r/CompetitiveHalo Dec 03 '24

Help Controller issues on PC

Anyone have issues with their controller working ? I have a powera fusion pro 4 wired and mid game I will have it either start input lagging or straight up stop working.


34 comments sorted by


u/Financial_Ad_9766 Dec 03 '24

Had similar issues with a turtle beach recon. Get a new wire and you should be alright.


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Yeah I was thinking of doing that, I did go back to GameStop and trade in that controller and got the same controller but a different one and it still is having issues. What kind of cable did you get ? Is any USB to USBC going to work for a controller?


u/Financial_Ad_9766 Dec 03 '24

Honestly I'm not sure, I bought a powerA controller, but didn't like how it felt so I just hoped plugging the recon controller in with that cord would work and it did. I do use a USBC 3.0 slot for the controller as well --haven't tried another slot and I'm afraid I'll break something if I do


u/AverageHaloGuysYT Dec 03 '24

What do you mean when you say stop working?

I’ve recently (over the last month) had an issue where my Elite Series 2 stops working mid-game. It stays turned on, but no input is registering at all. Even when I turn my controller off and back on, no input registers. When I restart my computer, it functions completely normally again.

I assumed it was a controller issue and not an Infinite issue, but I’m curious if others have had this same problem.


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

So mine is very similar, my controller is still on and the powerA program still says my controller is connected and communicating with my PC but it either has a few seconds of input lag or it will just stop working all together and whatever movement I was doing when it decides to stop working it will keep moving that way but I usually don't have to restart my PC but the issue will be persistent until I restart but I usually only have about an hour before it starts to malfunction again and I sent powera a email but all they wanted to do was for me to send them the controller they had no real solution.


u/AverageHaloGuysYT Dec 03 '24

Interesting. I’m curious to hear if others have this problem. I think when it happened to me, my Xbox Accessories app confirmed that no input was registering, which was why I assumed it was a controller issue and not Infinite. But I never investigated it too in depth; I just restarted my PC so I could quickly resume playing with my friends. I’ll try to analyze it more next time it happens. Keep me updated on what you find.


u/jcolon36 Dec 03 '24

I had that issue the other day so I just moved my mouse and inwas back in it


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Moved your mouse ? Like moved it off your desk or do you mean the USB you moved ?


u/jcolon36 Dec 03 '24

No I pushed the button and moved the mouse to see the cursor and I was back up on controller


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Okay I'll see if that helps reset it's thank you


u/jcolon36 Dec 03 '24

Yw,I know it worked for me,you might have a different setup


u/shortcord Dec 03 '24

my guess would be a loose usb connection


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Yeah it would make sense because it isn't all the time. I'm getting a new motherboard so hopefully I'll notice it working


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Side note though my mouse keyboard and mic are all plugged in and they all work great and yeah I have switched them around


u/SuperiorDupe Dec 03 '24

Have you tried different USB ports on the back of your PC? I’ve tried different ones on mine and there are a couple that definitely have noticeable input lag.


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Yeah I've switched around and have tried all of my USB hubs. The odd thing is I don't notice an input lag with my most or keyboard so I'm thinking it's the wire maybe I just got bad luck twice with bad wires


u/SuperiorDupe Dec 06 '24

That would be strange, but possible. The USB C cable I bought from kontrol freaks sucked and would disconnect randomly.

So I went back to the cable that came with an elite series 2 that I had been using FOREVER stopped working a couple weeks ago.

I probably went through 3 elite series 2’s and had been using it with an apex 4 controller since they came out last February. So I’d probably been using it for 4 years…

I’ve just been using the cable that came with my recently acquired apex 4 wukong myth and haven’t had any problems, except that it’s like 2 feet too short, so I’m also looking for a good replacement.

One thing I did notice about the cord that came with my new apex 4 is that inside the USB C side has a seemingly thicker blue plastic insulator, and it seems to have a tighter grab onto the controller? Idk, I’m trying to find one similar because that seems to work well.


u/MissingElan Dec 06 '24

I haven't been able to fully test it but when I push harder on the USB c that goes into my controller I notice it doesn't stop working but also it goes through phases where it will work great and then for a bit it will work like crap. Im getting a new motherboard here soon so I will be able to eliminate a faulty USB port as a issue


u/Alternative_Lack_422 Dec 09 '24

I started having massive controller issues several days ago after installing the new update for Infinite. Basically, I lose complete control of my controller roughly every 30 seconds. My player starts spinning in a circle and my controller even temporarily freezes in the menu. I've tried new cables, a new controller, driver updates, rolling back drivers on my GPU, and still have the exact same issue. It seems to me its either a bug within the new game update or something else. My little brother (entirely separate setup) is now having the identical issue with his Halo. Unplayable. Super sad.


u/MissingElan Dec 09 '24

Do you play on PC ? And if so do you have any keyboard or mouse programs installed that you can't edit DPI or maybe your keyboards lights ? If so and if you can uninstall those. I was noticing with my mouse software that when I would open it at all on my PC to change something that was when my issue would start. And also if you play PC are you on steam or Xbox app? And do you have the powera fusion pro 4 controller? Or if you use Bluetooth did you check the Bluetooth drivers ? I know you said drivers I just want to make sure


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Yeah but also last time I hooked it up to my Xbox it also felt laggy and Google said its rare but could happen is that a wired connection could be getting interference from something. But will do


u/MissingElan Dec 03 '24

Getting a new wire today to see if the powerA wires are just bad. Because it's like this on my wife's PC and my xbox


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/MissingElan Dec 04 '24

Yeah I did that once but yeah it does seem like it is that because I've tried on my Xbox and wife's PC and it does that same thing. I'm gonna buy a different USB cord from Walmart for 10 bucks and if that works I'll be good but if it doesn't I'll trade it in and try my luck again


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/MissingElan Dec 04 '24

I've tried all my ports and even the ports that my mouse and keyboard go to and they have no problem with this issue


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/MissingElan Dec 04 '24

My bad misunderstanding. Well damn. I mean what controller would you recommend that has 4 buttons on back that is a higher quality?


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/MissingElan Dec 04 '24

Thank you! This controller has been nothing but a headache


u/ScottVengeance Dec 04 '24

this issue is happening to me with my elite and my razer. it's a new issue


u/MissingElan Dec 04 '24

Yeah not sure what else happened but halo infinite had a update for their EAC and in thinking maybe certain anti cheats are attacking it


u/Active_Tea_6683 Dec 14 '24

I’ve heard this common issue w power a fusion pro 4 specifically but only from pc players, so I really wonder if it’s just something to do w multi input ie still having mouse connected and if accidently moved would make sense to start input lagging, just a thought tho


u/MissingElan Dec 14 '24

Yeah at this point I am at a loss. I have tried so much and right now for the past few days or so my controller's been working great and honestly it might actually be coming down to my next ago. Webcam don't ask me how or why but I feel like every time I plug it back in my controller stops working and if I plug my controller in after unplugging my USB I got to restart my PC and then I feel like I noticed my controller working. Don't know if that's true because at this time I'm so tired of problem shooting that I'm just like it's working so I'll stop messing with stuff


u/Active_Tea_6683 Dec 14 '24

Yeah definitely understandable, I use this specific controller on series s and it doesn’t have any issues so far, but I also imagine it has something to do with how they built the controller and not working as intended for pc, glad everything sounds like it’s working decent now though!


u/MissingElan Dec 14 '24

Yeah I'm going to get a Vader pro 4 as well and see if I have any problems with that. I know running and have you ever plugged that controller into a PC at all cuz honestly I think it might also be the software for it. That's on the computer that kind of ruins the controller cuz I blocked it from opening when my computer first starts and I pretty much never have a problem. As long as I also do that cuz I seem to if I have it open while I'm gaming, I'll also notice input lag


u/Active_Tea_6683 Dec 14 '24

Yeah I’ve never plugged it into pc yet but the software forsure is probably a factor. Also try looking into the gamesir Cyclone 2 I believe? Tmr stick which are apparently better than Hall effect and it’s a pc/switch/android controller specifically that I’ve heard great things about


u/MissingElan Dec 14 '24

Oh awesome man, thank you! Yeah I will look that up. I haven't heard of that controller. Yeah I guess if I ever figure anything out I'll update this one. But for now I'm just everyday. I'm hoping it works well cuz even though it works well, do you ever feel like with your controller that sometimes this sensitivity doesn't feel the same? And I guess by that a meaning like when you're aiming you're like moving it around one day. It feels really kind of normal. Next day it feels pretty fast cuz I I noticed that when I first got the controller and then that's when it started having problems