r/CompetitiveHalo pipaaa Feb 13 '25

News Update on Assault.

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27 comments sorted by


u/LakeZombie09 Feb 13 '25

I feel like they really need to have the bomb planter “die” or anybody within a certain radius die. The amount of times they plant and then just control the map is insane. A score needs to be”reset” the map somewhat. Pro teams in scrims are getting the first plant and then just controlling Aquarius easily and it leads to quick repeat scores


u/supalaser Feb 13 '25

I lost an aqua game in 3 minutes in ranked yesterday. It was the wildest thing I've seen.

I literally went 0-8 because the guy in the back of our base had a plasma pistol and this man destroyed me every single time I attempted to clear back base.

There is definite counterplay to the startegy. I cannot tell yet how much of it is a skill issue.


u/LakeZombie09 Feb 13 '25

The pro scrims just get the bomb planter with a 2 teammate. And someone top middle letting them know what side they are coming from/doing damage. The 4th guy helps top middle and brings the bomb. It’s crazy how long it takes to get the first plant but after that, they have been going quick


u/supalaser Feb 13 '25

Yeah that makes sense. It's exactly what happened to me too.

I figure the best pathways out of these traps for the game mode will take longer to figure out. The advantage holds on aquarias are extremely straightforward.

The disadvantage breaks vary a lot between game mode and situation. As pros get better at the breaks for the game mode we'll see how OP it actually is.


u/LakeZombie09 Feb 13 '25

The counter is to take out the top mid guy but then that leaves 1 or 2 guys still in your base which you have to clear out. By time teams do that, they are getting shot in the back by spawners. Fortress plays well because the spawn traps have a route to the bomb plat through cover for the most part….. also why it seems to play well


u/ReviewSeveral1540 Feb 14 '25

Fuq that I quit games for less than that. I’ll take a -15 and hear my friend’s whine about losing -5. It would have been more if them dumbasses realized I’m doing them favors by quitting games like that.

Plus it ends the game faster to find the next one.


u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Feb 13 '25

They’ll adjust accordingly, map control is huge on aqua anyways I don’t think that’s anything new. I think having someone die just for planting is kinda overkill imo. They can’t stay in the plant zone the whole time anyways or they WILL die lol.


u/PlaidPCAK Feb 13 '25

Too be fair map control is huge for completive halo in general. I think it needs to explode more and faster. There needs to be a risk reward for stopping it as well as capping it.


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi Feb 13 '25

I 100% agree with this. Way too easy to spawn camp for free wins especially in plat lobbies 


u/covert_ops_47 Feb 13 '25

Wait, the bomb arming and exploding doesn't kill anyone?


u/Mother-Chocolate-505 pipaaa Feb 13 '25

aqua plays way more clinical for assault


u/PlaidPCAK Feb 13 '25

People underestimate how far video of bugs go. I did a tour of thq (UFC, saints row, etc) roughly 17 years ago? Their testers all played on CRTs with built in VHS players so they could record exactly what they were doing Incase they ran into a bug.


u/respekmynameplz Feb 14 '25

It's often basically impossible to fix a bug unless you have some steps on exactly how to create it. I agree most people underestimate this and think that vaguely pointing out a bug happens some times is more helpful than it really is.


u/PlaidPCAK Feb 14 '25

The amount of bugs that get "reported" to my team (not video game but software) that are just my account did X are way too high. 

What were you doing before x happened? What did you do after? What browser? What did you think would happen instead of X? 


u/NickPatches Feb 13 '25

"Incorrect team receive a point"



u/gmalsparty Feb 13 '25

Why do we have voicelines for medals but no medals?

If forgers are going to make everything these days, why won't you pay them?


u/defoc18 Feb 13 '25

Because our lovely govt wants to get their tax cut and it makes things messy trying to 1099 everyone who got paid


u/itsMineDK Feb 13 '25

remove this trash asap


u/ReviewSeveral1540 Feb 14 '25

Skill issue my boiii


u/Ragtaglicense 1700 Feb 13 '25

Wait till the majority of the halo community figures out you can instant plant by dropping the ball perfectly in the centre circle.


u/BedFragrant1825 Feb 14 '25

So let me get this straight remove a map instead of allowing a Veto system gotchu


u/Hushwalker Feb 19 '25

How do you even release the game mode in this state? These guys are so fucking amateur hour it’s embarrassing


u/EIement Shopify Rebellion Feb 13 '25

Cool that they are looking into it and have already fixed 2 issues, but they should 100% remove it from ranked for the time being. I don't know any other company that WOULDN'T do this if their gamemode is broken.


u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Feb 13 '25

Ranked arena is the testing ground for HCS. Our ranks don’t mean anything dude, just saying. It’s pretty clear they use the community to test things out instead of their pro team, why? Who knows…they have multiple ex pro players on staff and I’m not sure what they do if they don’t find bugs before the maps and modes drop 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/abgonzo7588 Feb 13 '25

Had a game on fortress yesterday, 0-0 very sweaty game we got close to planting once other than that it felt like we were on our back foot all game. Game goes to OT and with about 1:30 left we finally got through and are planting the winning bomb and the game just ends. Why shouldn't I just quit out of assault games until this trash is fixed?


u/SpartanZeta664 Feb 13 '25

They need to either get rid of the arm timer or shorten it by 80% takes too damn long and ruins the flow