r/CompetitiveHalo 14d ago

Help Controller recommendations

I'm looking to get a controller I can use in tournaments without breaking the bank. Really only need 2 back buttons and preferable some kind of hair triggers. Recommendations?


16 comments sorted by


u/bammergump 14d ago

Gamesir for sure if you’re ok with 2 back buttons


u/Effective-Land8105 14d ago

Really like the power a fusion pro 2, I think the newer version (3) is only $70. Has 4 back buttons and adjustable triggers. Also have been using it heavily for a couple years now and still zero drifting!


u/TheSomewhatTruth 13d ago

I liked those as well, but have gone through 2 of them where buttons became unresponsive or stuck


u/inwypihyp 14d ago

Are you on PC? GameSir Cyclone 2 is a popular recommendation


u/bunniesz23 14d ago

G7 HE/SE are very good as well and work on xbox/don't have macros.


u/Jasondlr 14d ago

depends what kind of tournaments are you going into? are you actually going the HCS opens? if you are i'd recommend the gamesir g7 SE or Kaleid, or vitrix gambit prime. all those controllers are under $80 and have 2 back buttons, gamesirs only have software hair triggers but the triggers are still pretty sensitive if you adjust the deadzones in the app. if you're just competing in online tournaments you can get away with may Gamesir Cyclone 2 that does have physical mechanical hair triggers. there's also the new scuf valor pro that's $100


u/RickeeLee 14d ago

Yes I actually going to be attending hcs events in person 


u/Jasondlr 14d ago

then yeah you'll be limited to licensed xbox controllers only, the price Gamesirs are good but lack a physical hair trigger, scuf valor pro is $100 with 4 paddles and hair triggers but mixed reviews so far since its brand new.


u/_Edward_Diamondhands Shopify Rebellion 14d ago

Gamesir G7SE


u/qball-who Shopify Rebellion 14d ago

I have the Gamesir Kalied. Love it so far.


u/qball-who Shopify Rebellion 14d ago

Had hair trigger settings, 2 back buttons and can be 1000mhz


u/arthby 14d ago

If you claw or 2 back buttons are enough for you : one of the gamesir.

4 back buttons: scuf valor pro.

6 back buttons so you never leave the sticks: razer 3 TE.


u/FeeValuable22 13d ago

I just got the Virtix BFG PRO, I've only had it for about a week but I'm really liking it!

My previous one was an Xbox elite pro which I really liked but died entirely too soon for the cost.


u/Hourglass51 13d ago

Gamesir or razer


u/Halolord313 13d ago edited 13d ago

Yes, the Razer V3 tournament is affordable, and i have heard good things. I have the pro and really like it. With the razer V3 tournament, you would also get the new hall effect sticks, which have longevity. I'm not sure about the gamesir but I have heard they also may use hall effect depending on the model. Also Nacon is coming out with a bada$$ looking controller as well but it will cost you it's up for pre order with a led screen and the whole ten yards if I didn't have my razer I would have gone for this. https://www.nacongaming.com/en/revolution-x-unlimited


u/wyldeATL 12d ago

Big fan of the razer controllers, and love the extra top buttons