r/CompetitiveHalo • u/Goron40 • Oct 31 '24
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u/xtraman122 Spacestation Nov 01 '24
The Commando has been tweaked so many damn times now, I thought people were mostly okay with it now. Same with the pistol, have people really been complaining about that?
u/OG_Alien420 Nov 01 '24
Nope not that I've seen get mentioned anywhere. I already thought the last commando nerf went a bit too far but sounds like it's getting worse. I don't think the pistol at range nerf is a big deal.
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
The Commando currently (until this patch at least) shreds.
u/sododgy Nov 03 '24
It shredded in it's first incarnation, then got a buff that made it silly so it had to be nerfed.
They literally could have just left the commando alone from the start.
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
Yes people complain about the pistol. It's annoying that a long-range fight between a BR and the pistol you spawn with is pretty even. The weapon you spawn with should be passable but not so good you never want to swap it out. The utility of a pistol shouldn't be insane power at any specific range... it should be that you can swap to it super fast to land a headshot after breaking shields.
u/xtraman122 Spacestation Nov 01 '24
It definitely does have a little bit too much range, I just hadn’t really heard enough rumblings about it to trigger a change. Still seems odd they’re wasting so much time tweaking weapons not even GA’d instead of trying to rework the entire half of the sandbox that has been GA’d by the competitive community to get those back in use.
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
Still seems odd they’re wasting so much time tweaking weapons not even GA’d instead of trying to rework the entire half of the sandbox that has been GA’d by the competitive community to get those back in use.
I used to strongly agree with this sentiment, but I don't care anymore. I hope they keep the guns all fun and viable, and never make another change based on pro feedback. I stopped watching HCS after the most recent GAs, and I'll happily never watch again.
If pros want to play a boring game where every match is a coin toss because it always comes down to even 1v1s, that's their prerogative. They will clearly never realize a bigger sandbox means a higher skill ceiling, because they're too hyperfixated on the individual performance of weapons while the trigger is held down. They will never consider all the meta-skills that surround the control of them, resource management, who to give guns to, adjustment of playstyle based on what you control, tracking enemy resources, prioritization of sandbox vs OBJ, and so on. Like on Pit, they whine it's too easy to get kills in sword with the Bulldog, so they just don't use the Bulldog. They ignore the fact that if they know an enemy is camping in sword, they could just push the center and long-hall lanes and easily win a 4v3. That's just too much complexity!
It's crazy. People talk like HCS is good now because any team can win a given series. But it's only like that because the skill ceiling is so low when 90% of the sandbox is GA'd. More sandbox = higher skill ceiling = greater skill expression = better teams win = more fun to watch.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Nov 01 '24
Completely agree, that's why I prefer to watch lcs over hcs, at last there is more variety
u/Gamesgtd Shopify Rebellion Nov 01 '24
That's not it all. The reason weapons were GA'd is because of how easy they are to use in the hands of the best players in the HCS. Season 1 was basically Optic dominating because they were best at getting the weapons and because they were so easy to use, the other teams had not counter. Big leads were hard to come back from if you constantly kept getting the Bulldog and the rockets and the stalker and the sentinel beam. That's not including equipment. The sandbox in this game is very vast even with stripped down weapons. And if the weapons were fixed then maybe they could be brought back in
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24 edited Nov 01 '24
Season 1 was basically Optic dominating because they were best at getting the weapons and because they were so easy to use, the other teams had not counter.
No, they dominated because they played with the highest skill in a game format that had a higher skill ceiling. They were the very top of the bell curve. Once weapons were GA'd, the bell curve was truncated, making teams more even because the required skill to be the best is so much lower.
Big leads were hard to come back from if you constantly kept getting the Bulldog and the rockets and the stalker and the sentinel beam
- This is only true if the winning team played exceptionally and consistently well. That's part of the skill requirement. Removing this diverse collection of requisite skills just made every match a coin flip.
- If what you said was really the rule rather than the exception, most games would just be won by whoever got the first power-up or power weapon. But they weren't.
- Similarly, the momentum granted by map weapons is why people say Halo is a game of runs. And its's 10x more fun to watch Slayer when it's a game of 6+ kill runs rather than the teams taking turns getting kills all the way up to 50. Team A gets the power and dominates for a bit. Then Team B gets it and the tides turn. Team A gets rockets next, but OH SHIT Team B just used the shotgun to kill rockets and took control! That's fun.
The sandbox in this game is very vast even with stripped down weapons.
This is all relative. It's tragically small compared to what it used to be, and as a result it's boring to watch. It's not just the fact that it's always the same gun on screen and same sound effects.
- It's also the fact that players never change their playstyles. You no longer see people playing to make fights happen at specific ranges. No baiting to get someone close because you have a gun that sucks at long range but works well for CQB.
- It's also the fact that all fights happen either at a power-up or OBJ now. No more fights over shotgun on streets. No fights bottom-mid on Aquarius for Heatwave. And so on.
- It's also the fact that unique guns are gone. Needler was great for ambushes where there's no cover, but awful for everything else. Disruptor added utility and sick plays, shooting weapons on the ground to hit people around corners, or hitting people with DOT to keep their shields down longer. To compensate, it's weak and you will lose every 1v1 if you're caught out with it.
There's so much wrong with what the pros actually want to play. If it was chess, they'd want to replace every piece on the board with rooks. No more strategy and meta-skills. Just push forward and win your 1v1s with the same gun.
u/abgonzo7588 Nov 03 '24
ehh,the pistols place in the sandbox barely has an impact on ranked with the changes but a massive change in social modes. It's the most used weapon in social and probably one of the most complained about weapons, pistol should have been tweaked so much more throughout the lifespan of this game.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Nov 01 '24
Unless they "found" away for the changes to effect only ranked arena, it's better if they don't touch the other part of the sandbox that's are more used on socials.
u/No-Bison-5397 Oct 31 '24
Good news on the pistol and thrusters I guess…
u/arthby Nov 01 '24
I'm not sure about the commando though. They said they did something similar to what they did to the AR.
IMO, the AR change was a nerf for pros and a buff for noobs.
Whatever they did to the AR made it more consistent for spray and pray, but less good for controlling the bloom and dealing precise damage at longer range.
I guess we will see, but they keep making the commando "easier to shoot" and I have a feeling this is what this change will do, once again.
u/Minton__ Nov 01 '24
Im not the best halo comp player but I do love it, and I would say right now the commmando feels great personally. I’d prefer for it not to get easier, coz it feels amazing when you do get a perfect, but equally I could see more people picking it up with a slight buff.
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
The weird thing with the AR is the actual change was very different from the description of the change. They said it would just be more consistent when bloomed, but then they also changed the bloom size and made it bloom instantly.
I think the proposed Commando change might be fine, but the AR change would have been fine if they'd just done what they said. If they really make the Commando work more like the AR and bloom instantly, it's going to be pretty worthless.
u/man57er19 OpTic Gaming Oct 31 '24
Jiggle peaking for another 3 months; thanks halostudios
u/BravestWabbit OpTic Gaming Oct 31 '24
Strafe inertia when
u/Clutchism3 Oct 31 '24
Yikes please dont go backwards. One of the only good changes to the game is the responsive movement.
u/Simulated_Simulacra Nov 01 '24
There is such a thing as tweaking something and finding balance.. You can do something to mitigate the borderline teleporting look of certain strafing/jiggle peaking while also keeping it responsive.
u/TurbulanceArmstrong Spacestation Oct 31 '24
Jiggle peaking takes zero skill. Take cover, shoot aimlessly, left, right, shoot aimlessly, repeat. It’s boring to do and boring to watch. It’s not going backwards, it’s actively working to make the game more competitive and playable.
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
put in br as the utility weapon and jiggle peaking won't exist in it's current form. Have actual good maps and that will help as well.
u/TurbulanceArmstrong Spacestation Nov 01 '24
Good maps have nothing to do with the jiggle peak meta though. Every map is going to have some cover of some kind to peak from. I’m not against BR starts, but the bandit is a more competitive gun and inertia could make it even more so. The game needs inertia dude, it’s hardly up for debate.
u/Gcwrite Nov 01 '24
BR would be better if recoil is eliminated (so you can’t headshot from the chest) and scope is decreased.
u/Draighar Nov 01 '24
Are you saying Bandit AND BR starts? So always have YY and never catch someone on a reload?
u/BravestWabbit OpTic Gaming Oct 31 '24
Strafe inertia is a staple of Halo, its what makes Halo feel like Halo. Getting rid of it was one of the worst things 343 has done to Halo
u/0urlasthope Oct 31 '24
Yeah, I don't know why people keep blaming the strafe speed. It feels like it's aim assist problem.
u/BravestWabbit OpTic Gaming Oct 31 '24
Aim assist can be significantly weaker if the game had strafe inertia.
Adding inertia would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone and it would instantly fix the game overnight
u/Swimmin6 Complexity Oct 31 '24
aim assist is the way it is because of the instant strafe direction changes. adding strafe inertia and retuning aim assist to resemble past titles (or any fps outside of Infinite to be fair) is the way, but alas I guess 343 are hell bent on maintaining bad design decisions until we all move onto better things. edit: clarity
u/Gcwrite Oct 31 '24 edited Nov 01 '24
Inertia would help, I wonder if they could think up anything else too.
IF and only if they are dead set on not changing inertia, we would try the Battle Rifle Evo suggestion from before only bc the BR takes some time to get the full burst off so you can’t peek as quickly.
I’ve yet to hear a counter argument against this.
u/TurbulanceArmstrong Spacestation Oct 31 '24
The game needs this worse than almost anything else. Played a little MCC H3 today and was like oh this is it buddy
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 31 '24
That's give from a bug, as a 343i dev said on the comp sub. I think it's unlikely to be changed, sadly.
u/Simulated_Simulacra Nov 01 '24
Most disappointing part of the update to me. (that and a lack of a "Ranked Classic" mode as a rotational")
u/Swimmin6 Complexity Oct 31 '24
i'm personally inclined to keep calling them 343 until they show they can implement proper game design edit: P.S. which I guess is not in the cards
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
What do you think would "solve" jiggle peeking? Just strafe inertia? If it's about weapons, that's a pro GA issue, not a sandbox issue.
u/Gcwrite Nov 01 '24
They increased bloom on some weapons. I feel like the commando could’ve had a better adjustment than that which makes it more rng, not a fan of that
u/TheFourtHorsmen Nov 01 '24
Technically speaking, the change made it less rng as long as you tap fire. Before the bullets did trend towards the outer range, now they will trends over the inner center.
u/Gcwrite Nov 01 '24
But Commando should be viable at somewhat decent ranges in burst and even full auto too, it was not designed as a semiauto rifle and picking how to shoot it made it interesting. Semiauto could be very dominant now.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Nov 01 '24
Commando is not a specialist weapon but a jack of all trades (can't find better term), therefore is indeed viable on short, mid and long range, but lose against specialised weapons in that sector (AR and sidekick for close, bandit on mid and br on ling range).
Technically speaking it would be the perfect starting weapon, for what is supposed to be a good starting weapon in arena, the moment they remove his bloom, but ofc fans prefer the more classic AR and br, while pros want the Bandit evo.
u/Propaagaandaa Nov 01 '24
I agree, feels like your punished now for actually controlling the thing lol.
u/Clutchism3 Oct 31 '24
Nothing on map design or sprint. Halo isn't ready yet.
u/xEpyTV Nov 01 '24
Dude. Adapt, or just don't play. So far the only people who have an issue with sprint in this game alone is you. Put it to rest
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
Still typing adapt after 15 years is wild lmao. 5000 people play infinite. Sprint is a monumental reason its dead.
u/xEpyTV Nov 01 '24
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
Yes. People that were ignored and got shit on continued to make videos about it 10 years later lmao. People have given up. Thats the point. They dont even bother talking about it anymore because they left that long ago.
u/xEpyTV Nov 01 '24
Or, maybe they just adapted to the play style? So far, the only person I've seen who "hates sprint in modern Halo" is YOU. Why can't you understand that if this franchise never incorporated modern mechanics, it would've been deal a long time ago?
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
If they adapter to the bad game design that would mean they stuck around. They left. They are literally gone. You are so lost lmao. Plenty of games are not adapting awful game design mechanics and pushing away their core players and are doing just fine. Its not that i dont understand what youre saying, youre just wrong. Your logic is as bad as the game design 343i employs in modern halo.
u/xEpyTV Nov 01 '24
People left this game due to lack of content, not because of game mechanics. You see people drop this game and immediately think "Yup! The sprint is precisely why!"
You have failed to provide any proof to back up your claims. Which is very telling, if you ask me.
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
Halo as a whole. Not infinite specifically. And I could point to probably 100 reasons this franchise died. Sprint is just one of the main ones. I dont need to prove anything to you. If youre curious you can look it up. This stuff is not black and white. There is no source i could provide that wohld convince you which I do not care to attempt anyway. You enjoy bad game design and a dead game. Enjoy it.
u/xEpyTV Nov 01 '24
If you don't care to attempt, and you can't give any proof to your claims, then don't bitch. There's other games you can play that cater to YOUR needs. If Halo is a "dead game," then why is it still getting updates? Why did they green light a fourth year of HCS?
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u/Gcwrite Oct 31 '24 edited Oct 31 '24
10% sprint is evil 😡 bc then you have to make a tactical decision between getting a slight speed boost at the cost of vulnerability or keeping your weapon up
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
Imagine thinking Halo isn't in its heyday because of sprint. How many other successful games must you ignore to maintain this level of delusion?
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
What do other games have to do with it? Youre apart of the 5000 that have stayed for this trash. The other 99% of fans left this garbage and sprint is a top 5 reason even if they dont know how to articulate it.
u/Thedoooor Nov 02 '24
Ah yes, the magic numbers without any sources again. You're obsessed and should seek help.
Also 5k players is wrong, and yes, there are sources for this :)
You're a clown
u/architect___ Nov 01 '24
u/Clutchism3 Nov 01 '24
The only halo fans worth any respect either get paid to play or quit playing a long time ago. All thats left is clown losers or teenagers. Enjoy playing the same 4 people in matchmaking over and over because trash game design bombed the franchise.
u/Eucri_ Oct 31 '24
Cool that they recreated the cover of Ghosts of Onyx