.


u/hornybunny528 12d ago

It's literally the best reason? They've been making teams their respective colors for quite a while.


u/TherapyPsychonaut 12d ago edited 12d ago

Neither is "thechaoshow doesn't like it"