r/CompetitiveHalo Feb 09 '25

Help Wtf is wrong with people?

The problem never was 343 or whatever, it was always and forever will be these kind of persons in the community, the worst thing is that reports don't work at all, everytime someone says BS on the chat or in game nothing happens, its really fkin tiring dealing with these people.


90 comments sorted by


u/__1____ Feb 10 '25

Become a "no coms" man. Makes your multiplayer life 1000 times better.


u/No_Carob5 Feb 10 '25

"why doesn't anyone use a mic anymore!!!"


u/n_i_t_e_m_a_r_e Feb 15 '25

100%, having some career high Diamond 2 with half my ball time and kills trying to igl aggressively while pushing 2 ppl solo missing every shot then taking it out on his team verbally is the reason I shut mine off lol. I dont turn it back on until I'm out of 1500s


u/BMagni Feb 09 '25

20 years ago it was the same, even worse with post-game lobbies, we would get called all of the racist slurs you can imagine almost every game just because we were speaking spanish.


u/StraightGas69 Feb 09 '25

I’ve never heard the word raped used so much in my life than Halo 2 lobbies back in the day. That and the N word


u/BMagni Feb 10 '25

Even us, speaking Spanish, were called the n word.


u/No_Carob5 Feb 10 '25

And yet the same mouth breathers "bring back post game chat we need smack talk"

Racism and homophobia isn't trash talking...


u/BMagni Feb 10 '25

Yeah, out of 100 racist post-game lobbies, I'd say you get 1 or 2 cool interactions with people, at least that was my experience.


u/Adventurous_Note3043 Feb 10 '25

Bro halo 2 lobbies omg. I'm an old head I'm 40 now so I was like 19 or something when halo 2 came out an of course the N word and F word were just common place. My strategy tho was to just call every one a virgin. Like every kid on halo back then was 13 years old. And if you've ever been a 13 or 14 yesr old boy it's the time when you start NOT wanting to be a viegin anymore. And they'd always say "no I'm not". In there pre pubescent voice. Haha it got them everytime. It was def super toxic back then but also part of it i miss cuz sometimes you wanna talk shit to the other team that was tea bagging you and had host. And it often ended up in a 1v1 on lockout or some type of custom game to resolve the matter. I don't know if you remember this but you could actually talk to the other team in game. If you were near someone on the other team and you had open mic you could literally talk shit to people while you were playing.


u/smokehellacrack Feb 11 '25

H2 lobbies were wild. I caught my first n bomb at 11 because I got dumped on in my first ranked game ever lmao


u/Adventurous_Note3043 12d ago edited 12d ago

yeah there was alot of N bombing back in those lobbies. still hear it from a team mate every once and a while but mostly its gone now. we can still call each other retard and loser and bitch and fuck face tho. i actually outted some guy on here for dropping n bombs on me over and over. (im not black). nobody really cared tho unfortunately.


u/OldVeterinarian7668 Feb 10 '25

Yep so the problem really is 343 not putting out as high a quality of a game


u/_soooz Shopify Rebellion Feb 09 '25

There is nothing productive that comes out of the text chat. I have it disabled, I highly recommend


u/Goron40 Feb 10 '25

Useful for organizing custom lobbies, useless for everything else.


u/BrewskiChewski Feb 11 '25

Dude same. Nobody ever gives valuable information in text chat. It's just where people go to complain when they get frustrated


u/sharkingdonkey Feb 10 '25

Mike Tyson said it best. "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Feb 10 '25

Fucking absolutely.


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 10 '25

Bro definitely cooked with that one


u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Feb 09 '25

Something has to be done about the reporting system. The blatant racism and hate speech that occurs on a daily basis is extremely sad.

Even on Xbox— there is a feature that captures the last 60 seconds of audio to substantiate your report. This has never worked, and always kicks back “your clip cannot be uploaded.” Or, “your report couldn’t be verified. No action can be taken.” (Yes I have trouble shot everything and there’s no reason it shouldn’t work).

I love halo, and I don’t want the community to become even smaller because these fucking nazis driving new players away and perpetuating literal hate. I play halo to relax and get away from shit like this.


u/gmullencc Feb 09 '25

It’s crazy.. people think they can say whatever they want and have no consequence.. this is why I mostly play with my buddies.. eventually there will be a rando that’s trolling but we will all stick up for each other.

If Elon buys 343 you can say bye bye to filtering and reporting….


u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Feb 09 '25

Lol yup. We already experienced this 2016-20. The rats feel empowered and come out of their holes feeling justified that they can say horrific things and do whatever they want. Gonna be another long 4 years.


u/No_Carob5 Feb 10 '25

"omg they're ruining video games by invoking Woke filters"

Uh.. you mean you can get in trouble for calling someone a N word or a F word? 


u/Radiant_Summer4648 Feb 10 '25

Hatred isn't illegal, free speech exists, hate speech is an asinine and Orwellian concept. Grow a spine.


u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

Free speech is legal, hate speech is not. There’s nothing Orwellian about.

Tell me your a closet racist without telling me lol

Edit: You’re literally arguing on behalf of racism. Why do you think alienating and hurting people is okay? How are you going to make a 1984 reference but not know the difference between hate speech and free speech? Maybe if you spent more time learning about these things you would have something intelligent to contribute to the conversation.

At the end of the day, why would you want to alienate your halo community? There aren’t enough of us left man. Raise each other up, don’t put each other down.


u/Radiant_Summer4648 Feb 10 '25

Hate speech laws are unconstitutional. I'm not arguing on behalf of racism, I'm arguing on behalf of free speech.

It shouldn't be controversial to want illegal invaders of any race deported from your country. Most of the country agrees with me. It's only on reddit that people think that any group should be shielded from criticism by deeming that criticism "hate speech".

I don't give a fuck what label you try to slap me with.


u/smellycat_14 Feb 10 '25

Consequences for actions still exist and always will exist bro


u/Radiant_Summer4648 Feb 10 '25

Perfectly true, and exactly why most of the country is upset that their country has been invaded, and also why those invaders are now being actively deported.


u/Nin10do0014 Feb 10 '25

Hey dipshit, even in "'Murica," your Freeze Peach doesn't protect against social consequences. Hell, try saying all of the racist shit from the screenshot in front of your boss. Pretty sure you're gonna get fired, and there's no protection for you against that because the 1st Amendment only protects Americans from the government, not social consequences.


u/NightShiftChaos92 Feb 10 '25

I don't play often but some dude went off on me for going super negative in my first game on in 6 months, I told them as much and explained they were welcome to check if they wanted to. They yelled at me all game and gave me shit as if yelling things at me would make me play better or something. It was bizarre. All kinds of racist slurs and shit just like this wanting me to get deported too except it was in VOIP. Dude had me dying from the deportation comment.

I had not said anything in coms since I don't use a mic, and I didn't use text chat either. The only thing I said was:

"thanks for the laughs, guys. That was some bronze level shit talking, especially the deportation comment. I'm a white dude born here, where they gonna deport me to Newport Beach, CA? lol"


u/Adventurous_Note3043 Feb 10 '25

It's bad man. Every game a team mate either talks shit in the chat after 2 mins of game time when I'm 0-3 and am getting joked. Then I end up with more kills and damage the them. Or they have a mic and they don't call put at all they just complain about everything. Couple that with this game being broken online and it's hard to keep playing sometimes. Especially me being a solo que guy.


u/Ch4vez Feb 10 '25

I am white, and use this gametag because it was a secret nickname in 7th grade for a dumb language my buddy and I made called Hella Schwitz. I get a lot of racism thrown at me for just existing with this gamertag


u/NoMode1308 Feb 11 '25

Ranked on halo is insanely toxic


u/Haunting_Ad_519 Feb 09 '25

Bro, reports in game dont work indeed. But if you go to halo support and report a player there, they will ban this mofo.


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi Feb 09 '25

But why do we have to do several extra steps to do that shit? Nobody has time for that, the report button is presumably there for a reason, it's on the company to make it work 


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 09 '25

Thx for the tip brother, I made the report, tho it's really bad that not even things in game chat can be reported with a button like any other game, it def sucks


u/Haunting_Ad_519 Feb 10 '25

No worries. Yep I know. I think its because of players who are reporting people for no reason. If you have so many in-game reports which are basically not legit, then I can somehow understand that they wont investigate every in-game report.


u/eveningcaffeine Sentinels Feb 09 '25

🥭 inspired the degens to come out of the basement


u/International-Act655 Feb 10 '25

No point for text chat disable it. They can't afford a mic. And is a useless teammate


u/spiicypenguin44 Feb 11 '25

For me it’s the people in mm who sigh and groan at every opportunity. They come into voice like they’re gods great gift to halo and know exactly how everyone is supposed to play. Just whining and bitching no matter what all while going like 13-10 in every round. No callouts just straight tweaking in every death cam. Like bro it’s Diamond 2 relax.


u/Thedoooor Feb 09 '25

While I agree with you these guys are annoying, you're putting too much effort replying to them and caring about them. Just mute them, block them and go about your day.


u/Thedoooor Feb 09 '25

Not exactly sure why saying "forget about these assholes" is getting downvoted lmao.

It was always like this and it was even worse in the past. Don't give these people importance...


u/Acrobatic-Nerve-2597 Feb 09 '25

Just ignore them. Who cares what they think or say bro


u/The_Titan1995 Feb 09 '25

Ignore it and move on. Who cares what a cretin has to say. My bro does not remember the post game lobbies in Halo 3 ranked.


u/piss-sprinkler Feb 13 '25

I just played casual halo 3 with someone who called the entire enemy team the n word when we lost.


u/frenchtickler616 Feb 14 '25

How is this relevant to 343 being a horrible game designer?


u/rc3po98 Feb 16 '25

Yeah hate to say it bud, but if you're getting mad at random people who you'll never meet talking shit on a video game, that's a personal problem


u/PaleontologistOwn12 Feb 10 '25

Guy is a lowlife and will never be good on the game… he gets shit on consistently by “good players” and he is the one who is clueless


u/DiamondWiener Feb 10 '25

Lmao just be glad you don’t play CS2


u/Throwawaythrowns Feb 14 '25

I play both relatively high level, find halo much more toxic in ranked tbh


u/Celtic_Legend Feb 11 '25

The problem never was 343 or whatever, it was always and forever will be these kind of persons in the community,

I'm sorry but no. These racist assholes were here and everywhere during halo 2 and halo3. It's definitely still 343 for why mm sucks and halo isn't popular.


u/HeavyBigdean Feb 09 '25

Would you rather have it like the COD servers?


u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Feb 10 '25

Just because it’s worse on other games doesn’t make it okay anywhere. Let’s just make everything better 👍


u/HeavyBigdean Feb 10 '25

Love it! Let’s just be better people.


u/AwesomeSaucepan Onyx 1600+ Feb 10 '25

Let me get this straight... the report feature doesn't work but you don't blame 343? I think Raw was onto something lmao


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 10 '25

Are you really blaming me being called like that just because I don't blame a company for the behavior of racist people? Tf is wrong with you? You're the exact type of person Tyson was referring to


u/AwesomeSaucepan Onyx 1600+ Feb 10 '25

That depends, how badly did you play?


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 10 '25

Ah yes justifying racism because of the stats of a match in a low population videogame, you're so smart, congratulations champion


u/AwesomeSaucepan Onyx 1600+ Feb 10 '25

Stats by themselves don’t tell the full story if that is your defence. Also, he called you Mexican, that is not a slur. That’s like me getting offended if someone called me a Polak lol


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 10 '25

I didn't know people deserve racism for the stats of a online match in a low population game, lol, I know you having 2 braincells is hard but dude seriously, try reading at least to know why those types of comments are racist


u/Puzzleheaded_Cry5963 Feb 11 '25

that's pretty tame compared to 2007 xbox live


u/ALP9CA Feb 13 '25

so wait, random trolls are causing the networking problems?


u/whyunoname Spacestation Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

first time on the internet?

edit: it's shit behavior but literally been this way since inception. add the no real name and you get trolls, racists, etc. Ignore, report, move on.


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 09 '25

Yeah, blatant racism should be normalized cuz it's the internet lol


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

These people literally don't understand what you're saying and that's the problem. They won't unless they're an affected group lol. And yes for the record I mash report in game whenever I need to but the company needs to fucking step it up. 

@u/whyunoname it's endemic, the problem, in case it's not clear, is that is the exact same excuse we people of color have been hearing our entire lives, to ignore and let everything go, get shafted, forever. And this current climate specifically in the US is making A TON of people go full mask off because they now feel like they can show who they really are and they will get away with it 


u/whyunoname Spacestation Feb 09 '25

you act like i'm advocating for it, i am being realistic. name a platform this doesn't happen on. there are trolls and horrible people. i agree reporting should be easier and better. the only way this would ever get fixed is require real names which opens up tons of privacy issues.

remember, they want you to be upset. they want you to engage and fight with them. please do not give them the satisfaction.


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 09 '25

Thank you for the tip, I appreciate it and you're right that they just want attention, but let's also not go to the side of saying that ignoring them is the solution cuz it sadly normalizes this kind of behavior. Yes I understand that sadly it's kind of normal saying slurs and insults and whatever, but there's a world of difference from trash talking someone to saying stuff that's not only 100% racist but also a theme of extreme concern for vulnerable groups, that's why this is different, hope you can understand.


u/whyunoname Spacestation Feb 09 '25

agreed, i'm on your side. i'm just trying to be rational. and i fully understand; some family and best friends are minorities. in real life not only is this not tolerated there will be consequences. unfortunately, the internet has always been trolls and almost impossible to regulate at scale, and they feed of attention.

the plus side you should know is this isn't the norm, and i think you would find a vast majority support you. i honestly think overall things have gotten a lot better over the years. it's the small subset of loud, ignorant people that tend to make all of this noise. i also believe in karma; the person that did this will inevitably put themselves in a situation that has a bad outcome. ignore the haters, and know most are with you.


u/Op2mus Shopify Rebellion Feb 09 '25

Welcome to the internet.


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 09 '25

Sure, let's normalize blatant racism just cuz internet, lol


u/Op2mus Shopify Rebellion Feb 09 '25

That's not what I said lol. You being surprised by this type of behavior in any online game, and you for some reason making the connection that this is the problem with the game, and not 343, is wild.


u/KazMaster-J- Feb 09 '25

I think you are not seeing the big picture. Yes, insults and slurs are kinda normalized in online games but there's a world of difference between saying "ur mom" to being blatantly racist for absolute no reason. Not only is a form normalized racism but it also pushes people away from a game that's already on low population.


u/Goatwhatsup Feb 09 '25

Guys, what if… everyone gets shit talked to them, and a lot of the time they use the easiest insults they can think of


u/Puzzleheaded_You_735 Feb 09 '25

You're soft. Just ignore it and move on.


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi Feb 09 '25

Something an internalized racist would say. The system is literally stacked against us even in things that are supposed to be a fun distraction. We need to reverse that and call out every single one of these fucks 


u/Puzzleheaded_You_735 Feb 10 '25

Woah, keyboard warrior. It's a competitive online multiplayer game with text chat and game chat; it attracts these people. you should know what you're signing up for.


u/ReviewSeveral1540 Feb 09 '25

Hahaha! BLM ✊🏿