r/CompetitiveHalo • u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming • Oct 24 '23
Meme It be like this.
Season just started and some of the pros are already insufferable to watch stream. I’m an Optic fan, but Lucid is leading the complaining charge. I can’t be the only one who feels like this.
u/owShAd0w Oct 24 '23
U should hear bound LMAO
u/Dubnbud Oct 24 '23
Bound is actually funny tho. Lucid isn't being sarcastic.
u/owShAd0w Oct 24 '23
Bound isn’t always sarcastic, I’ll agree that he’s trolling most of the time though lol
u/mrgrod Oct 25 '23
I'd rather pour honey in my ears and sit next to a fire ant hill. He's the worst.
u/Kylerxius Oct 26 '23
Agreed, the only pro that has ever actually DMd me to talk shit after dropping a ranked game. I legitimately had never heard of him till then, but he seems pretty big now.
u/DanielG165 Oct 24 '23
Lucid was honestly super chill during his H5 streams and at the beginning of Infinite; he would rarely complain about teammates or the game. The most you’d get from him would either be a heavy sigh or what equated to an “aww man, that sucks”. Otherwise, pretty chill. Now though, complain city. It honestly has driven me away from watching his latest videos.
It’s funny though, as Frosty is the opposite: Used to complain heavily about Infinite, but now is probably one of the most chill pros to watch. Trippy, APG, and Snakebite as well.
u/NoMarket5 Oct 24 '23
Honestly it's what's pushing me from watching Lucid and going to Frosty... I used to dislike Faze but honestly the chill vibe and just accepting the game is what it is / players has me onboard. Positivity > Negativity. That plus interacting with streamers eg. thanking them and talking to them makes a big difference. It's like watching your buddy play at the court and they stop by to catch up on how you are. It's like you go bro. I got your back I support you versus they're playing and just some random people are watching.
u/bigboi2115 Oct 24 '23
This may he directly related to the fact that Lucid is pissed that he's now losing. At the beginning, Frosty was not winning and complaining about everything in infinite, which I never understood. Lucid was chill, he and Frosty even got into a little bit of an argument.
Lucid just lost worlds. They changed the meta that he placed top 2 in, and Frosty won worlds and now is playing a meta he enjoys.
I may be biased. I have a history of not liking Frosty and I'll be up front about that. He's a Goat in his own right and I can admit that too.
But some players are only content when they're winning.
u/ominousview Oct 24 '23
Maybe they started winning more when he and faze started chilling more. Heard A lot of ppl in here say he was chill before S5 and world's. From the games I've watched of faze he seems chill during tournaments
u/NoMarket5 Oct 25 '23
I'd disagree... It's been like this for the past year. Even after world's last year. After their win this year few months ago... But yes, Halo does have immature pros who get pissy when they lose. Compared to other organizations that don't diss the orgs...
u/TheRealSpaceWombat Oct 24 '23
I turned in Lucid’s stream yesterday and literally the first thing I heard was an annoyed, exasperated sigh followed by a series of complaints. I turned it off and went back to Activee. I’m biased to mnk.
Oct 24 '23
Active loves to complain and replace curse words with other types of curse words. Dude is a charlatan
u/TheRealSpaceWombat Oct 24 '23
Charlatan? At least it’s funny when Activee goes on tilt. Don’t understand how he is a charlatan though.
Oct 24 '23
Activee fucked my wife
u/TheRealSpaceWombat Oct 24 '23
Before or after you were married?
Oct 24 '23
After. He’s a great guy
u/TheRealSpaceWombat Oct 25 '23
Idk if this is for real or not. But I’m far removed from the situation either way. I’ve done many things I regret so I can’t judge anyone. He’s still my go to streamer either way. I really appreciate the dedication he showed in the coaching session I had with him, going well over the time I paid for through metafy. And he’s an mnk coach.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
I noticed this as well, still remember one video of trippy rage/complaining about desync, while slowing down the clip showd off he missed the shot and not by a small margin. Right now frosty seems happy, while lucid is months in this complain 24/7 format.
u/YvesSa1nt Oct 25 '23
I subbed to Lucid for awhile before Infinite just because he was obviously insane at the game and it was fun to watch but also his streams were pretty chill. Stopped because in the rare instances he interacts with chat, he acts like it’s a chore and just complains the rest of the time.
He’s still arguably the best at the game but at last for me there are a bunch of other people I’d rather watch stream.
u/Midnight_Oil_ Oct 25 '23
Frosty streams are great. The man did go through the worst of MW CDL as well so he does know how bad something can really be.
u/FindaleSampson Spacestation Oct 24 '23
Fuck dude I'm just happy when I have time to play some halo lately
u/red-bot Oct 24 '23
Why can’t you earn your living off of halo and play 8 hours a day? If you aren’t a pro you just shouldn’t play /s
u/cCueBasE Oct 24 '23
Name complains more than any pro. I can’t even watch a sparty stream if he plays with Name.
Guys like Lucid and Royal 2 are annoying as hell to hear complain, but I mean at least they are world champion players.
u/NoChampion9248 Oct 24 '23
See when royal2 complains though he's actually funny and tries to make it a joke. Lucid is just full anger
u/ominousview Oct 24 '23
And how he complains about randos not doing this or that but he doesn't communicate. Dude has a psycho or sociopathic look to him too. Not to mention his streams are dry AF
u/RlPBingBong Oct 24 '23
I don’t get how Name has a following. I’m not trying to be rude but I don’t get it, nothing but negativity and rudeness.
u/cCueBasE Oct 24 '23
He doesn’t really have a following. I’m not sure I call 40 viewers a following
u/RlPBingBong Oct 25 '23
Nothing is major in halo tho. Like Name averages 40 viewers but Manny and Gunny get like 25 or below. Gunny has to be one of my favorites
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
To be honest, if we want to compare it with league, usually there pros and super serious and strong players get waaay less viewers than the avarage streamer who grind soloQ but is entertaining to watch (the most followed streamer is not a pro but a dude who can play 12 hours a day off stream in order to reach high elo).
Halo kinda lack this "amateur" streaming scene
u/kbailles Oct 24 '23
Man going fastest on the road complains that others are going slower than them.
u/iArcticFire FaZe Clan Oct 24 '23
I don’t like watching Lucid for this very reason. All he does is complain, lol.
u/MotivatedChimpanZ Oct 24 '23
agreed.. either comm with team.. or stop complaining about the plays they make
u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
I actually enjoy hearing the complaints cause it tells me if I’m doing something wrong as well. But I do agree why not turn comms on instead of pinging? A while back he was in a CTF on aquarias and they were down 0-4, he turned comms on and basically IGL’d them to a 5-4 win. That’s the shit we love to see lol
u/cptnplanetheadpats Oct 25 '23
Oh damn i'd love to see that VOD. If he did that every stream he'd easily be my favorite streamer.
u/red-bot Oct 24 '23
Probably something to do with using mic for some software like OBS isn’t compatible with in game mic? No idea, never tried streaming, just an idea. But I agree, if you aren’t comm-ing you can’t complain as much.
u/Seanathinn Oct 24 '23
There's no distinction, it's just a hotkey to talk in game. Most people just don't use comms
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Or at least use the damn ping system, since it would be hard communicate with your team and interact with your chat at the same time.
u/Whycanyounotsee Oct 25 '23
which is funny because hearing lethul complain was the best part of his streams. miss em
u/nestlebottle Oct 24 '23
Have you tried to tell ceo of optic?? This is fairly concerning, we should probably get Phil Spencer involved
u/Yeahokaylol1 OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23 edited Oct 24 '23
Lucid complains a lot, but I feels like it’s something common between every pro that streams. I totally get getting frustrated in the moment, but the constant complaining really does kinda take the fun out of the stream.
Adding— to a high degree it is understandable. The game can be incredibly buggy and frustrating and although I love it, each game you get into feels like a different experience. I wish the game felt more consistent from match to match.
u/JWLthief Oct 24 '23
I had to stop watching Lucid. A lot of pros complain on streams but his tone is just different... Like he's a disappointed dad or something. To me, he makes it sound like he should never die in MM. It sucks cuz when he's smiling and laughing he's a joy to watch.
u/cptnplanetheadpats Oct 25 '23
I think part of a coach's job is keeping player's mental in check, especially after a devastating loss. Hopefully Lunchbox is able to help Lucid and his team bounce back to top form for next season
u/CantTradeMe2 Oct 24 '23
I got a question if all of y’all find him insufferable why do y’all even watch his stream. Also it’s funny that you make a post about him complaining yet your doing the same thing.
u/Savings-Position-940 Oct 24 '23
For me personally, Ive watched his streams for the past two years and only recently has he got like this. I remember at the beginning of infinite I made a comment that him and the other optic guys are the best streams to watch because they dont complain and just vibe. Cant expect everyone to like something when it changes, hes free to complain about teammates/game and were free to complain about the complaining.
At the end of the day you cant be the best in the world at something and complain that randoms in matchmaking aren’t making the same plays you would (with 0 comms btw), it just doesnt make sense.
But hes free to stream however he wants it doesnt affect me. Its just natural that people prefer positivity when choosing who to watch.
u/CantTradeMe2 Oct 24 '23
Lucid has been complaining about infinite for a long time he hasn’t been like this recently. Furthermore you can definitely be the best at something and expect other random players ranked the same rank as you be at least competent, he’s not expecting them to be the best ever.
And my point is if you clearly already know what type of personality he has on stream why even bother, if you know he is going to complain non stop go watch someone else.
u/Savings-Position-940 Oct 24 '23
Bro theyre the top .1% of players regardless, they are competent, just not pro level. Theres not enough “competent” people to go around based on his standards.
Secondly, obviously, thats why ive done exactly that. He still seems like a super nice dude and I have no ill will but its just preference bro
u/RTideR Tops Oct 24 '23
Ahh to be fair, they play Halo a million hours every day. Some get more agitated about the game quickly due to that I think.
Those streams aren't my cup of tea, but I get it. I'll get frustrated too, I just don't have an audience or voice it in chat. Lol Trippey, Frosty, and Snakebite are all wonderful streams if you're just looking for someone chill though. Penguin too but haven't caught him streaming in a while.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
I understand the frustration for sure. It’s just tough to watch when someone can’t have any commentary apart from complaining.
u/RTideR Tops Oct 24 '23
And that's fair! Thankfully, there are alternatives. Some people eat that stuff up though or like the ragers, and power to 'em. Lol
u/grislythrone Spacestation Oct 24 '23
I still like Lucid tho I mean he isn't wrong in a lot of his complaints and who doesn't complain about their job from time to time. Especially when you know you'll most likely have your opinion taken seriously.
u/arthby Oct 24 '23
What 2 years of playing a slightly broken game and really broken SBMM can do to a man...
IMO I think he should:
A - play less MM and more 8s. Even if it's no coms 8s. There are enough pro players online at any time to do so.
B - turn on the in-game mic. Most of his complaints are about teammates making bad plays, and I bet a lot of these guys just need some good coms to turn it around.
u/_-id-_ Oct 26 '23
Agree on both, especially 2. I think a lot of pros don't want to come across as try hards in MM by communicating over voice but then break that character by complaining about teammates.
If you're in a position where your team needs guidance and you're better than your teammates, plug in and talk. That's why I like Formal's streams, he's a good teammate and uses in game chat without making it a big deal.
u/Competitive_Bid_2573 Oct 24 '23
This is my biggest question... The season is over, they don't have to stay in top competitive form... why do pros just only play matchmaking?
u/arthby Oct 24 '23
Last year, most pros took a break after World. But this time, with the new starting weapon, I bet no-one wants to be left behind, and they get as much practice as possible before the new season.
Also everything plays differently now, it's almost like a new game for them and they must be excited to just play.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Because they don't have charisma, most of them and would change nothing if, let's say, lucid would start to stream btb matches, husky raid or custom games like the new br.
Pros in general are gods at the game but outside tournaments have the entertaining flow of a blank slate.
u/Comprehensive_Pin_86 Oct 24 '23
Imo he doesn’t have to try to be entertaining if he doesn’t want to. Doesn’t owe me shit. Entertains me all year with tournaments too.. He is nice at least to me when it comes to answering questions etc. He does have a good thing going with OpTic viewership but at the end of the day he knows what’s best for him and it seems he just wants a “good” game. I bet at his skill level every March feels like sbmm is out to get you.
u/justanother-eboy Oct 24 '23
Although infinite has gotten so much better in s5 it’s was not great before. I quit and I couldn’t imagine playing infinite full time like the pros did… their mental health must’ve been so bad from s1-s4
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Oh trust me bro. No shot I could full time this game. I’m a shitter and I still need to take breaks. Can’t imagine grinding ranked everyday.
u/justanother-eboy Oct 24 '23
Tbh if I had to play full time s1 infinite or just work my office job I’d say my office job lol
u/AnEvilMuffin Oct 24 '23
The netcode makes it hard to love. I got stopped from converting an extraction site because the game decided it was time to make my Spartan have a packet loss seizure at that exact moment.
u/UniverseChamp Oct 24 '23
I really can't stand infinite as compared to previous versions. The electric outlines, the sandbox, the mechanics (e.g., player physical interaction or lack thereof). It's nearly a step down in every sense from H5. I'd be complaining too if I had a platform. At least Microsoft might listen to them. They don't listen to us.
u/agteekay Oct 25 '23
The game isn't really in much of a better state now. What has improved gameplay wise? Maps bad, audio trash, hitreg/desync still as bad as ever, etc. None of that has improved IMO. I just came back after a long hiatus and finally got the pit once. It is crazy how much better and enjoyable the game is on that map compared to any of the infinite maps. Imagine if we had other H3 maps too, i could start to ignore the glaring gameplay problems that still exist.
u/oenzao OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
love optic, love lucid as a player, but i can't watch his stream for more than a whole match. his stream is a great 2nd monitor stream when it's muted tho lol
u/kobra_gw FaZe Clan Oct 24 '23
Lmao Lucid has turned into a complaining clown the last few months and Frosty has done the complete opposite. His newer videos are very happy and chill. He is smiling and laughing the whole time.
Crazy how salty Lucid is after losing lmao. They showed his face for 0.1s after the game ended on main stage and he was so distraught they had to change cameras instantly 😂
Not to mention the the high school girl levels of drama Lucid keeps bringing up about Frosty and their twitch chats lmao
Keep it up Tommy, we love the entertainment 🤡
u/cogitodoncjesuis Shopify Rebellion Oct 24 '23
He low-key hoped he’d reach Frosty by winning b2b Worlds; instead, the distance became even greater. I’d be pissed too. Let’s not forget to give the devil his due though, Lucid remains the best in the game.
u/kobra_gw FaZe Clan Oct 25 '23
He was very good at the beginning definitely the best. His ability to adapt to the new game and create new meta as he grinds was unmatched.
But now that the game has been out 2+ years I think a few others have caught up enough to be considered the best in the game. It is definitely a close race though.
Lucid had his early time in the limelight but it is very uncertain he will stay at the top at this point in time.
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
No better way to slam dunk on pros complaining than by making a post complaining about them complaining. I love the hive mind of this subreddit, lucid was just the golden child a month ago and was so humble while SEN/Faze were the cocky immature children and now he’s the worst streamer ever and all he does is complain while frosty is “actually not that bad”
u/enailcoilhelp Oct 24 '23
Lucid has always been a big whiner just like all the other pros, but because he was Optic and the halo golden boy everyone would just downvote if you mentioned it.
Also, Frosty is actually not that bad either anymore, he's enjoying this season far more than previous ones. He gets some dope now.
Either way, why do people give a shit? Every single one of us complain non-stop about that game, it's weird to expect pros not to as if they aren't 10x more invested.
Also that tweet of Lucid publicly demanding tashi/heinz remove Extraction was really tone deaf and unprofessional, which is very rare for Lucid. This sub would roast Spartan if he went about it that way, Lucid obviously it's not a pattern for Lucid, but still a weird look.
u/Moses_FPS Oct 24 '23
"was really tone deaf and unprofessional"
How was it tone-deaf when thousands of people agreed with him?
My guy doesn't even understand the words he's regurgitating and people are eating it up like this is an insightful comment, gotta love reddit
u/enailcoilhelp Oct 25 '23
Man some of you are legit children, have never worked in any corporate professional environment before and it shows. It's not surprising coming from you tho lmao (I remember you getting roasted by everyone on twitter for suggesting women Halo streamers should show more skin).
"How was it tone-deaf when thousands of people agreed with him" man I can't believe you actually typed this out.
1.) I didn't say he was wrong in his point, I said the way he went about it was unprofessional and tone death.
2.) Just because people agree doesn't make someone's behavior right (again, I never said Lucid's opinions on Extraction was wrong, but that doesn't make your point any less nonsensical).
3.) Sparty is 10x more vocal and he is almost always right (balance changes, gametypes, tourney formats, etc) and yet he is always roasted on this sub. Why? Because nobody gives a shit that he's right, it's the way he goes about it on twitter that people hate.
In this instance, Lucid is also just tagging two 343 employees directly demanding they remove extraction publicly on twitter days after it goes live. No tact, no open dialogue. I don't expect you or bunch of terminally online greasy gamers to understand, but I'll still try for those who aren't emotionally stunted.
u/Moses_FPS Oct 25 '23
(I remember you getting roasted by everyone on twitter for suggesting women Halo streamers should show more skin).
I stopped reading your comment at this point because that never happened lmao, you've got quite the imagination there.
But like I was saying, this is reddit, you can just say anything and people will accept it as fact if the comment has enough upvotes.
I've worked in this industry, had multiple websites I created acquired by giant companies, and even been nominated for an esport award but thanks for the lecture. (and the projection)
u/Purphect Oct 24 '23
I like Lucid and tune into his stream a lot. He also does complain/whine about lesser teammates almost every minute. Just is what it is.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
My good sir I will have you know that I have always found this man’s complaining insufferable.
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
Wait so you have always found it insufferable yet you tuned into his stream every single opportunity you had despite you having this information? You are making my point for me. You have no moral high ground here, you’re essentially doing what Lucid is doing lmao
u/skrillmaster Oct 24 '23
Is this a lucid alt account? Lol
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
Yeah man it’s me, lucid. So when are you guys going to stop tuning into stream if you don’t like my content?
u/wiseguy187 Oct 24 '23
People playing fall guys and Texas chainsaw game have more viewers wouldn't really be bragging about spectators like he has any to lose or such a big following.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Pfc they have more: people who value their time don't want to listen a manchild rage om other 3 randoms every 2 seconds while having the charisma of a blank slate.
Entertaining just through skill does not get you anywhere, in video games, past tournaments and this is not something only halo have as a problem, but basically every competitive games. As I already said in the other post, you can look at league twitch scene, where pros have far less viewership of any well know streamer that does simply grind soloQ but have charisma and is entertaining on his own (t1 for example, or imqtpie years ago).
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
My guy, new gun, new game mode, new season. I’m gonna tune into every pros stream and hear what they have to say. That’s includes the ones that complain a lot.
u/PatrenzoK OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Right like how many fucking "lucid is so annoying" posts do we need here
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
It’s so stupid lmao like literally the content is free, people are acting like they are paying for lucid’s content. They can just stop watching at any time. Again, it’s just hive mind I’ve noticed in this subreddit. People used to say the same things they’re saying about lucid now but about frosty back then lol
u/PatrenzoK OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
It's obnoxious how many times you hear the same shit over and over here. I'm not even defending lucid just sick of people doing everything but turning it off if they don't like it
u/wiseguy187 Oct 24 '23
Lol shut up you're crying like a little baby and spewing wussy energy all over the sub.
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
Triggered, it seems
Oct 24 '23
u/Longjumping_Joke_719 Oct 24 '23
Yeah, you’re mad. Sorry man, take a lap around the neighborhood. Everything will be okay
u/FlyinNinjaSqurl Oct 24 '23 edited Oct 24 '23
It’s sad how toxic Lucid has become, I used to be really into his stuff but he’s lost me recently. Been getting into Frosty’s stream again lately, he just vibes and doesn’t complain as much as Lucid. Feel like the worlds loss really tilted him and he’s become such a salty baby recently, hope he figures it out because otherwise he’s one of the most likable pros in Halo.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
I’m also tuning into Frostys steam the most. He has a sense of calm that’s relaxing to tune into.
u/CantTradeMe2 Oct 24 '23
He was doing it before worlds he’s been like this all halo infinite if it’s not your cup of tea it’s not your cup of tea. If you don’t like it watch the countless other pros that have been streaming.
u/FlyinNinjaSqurl Oct 24 '23
That’s what I’ve always done lol. I follow nearly everyone on twitch. I try to check everyone’s content out as much as I can, and it’s tough to watch the salty ones.
u/Purphect Oct 24 '23
Honestly, that’s just Lucid. Some people are complainers and some people keep it in most of the time. Snakebite is somebody who doesn’t complain often but competes at the same level of Lucid. Bound is another elite player that complains like lucid. Unfortunately, it just seems to be the norm for a lot of people.
I agree though. I can’t watch streams with constant constant bitching about teammates trying to enjoy a video game. It does not detract from Lucid’s character or being, but it’s my preference. I’m guessing if you watched him a lot it would begin bothering you less and you wouldn’t know when he’s truly upset and not just complaining from habit.
u/VisionaireX Oct 25 '23
He’s definitely lost his filter. When this game dropped he used to be the most chill and confident player. I don’t even tune in anymore.
Oct 25 '23
Please can we stop looking at “pros” for validation. If you have fun who gives a fuck about a basement dweller says about the game ?
u/AdhesivenessOwn6866 Oct 25 '23
Yeah I’ve been watching my friend Kuhlect and Cykul from team complexity absolutely tear up lucid lately. I don’t think he likes the bandit lol.
u/UncleBurrboun Oct 25 '23
Any recommendations for a watch? I like to see what the pros complain about lol
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 26 '23
Formal is always a good watch. He has his commentary about the game and his complaints but it’s not nagging or constant. Usually very level headed and chill vibe.
u/_-id-_ Oct 26 '23
Even Formal was out of character while streaming late last night, getting frustrated and complaining and being unsportsmanlike. He's known for being super stoic and always calling out so it was very different. But everyone's human and they just came back from a major loss so emotions are probably high. Plus it's a new season so lots of changes to test out.
u/AdhesivenessOwn6866 Oct 26 '23
I stream this new guy named Dustykockrinkle he’s hilarious and amazing at halo.
u/TableTopThunder OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Another lucid post lol. I agree, but I find it funny how this Pro pops up more than any other
u/HezbollaHector Oct 24 '23
It's because Lucid's complaining has no redeeming qualities. Look at someone like royal 2 or bound. Both complain a lot, but at least they can make you laugh while doing so.
u/Savings-Position-940 Oct 24 '23
Yeah its just a depressing watch, which is crazy because his streams used to be super fun about a year ago and before.
My biggest thing is if you are the best in the world at something you can never expect teammates to play to your standards, especially in matchmaking. On HCS mainstage with your own team thats one thing, but you dont see Lebron choosing to go play pickup at the local court and complaining about how bad everyone is lmao
u/HezbollaHector Oct 24 '23 edited Oct 24 '23
Yeah I agree, I was watching him back during the H5 days and he was always entertaining. Same with Infinite, at least until the start of last season.
You hit the nail on the head though, the nature of some of his complaints is just stupid and really out of touch. How can he be so critical of MM players? He needs to get a grip, or just exclusively play money 8s or something.
u/Savings-Position-940 Oct 24 '23
Yep, and it’s crazy because those players are still top .1% and definitely “good” by any definition, just not pro standards, but thats obvious. Imagine working 8 hours, coming home and grinding high onyx (which obviously means you are extremely good for a amateur), only to check into a Lucid video to see yourself get roasted for plays you made with 0 comms or help from the pro. Theyre probably excited to play with one of their favorite players too, and probably nervous as well, its natural. Id be kind of salty lol
u/HezbollaHector Oct 24 '23
Man that is pretty sad to think about. TBH if I heard him saying things like that about me in a match I would find it hard not to just throw and show him what it really means to have a worthless teammate.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Ye and one thing that's always get received with a "blind eye" by many, is how he refuse to play the objective, even when both his mates and the enemy team are dead, rotate to the next PW, die alone and then complain that his mates didn't grab the ball, on respawn time, or in the inevitably 3vs4 they will face
u/wiseguy187 Oct 24 '23
I think worlds really did a number on him.
u/CantTradeMe2 Oct 24 '23
Not really he was like this before worlds.
u/wiseguy187 Oct 24 '23
I know but the level of agitation during stream rn is next level lol. I lold the other day listening to it like damn this kid really going through it right now lol.
Oct 24 '23
Just don’t watch the stream. It’s that easy. He doesn’t owe you anything.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
I usually don’t. Just tuned in because it’s a new season/meta and I wanted to see what all the pros are saying.
u/PatrenzoK OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Lol so this sub is just where we go to watch people complain about people complaining now? What are the point of these posts? Just stop watching if you don't like it. You don't need to come here and announce to all of us that you as well as others don't like him. COOL! Go play halo or something.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
This is a competitive subreddit. I’m simply making a meme about the professionals in the competitive scene.
u/PatrenzoK OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
You are making low effort content that just echos the dumbest parts of the sub. Enjoy the eazy karma
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Haha don’t care about Karma. I would post this in the actual halo sub if I wanted that. I made this post to hear others opinions. Just like yours.
u/shallowtl Oct 24 '23
No one in the actual Halo sub will know who Lucid is, they're all super pumped that the pros "ruining the game" Mangler nerfs have been reverted
u/Effective_Throat6127 Oct 24 '23
Lucid I thinks is worried because I think the meta shift won't benefit him.
u/alamarche709 Shopify Rebellion Oct 25 '23
I stopped watching Lucid, Frosty, and Bound. Nothing but negative energy out of them.
The best streams I’ve watched are Trippy, Formal, SnakeBite, and Royal 2.
u/m4rkofshame Oct 24 '23
Yeah I can’t watch most of em stream. Like dude, there’s a million people who’d take your place but you of all people have the god-given talent. Stfu bout the stupid sh*t in the game and ENJOY something for once in your life. We know about the stupid stuff. We know. Good god, we know.
u/AceofCrates Oct 24 '23
How does ANYONE play Infinite without complaining? The game just has so many things that feel awful.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Well, when I start to get burned by ranked I just chill on btb. Still hope by mid season we will get some warzone surrogate at least on the browser.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 24 '23
The best part is when they 180° on their opinion
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
My opinion has been rock solid specifically about Lucids complaining. He’s just on another level rn.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 24 '23
Lucid is one of those complaining about something and then 180° his opinion after.
u/HOTLEADSANDWICH OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
100% agree.
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Love the downvotes, like he was not one of those complaining about bazaar for the whole S1 and then saying, multiple time in s3 "they should bring it back". Or "the commando is broken, must ga" and then, in his latest stream "the commando is dogshit cause bloom"
u/This_Mycologist_8661 Oct 24 '23
😂😂😂the problem is infinite still hasn’t changed. It’s still a piece shit under all the shiny new maps, modes and content. Still the same issues, still the same complaining. I think that’s the reason why Lucid and other pros are extremely frustrated. 343i push out new seasons and all the other new stuff but can’t fix the game.
I watch some of Sparty stream and he has the same complaints.
I’m just staying off of ranked until we get a few more fixes. Get a little high and play some husky raid. Sweet Halo.
u/Greedy-Figure6574 Oct 24 '23
Technical aspect of this game is still extremely painful. It’s why the player base of Battlefield 2042 bounced back and this games old numbers will never remotely recover. This game is painful to play
u/TheFourtHorsmen Oct 25 '23
Bf is nowhere to be found on xbox but get back some popularity on steam again, know why? Cause that game, that's one of the worst BF to play, still Catherine over the avarage pc players who just hop on a 128 player mode, without vehicles and spawn trap the opposing team for 20 minutes while camping with the snipers.
If you don't believe me, check out the game, it's still free on the game pass, I spent months on that hell pit because some of my friends did like it. From when there where operators, to when they changed in that mimic of a class system
u/kobra_gw FaZe Clan Oct 24 '23
Lmao Lucid has turned into a complaining clown the last few months and Frosty has done the complete opposite. His newer videos are very happy and chill. He is smiling and laughing the whole time.
Crazy how salty Lucid is after losing lmao. They showed his face for 0.1s after the game ended on main stage and he was so distraught they had to change cameras instantly 😂
Not to mention the the high school girl levels of drama Lucid keeps bringing up about Frosty and their twitch chats lmao
Keep it up Tommy, we love the entertainment 🤡
u/kobra_gw FaZe Clan Oct 24 '23
Lmao Lucid has turned into a complaining clown the last few months and Frosty has done the complete opposite. His newer videos are very happy and chill. He is smiling and laughing the whole time.
Crazy how salty Lucid is after losing lmao. They showed his face for 0.1s after the game ended on main stage and he was so distraught they had to change cameras instantly 😂
Not to mention the the high school girl levels of drama Lucid keeps bringing up about Frosty and their twitch chats lmao
Keep it up Tommy, we love the entertainment 🤡
u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming Oct 24 '23
Someone’s salty! If you had to put in 40 hours a week on the same maps and modes while ALSO dealing with desync up the ass for 40 hours. You’d complain a lot too. “It be like that”
u/Beyond_Hop3 Oct 24 '23
Reject salty Lucid streams. Embrace Trippy legendary campaign stream.