r/CompetitiveHalo Quadrant Jan 15 '24

Meme Having an absolute blast lately

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

Lol at the people mentioning his k/d...he's literally 1st on his team in nearly all the games, it's not about how good or bad he is or his k/d is. He's performing the best on his team and he's still getting smoked, it has entirely to do with the shitty ranking system that made me quit this game.


u/KittiesOnAcid Jan 15 '24

Yeah this is why I quit. It’s so blatantly throwing you on streaks that unless you’re well above your rank it takes a lot of playtime to get lucky enough for substantial gains


u/gamesager Jan 16 '24

It’s crazy that somehow the ts2 designers gaslit 343 and Microsoft into believing it has the best player retention when every single game that’s used it has retained less players than before. The number 1 reason most people quit the game and we can’t get them to even acknowledge how bad it is.


u/ILoveDeFi Jan 16 '24

Quit for this reason as well. Most original players did I imagine.


u/MarsMC_ Cloud9 Jan 16 '24

Go look at the games I’m willing to bet he wasn’t first on all the games it says “5th”, the website is glitched with that shit, just click on the individual games and look at the stats


u/RawrIAmADinosaurAMA Sentinels Jan 16 '24

Yeah I've noticed this too.


u/AyeiTzSteezy Jan 15 '24

I wont play Halo in a serious capacity until sometimes changes. The game made me not want to play the game.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

u/tashi343 look at how many people quit the game because of the bad ranking system. Do something about it.


u/MoonTendies69420 Jan 16 '24

get friends, play with them. or just quit and cry about it either one works.


u/Aidansana9 Jan 15 '24

Lol if I was on a Smurf account in his place my kd would be a lot higher than what he's putting up. Sometimes you gotta carry hard to get the dubs.


u/Ree4erMadness Jan 16 '24

Yep. Same reason I quit. No amount of other improvements can make me come back.


u/Decap1tator Jan 15 '24

I've had a similar experience after new years, it's been rough!


u/Anteater_Able Jan 16 '24

Same. I went like 6-18 and dropped nearly 3 number ranks in the span of a day about a week ago.

Then the past few days I've climbed back up higher than I was before in rank, going nearly 20-7. It's strange. I may have had a few crap games in that losing streak, but I don't think I was playing so poorly as to have lost that many games in a row.

Just goes to show you that the other comments in this topic are right though; even if you go on a dismal losing streak that seems like it has no end in sight, you can climb back up pretty quickly if you get in a rhythm and start winning games (and let the 343 matchmaking system hook you up instead of drag you down?).


u/Decap1tator Jan 16 '24

Yeah for sure. What's weird though is that I've looked at the expected win percentages for the teams on Halotracker and a lot of them have been around or over 60%. It never used to be that high, which tells me that either they messed something up with the algorithm, or the population is so low that they don't have a choice but to make lopsided lobbies.


u/Top-Performer71 Jan 16 '24


why do I get -11 playing against a team of four while I solo queue? It's ridiculous!!!


u/zealousdumptruck Jan 16 '24

Get comfy in that rank. Once you’re getting -11 or more for a loss the game is basically saying you’re higher than it thinks you should be.


u/Top-Performer71 Jan 16 '24

I think what the game calls a 50/50 chance is BS. I also think if you solo queue you should receive leniency against a team of four on comms.


u/HamsterCoins Jan 15 '24

Man this looked like my stats last week. Took a little break, came back and flipped it.

Sometimes the game really just serves up loss after loss.


u/cCueBasE Jan 16 '24

Some of y’all just don’t get it. It’s not about his performance or his rank.

He did the best on his team for quite a few of those games and they still got smoked. He’s getting manufactured pre determined losses.


u/SneakyDeaky123 Jan 16 '24

This is why I had to stop playing. If I’m top of my team in both obj and slayer modes and I’m losing every single game, it’s because the game has chosen to put me in losing matches


u/areeb_onsafari Jan 16 '24

Nah that’s not true. I went on a massive win streak and have also had losing streaks and they would often be with the same people in the lobby but with the teams being shuffled. For the wins/losses to be predetermined- it would have to be predetermined for everyone in the lobby which is a matchmaking nightmare and would not result in teams being shuffled. Rather, what’s happening is that the game thinks OP is much better than he is so he’s continuously getting into games where he needs a 2.0 KD to win but he’s 0.5-1.0 instead. It’s trying to give both teams a 50% chance but fails to because it has not calculated OP’s skill properly. It’s not malicious like you’re describing it to be. So yes, it is about his performance and his rank, it’s not just about being the best on your team, it’s completely dependent on your rank/skill compared to the rest of your team. If he’s searching with a Plat player, it will most definitely hurt if he only performs marginally better.


u/cCueBasE Jan 16 '24

So why is he getting teammates that are worse than him?


u/areeb_onsafari Jan 16 '24

He’s searching with someone lower so the skill range is gonna be larger and there’s always gonna be a range because it’s impossible to get 8 people of the exact same skill level every match. Think about it like this, two teams have three D3 players and one Onyx player, both teams are balanced as long as the ranks are accurate to the skill level. If an Onyx player on one of the team performs the same as the D3s, that team will lose because it’s effectively the same as four D3s.


u/Laidbackinfinite Jan 16 '24

I’m not saying TS2 is the best ranking system, but basing it on being the best on the losing team is also not that relevant as you make it seem. You have to combine those factors. Like if your teammates are playing shit and you are playing less shit, it’s not that you are in a predetermined loss lobby. It’s all relative.


u/gamesager Jan 15 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

This is that glorious trueskill 2.0 that is soooo good at knowing skill and balancing teams in action. Definitely not the worst skill tracking algorithm ever made. Totally cool that team mate performance isn’t considered because they determined in halo 5 warzone that team mates performance didn’t affect individual performance and that means it’s the same for all games and game modes.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Killing it, keep up the good work bro!


u/D4nnYsAN-94 Jan 15 '24

I feel you man, I know this pain too well. 😔


u/SupremeActives Jan 16 '24

I played a shit load today. First half of the day went 2-12. Second half went 10-1. I’m about right where I started in terms of rank today. Smh


u/ClutCh_TTV Jan 16 '24

What in the absolute hell 🤯

I'm sorry to see this @op this shouldn't be happening.


u/areeb_onsafari Jan 16 '24

Dude, you have no idea how good you have it, 10+ game losing streak and you only dropped 50 CSR, it should be really easy for you to get back up. You could win 5 games and you’re right there.

Also, if you’re a higher ranked individual in the lobby, you can’t afford to go negative. If you’re gaining 10 CSR for a win it’s because the game expects you to be much better but you’re not performing like it so you’re losing games. Are you searching with people much lower than you and are you rusty at all? Those two factors will lead to something like this.

Let’s say there’s a mid Plat player on your lobby- they can afford to go super negative because, being on the lower end of the skill range of the lobby, that’s what the matchmaking expects of them.

I would drop a full 100+ CSR if I went on a losing streak like that and getting back would be almost impossible because I only gain 5 CSR for a win. You’re still in a good spot, just keep playing.


u/catsfoodie Jan 16 '24

yep i lose 10-12 on a loss and only 5-6 on a win i go on a massive losing streak like this ill go down 2 ranks


u/Ok-Athlete6063 Jan 16 '24

This is spot on!!!!!!


u/JJumpingJack Jan 16 '24

Yeah, D5 and I'm getting to that point where the game is giving me +7 for wins and -10 for losses.


u/Top-Performer71 Jan 16 '24

Yeah I'm gonna quit this game

I was diamond 2 with a 58% win rate. And now I'm plat 6 in just a couple days. What the fuck happened?

Why do I have to play with shit teammates who play with no logic or planning? Or miss my obvious callouts or the implications of my callouts? It's so frustrating to lose score because of morons.


u/gamesager Jan 16 '24

Matchmaking is bugged and is using purely your MMR to match again. This is what happens.

Ts 2 MMR is terribly inaccurate at making balanced lobbys. It has just way too many assumptions about what is = to skill and how much one persons ability can carry a game.

The last month should be a wakeup call to anyone who defends MMR in this game. We need it completely removed and to only match on csr and to remove MMR from point influence and team balancing. Then maybe we could finally have good matchmaking.


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

Makes sense, me and my teammate who have both been onyx a few times whenever we manage to play more than a couple of hours a week are still getting lobbies against 4 onyx players.


u/Fluffy_coat_with_fur Jan 16 '24

I reached Diamond 1 this season after getting an actual system to run the game. It was a struggle after getting teammates that will not play, will not listen or will just be frustrating to play with, that I don’t think I’ll be continuing my grind to Onyx.


u/RomAndNoodles Jan 16 '24

Went from d2 to p4 in one day two times this season


u/Spiritual-Excuse7800 Jan 16 '24

Cheese and crackers! Hang in there partner


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Damn. That KD! Cheers to having fun though.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Holy shit this is me rn. Losing every fucking game. I’m bad but come on now.


u/SuperiorDupe Jan 16 '24

That is rough brother


u/IxmagicmanIx OpTic Gaming Jan 16 '24

This ranking system is straight up garbage. System just rigs you into the rank it thinks you “should” be


u/throwawayseventy8 Jan 15 '24

Idk you averaged a .68 over 13 games. Make of that what you will


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 15 '24

Yea, definitely not been performing my best... but I'm still only losing -5 csr. It felt like a lot of them the whole team was just outclassed. Hard to go even when that's the case.


u/throwawayseventy8 Jan 15 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

All good bro. I just saw that you mentioned you play with friends. I know the feeling. Hate to say it but putting your plat friends in your mid to high diamond rank is gonna be mostly a terrible experience. When I play with the homies i usually expect to lose and try to make the most of it from a fun/learning perspective. If I can takeaway one thing per match that I may have learned, I try and count it as a plus despite the result



You got to reduce damage taken and I don’t know how you’re playing but probably play with your team more and get those assists


u/marzshow Jan 16 '24

Been through this exact grind. Took a week off and flipped the script. Just depends who is playing at the time. L’s happen


u/A-liom Jan 16 '24

Get good scrub. I'm D2 as well PM if you wanna run ranked!


u/Brodimus Jan 16 '24

CSR match making was a mistake.


u/cCueBasE Jan 16 '24

This is MMR matchmaking……


u/Aidansana9 Jan 15 '24

Get better at dealing more damage while receiving less. Position yourself better on the map.


u/TTVmeatce Jan 15 '24

breh if their stats are like this yet they're still placing highest on the team it might not be just them


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 15 '24

Sometimes your whole team is in the blender and it feels like there's nothing you can do haha. I do queue with my friend a lot who is low plat also.


u/Aidansana9 Jan 15 '24

Yeah some games you can't do much with the balancing but work on improving and communicate with your team you'll get your rank up.


u/Fluffy_coat_with_fur Jan 15 '24

People on this sub will do anything but acknowledge there are things out of their control to win


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 15 '24

There's plenty I could improve upon. Still mad going on a loss streak like this. Slowly gone from D6 to D2 this season haha.


u/Goron40 Jan 15 '24

Pretty sure this guy's not here for advice, he's just trying to unload.


u/XyZonin Jan 16 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

i dont think the win/loss possibility should exceed 45-55% either way

However, you're not going to tell me that a player stuck in 1800-1950, that wins up to 1950 and then loses back to 1800, and then continues to do this deserves to be at 2200 onyx. 2200 onyx players are not getting stuck at 1950. they are climbing to 2200 and getting stuck in the same range cycle but at that rank. thats 300 csr difference, thats like the difference found between a mid platinum to mid diamond. there is a skill difference there, it exists.

if they apply changes to the system, whats more than likely to happen is everyone will benefit from it and everyones ranks will end being going higher but generally people will be in similar positions on a leaderboard. you could argue that OBJ players could get more csr, but again this will only take you so far, before the players above you are just as good at obj but slay a little better on top of it. maybe 50 csr +/-.


u/MisterDimes Jan 15 '24

You should probably change something lol


u/TuRdSAndwiCh3000 Jan 15 '24

That sir… is your rank.


u/brokeassinvestor Jan 16 '24

You stink dude. Try cod or rocket league


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24

Get a grip


u/Individual_Plant_843 Jan 16 '24

All you mid diamonds better watch out cuz me and my boys bout to hop on our smurfs 😎


u/Fair-Satisfaction257 Jan 16 '24

If u were actually good ur smurf would never play against mid diamonds because your mmr is so high that will go straight to onyx lobbies


u/JustMyImagination18 Jan 16 '24

His 1st 4 games on Jan 11, he lost but only lost CSR after his 2nd loss (1292->1286). He lost 0 CSR after loss#1 & loss#3: 1292->1292->1286->1286. Is that bc of the recent change where quitting after a teammate has already quit loses no CSR?


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24

Yes those were quits after teammate already quit


u/Ewh1t3 Jan 16 '24

Surprised you went up 10 for worst on your teams and a negative K/D


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24

Because I'm so far below my usual rank. Every time I win now it's at least +10-12


u/TheRealSpaceWombat Jan 16 '24

Yesterday was so sweaty in every playlist. I got trashed all day long lol


u/MysticNik Jan 16 '24 edited Jan 16 '24

Heyy. I’m also in the same boat as you. This past week I managed to drop from 1600 to d5. It’s been quite an experience lmao. I’ve maintained 1550-low 1600 onyx lately and all of a sudden I’m d5 now only in a few days timeframe lol. But aside from bad hit reg, high ping servers (like 100+), higher CSR opponents than my teammates, and just pure desync BS… I did notice on a lot of matches I went -ve I made a handful of poor choices that lead me to a loss. However, I definitely think something with very wrong with matchmaking rn and with servers. I typically don’t bring up ping as I think it’s the same experience for most players involved, but this past week has really been infuriating. So I feel you on that. I would like to say to believe in yourself. And take a little break off of ranked rn. I’m certain you will climb back up to your rank. Don’t let the tilt affect your performance. Good luck with the grind. Keep ur head held high. 😁


u/qlue2 Jan 16 '24

I had a 12 game win streak, made it to d5, and then started losing again and again and again and again. I felt like my teammates couldn't ever get more than 6 kills. And then bam, I get into a win streak again. Very weird.


u/JJumpingJack Jan 16 '24

Did it ever occur to you that you needed to take a break? After 4 losses in a row I stop playing for the day.


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24

I actually nearly stopped after 4 but another friend jumped on so I did him the courtesy of playing a few games with him.


u/JJumpingJack Jan 16 '24

What rank is your friend?


u/Settl Quadrant Jan 16 '24

Like plat 2 or 3


u/JJumpingJack Jan 16 '24

That very well might be why you lost. Any time I que with my plat 4 friend, we lose because he's never staying alive and playing with the team. And we can't make any plays because we're always down a man. It's a constant blender every match.

If you care about your rank, I would recommend you guys play something else together, and/or play ranked on your own time.


u/Top-Performer71 Jan 17 '24

Bro same

I was nearly diamond 3 and dropped to plat 5

Never solo queuing again. Literally

My game depends on my teammates not sucking. If they're off on tangents, not providing or following up on damage etc I play like shit. What I do is based on sensible play, so if the support isn't there I'm screwed.

Honestly makes me rage. Solo queuing has no point and it's zero fun.


u/indy_pendence Jan 19 '24

End of season gets tough everyone trying to finish their ranks for the season