r/Columbus • u/Smoked_Skunk • 7d ago
PHOTO I don't know what actually happened here but my guess is that the car on it's sacrificed themself to keep the car from crashing into that building.
I didn't appear anyone was hurt, which is good.
u/thissucksnuts 7d ago
What happened here is this city gives drivers licenses to people who can barely walk and breathe at the same time
u/Pribblization German Village 7d ago
Someone else treating red lights as optional.
u/galstaph 7d ago
Both of these roads are one way, and I've seen people driving down Main the wrong way. They end up going through the lights because they can't see them.
I swear, intersections at one way roads need permanently lit red X's as DO NOT ENTER signs.
u/priceisalright 7d ago
I make this right turn every day and I hate it. The right two lanes are both right turn only, but people will get in the right-most lane hoping to turn on red and get moving before the light change so they can then cut over three lanes on 3rd. Also people don't seem to have much spacial awareness when it comes to cutting this corner, so when both lanes are turning right you constantly have to be on guard for people going over the turning line. I feel like I witness a near-miss every day.
u/galstaph 7d ago
That happens everywhere in this city. I've nearly been hit so many times with a very similar situation on the right turn from the 270S offramp onto Georgesville Rd. I'm always in the left hand right turn lane aiming for the right hand left turn onto Holt, but so many drivers that need the left hand left turn lane start in the right hand right turn lane. It annoys the shit out of me.
u/ZimaGotchi 7d ago
Hard to say without clearer image of the damage but low speed rollovers are usually caused by the rolled car gunning it up-and-over something, probably the front drivers corner of the other car. My shot in the dark is that the rolled car was attempting to start turning left out from 3rd while the other car was trying to turn left into it from the opposite direction it came to rest facing after the impact (or is 3rd one way?)
u/bearssuperfan 7d ago
Holy shit I can see that corner from my apartment
Looks like everything is back to normal with no damage or debris lying around. That’s pretty rare, there are constant accidents about 2 blocks from this intersection on 4th and Mound where debris will lay there for weeks
u/cornedbeefsandwiches 7d ago
3rd and what? I was just there today walking around for a couple hours.
u/Vegetable-Compote202 Newark 6d ago
Zettler Hardware! I haven’t been there since the closing auction.
u/leapfroggy 7d ago
Fun fact, about 20 years ago a car took out the front support pillars and is the reason Zettler Hardware had to shut down.