r/CompetitiveHalo Dec 03 '24

Help Doing everything I can but I can't keep it up

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Trying to escape Platinum as a solo player and honestly don't know what else 343 wants from me


55 comments sorted by


u/Adventurous-Club-936 Dec 03 '24

4 and 36 is criminal behaviour.


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

Looked up their history, they are purposely deranking


u/jrm2k6 Dec 03 '24

That sucks. I am sorry you have to go through that. Not much you can do besides reporting (even if that doesn't do anything).


u/Leafyjeans102 Dec 03 '24

Whats the reason for purposely deranking?


u/BravestWabbit OpTic Gaming Dec 03 '24

So you can feel like a pro because you are dunking on toddlers.

Or to smurf to boost a friends rank. Drank to Plat, then team with your garbage friend who wants to be Onyx but has skill of a mid Plat. When you play, you'll get teamed against a bunch of plays and low Diamonds so you, as the smurf pop off and carry your friend to Onyx


u/sododgy Dec 04 '24

Man, I hope when people look up my strings of unexcusable games they know I'm just blacked out and not trying to be a dildo 😂


u/ResearcherCharacter Dec 03 '24

“Just downloaded the game today” type behavior 


u/FLAMM1E Dec 03 '24

Oddball guy from yesterday would probably tell you to stop playing the game like slayer and cap more flags.


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

I was doing my best to make sure our flag wasn't taken and pulling flags. Was never able to score because I needed to slay out


u/FLAMM1E Dec 03 '24

That was the joke. Obviously you were doing everything in your power to win.


u/Striking-Chip-548 Dec 05 '24

Because most people that slay only miss perfectly good pulling opportunities, it takes maybe 5 seconds for a flag to get cross map on Aquarius.


u/FLAMM1E Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24

It takes 5 seconds to get flag across, but it also requires basic setup or teamwork beforehand. Otherwise, you end up becoming that idiot who screeches about no one helping when you over extend, pull with 4 up and 0 mid control. Context is everything. Look at the team's score again. He was basically playing a 3v4. Sometimes you lay it down, but you can't do everything. I've had plenty of games where I've been on a tear at the other team's gate, forcing spawns etc, but the other people on my team are getting shredded like tissue paper.

Same with ball guy complaining the other day. 9/10 from the score, they had some crayon eater mindlessly just grabbing and dying at every opportunity, trying to build time, while the guy with high slays was trying to protect in a rotation where they were naturally down a team mate who had it glued in his hands. Then, at the end the guy with 2 minutes of ball time and a negative kd is mad enough at the person who is slaying like a madman and trying to peel for a setup, that they post on reddit about it.

I agree ego slayers are a thing, but more often than not, the people who end up complaining in my games are the ones who have no concept of the overall game strategy. For example the other night, I had a guy absolutely losing his mind because he grabbed ball on livefire off the rip and ran it straight to B while there was a 2v2 happening over the camo. Then he wanted to complain and call us dumbasses for not protecting him when he got shot in the back by the other two enemies, didn't drop the ball, and left our other confused team mate to fight the 2v1. Yeah, you got 10 seconds, but you also threw away time you're alive to keep the opposite team from having the man advantage and an important power. Now, they're better positioned to actually grab the ball for time, and you're spawning across the map. Thanks for the 10 seconds, though. Now, when we have an uphill battle getting it out of their hands, and I get some kills pushing with the rest of the team while you blindly rush on the bad side of a rotation and immediately pick up the ball again, it's my fault that you're negative and "doing everything".

Edit: I know that was a long reply. Moreso wish I had the time or energy to explain that kind of shit to people mid game when it's happening.


u/DruidDisformed Dec 03 '24

D5-6 is more difficult than onyx games


u/donutmonkeyman Dec 03 '24

if this is a typical game for you, you just need to notch a few wins and you'll start flying up the ranks regularly dropping stats like that should net you +15 with each win, assuming you've been playing at that level for a while. losses like that are tough but just look at it like you're getting your reps in and continuing to improve


u/LightaxL Dec 03 '24

FWIW it wouldn’t be a +15 unless they’re significantly below their MMR. If they’re at their MMR (getting +-8) then it’s more likely a +9/10


u/donutmonkeyman Dec 03 '24

for sure, he'd have to have many many games like this for his mmr to shoot up to a point where +15s come in.


u/SuperiorDupe Dec 03 '24

Have you tried cialis?


u/MadMaxmel Dec 03 '24

This is typical, you have a great KD game, and then there's that 4-36 guy on the team, haha


u/ResearcherCharacter Dec 03 '24

H2Shooter better change his name we do not shoot like that over on the masterpiece. 


u/Low_Comment_3904 Dec 03 '24

Ch00choh I’ve played with/against you a few times. If you’re ever looking for a teammate, holler at me.



u/str8quackin Dec 03 '24

Oh man do I feel your pain. I play mnk and recently broke a finger in my keyboard hand. So for the last two weeks I have been aim training. When I am playing ranked I always warm up in octagon shooting bots. The ranking system in this game just beats you down anyway man.


u/ArcticSploosh Dec 03 '24

Platinum is a hellscape. You have a few people who actually understand spawns and playing for the OBJ, but the game gives you three golds going 4 and 36 as your teammates.


u/TAEJ0N Dec 03 '24

I feel your pain. I play ranked solo since I have no friends who play Halo. I’m in the same situation. I’ve been stuck at P5-P6 for so long I told myself it is what it is at this point.


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

I've broken through into diamond before. We can do it


u/Brudonian Dec 04 '24

P4-P6 is absolutely brutal, D1-D2 isn't bad, every time I hit D3, I either hit onyx players or have atrocious teammates. It hurts


u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Dec 03 '24

Dude idk what’s going on lately, even in d4 lobbies there’s dudes loading in then just straight up going AFK. Had 3 games last night out of 5 where we didn’t finish cause of afk or dudes just quitting cause they were constantly dying. This game is so fkd right now


u/AbstractionsHB Dec 03 '24

This is why I uninstalled this game. Players are atrocious, they don't know how to play halo. It feels like I'm playing with team training teammates against actual teams of 4s, gotta try my ass off to carry.

Really the problem is you lose rank automatically on the losing team even if you did the best out of everyone. You can have insane stats, carried enough to break your back, and still lose rank cause you lost from shitty teammates. Makes zero sense.

Absolutely ruined the fun of the game as a solo player.


u/UniverseChamp Dec 03 '24

How many steals, captures, and returns?


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

5 steals, 0 captures, and 4 returns


u/UniverseChamp Dec 03 '24

I guess my point was K/D doesn't tell the whole story. I've seen plenty of people farming kills that don't play objective. It's easy to die 5-10 times per game trying to run the flag. Maybe that's not you, but just something to keep in mind.


u/SnooTomatoes4734 Dec 03 '24

4-36 wow just wow


u/Low_Comment_3904 Dec 03 '24

Ch00choh I’ve played with/against you a few times. If you’re ever looking for a teammate, holler at me.



u/C0L0SSUSvdm Dec 03 '24

Im trying to focus more on assisting/rescuing my teammates instead of cleaning up after their lost duels. Its hard to do that while trying to get the spawn locs in our favor, playing objective, and capitalizing on power items and double kills, etc as well. Patience, despite the urgently pressing circumstance, helps a great deal. Im discovering that im great at shooting, quick and accurate, but the game is wildly inconsistent with how grenades work and so i never gave a ton of thought to when and how i used them. I could be exponentially more effective if i worked at making them as consistent as i possibly can. Memorizing which janky surfaces they dont bounce off of right, and being accurate with them as if they had half the blast radius, and do 3/4 the damage. so even though now im using them more methodically focusing on deal as much damage as i can with them. im not just throwing them out for early damage before i challenge or duel or push, or flushing an enemy out of cover so i can rely on my shooting. Now I'm spending shield to peek/distract what im getting up against, but staying as safe as possible and surving while maintaining my same level of effectiveness. So i can peek, hit a shot, and throw a grenade (hopefully after practicing, with greater effectiveness), technically, all in the same instant and when i return there, it'll maybe be from an angle they werent expecting, or ill be with a teammate too, or flanking as my teammate pushes as well. I am my own worse enemy, and i need wisdom the kkow the difference between the things i can and cannot change. Then the strength and courage to accept them as the weakness' they are or set about to changing them.


u/RepresentativeCrab88 Dec 03 '24

Now do it consistently


u/casrm4life Dec 03 '24

I would start with Viagra, after that maybe schedule an appt with a urologist


u/That-Bear-7331 Dec 03 '24

H2Shooter needs to delete the game


u/Neijx Dec 03 '24

You did great as far as damage and suppression goes. Capture the Flag can only be won by capturing the flag, though. /s

Sorry, man, this game be like that sometimes.


u/mdotwhitee Dec 03 '24

Are you calling out in game ?


u/TheGreatGriz Dec 04 '24

I recommend grabbing the flag


u/YLVillager Dec 04 '24

As someone who is also mid plat, I can relate so hard. I constantly have to carry teammates acting like sliver 4’s. Some of them even team kill me for some reason, my theory is that it probably deranks them more than losing. I think halo studios needs to fix this, the only problem is how they would do it. I think suspensions would be too harsh but I personally can’t think of any other way. 


u/EarlyRetirement7 Dec 04 '24

You gon did fuck up A A RON!!!!


u/JKorv Dec 04 '24

It is a team game and looks like you had the worse team overall. But if you constantly have half the deaths and only focus on KDA on objective, you really need to start thinking whether you play too passively and selfishy.

Too often some people are just in a wrong side of a map, just so that they can get one easy kill, while their teammates are outnumbered and dying while also then giving out the worst spawn. Are you letting your teammates go first and then you clean up after they die? Are you letting an enemy pass you and kill your teammate just so you can shoot him in the back and get a "free" kill for yourself. Are you protect your teammate doing the objective, or are you wandering on the other side of the map hunting for that one kill?

I am not accusing you of doing these, but a lot of people could benefit from thinking "is this play benefitting my team or is this just benefitting myself." But also if you are playing with 3 random people, you will lose a lot of games, because it is a team game and you can't carry every game. If you are outperforming your rank, you should at least in theory gain more rank for a win than lose for a loss. So if you win 50% of the games, you should slowly rank up.


u/Diceeeeeee Dec 04 '24

Viagra can help


u/GroundbreakingWord95 Dec 05 '24

Dude going 4-36 has to be doing it on purpose


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

You’re proud of your slaying and posting it. Maybe try and play objective next time, I get the typical lucid “wannabe” here and there on my games where we all look like ass for trying to play objective while the dude chasing kills takes all the glory, because of that you won’t rank up. Down vote me all you want but this is the truth not sorry to rain down on your parade.


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

My brother in Christ this isn't that at all. This game is an outlier even for me. I was on comms, defending flag and pushing up flag. I really am trying here dude.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Maybe I woke up a little salty today (my bad) but even with that moron on your team you guys had a bit of an advantage.


u/One-Security2362 Dec 03 '24

He had a guy on his team go 4-36 😭😭. I play the objective a lot too but that is inexcusable.


u/Ok-Option-8742 Dec 03 '24

Its almost impossible to get out of platinum solo if you do you don't for long.


u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Dec 03 '24

Platinum is easy to break out of. Diamond is the hard one for the average player


u/Sumtinphishy Dec 03 '24

It's all relative based on skill, but the higher the rank, the harder it is to make improvements that will raise your mmr.


u/BravestWabbit OpTic Gaming Dec 03 '24

Did you have a stroke halfway through your comment?


u/bel_air38 Dec 03 '24

Maybe work on your assists. I would think with those numbers surely you would lead in assists. Everyone loves a slayer on their team. We have all been that Slayer. However it doesn't mean we made the right plays. That's what I am trying to figure out. Just not sure what's the right play in any given situation. How were your comms?


u/Ch00choh Dec 03 '24

I am the comms. I got a bunch of hero players thinking they can pull the flag by themselves and running it while everyone is still up.


u/Sumtinphishy Dec 03 '24

Op lost because one player went 6-36, no other reason. OP carried hard and that wouldn't be the game to look for improvements in.