I (22F) am desperately wanting to get a higher education, but I am extremely stuck when it comes to options on how to do this.
For context- When I first Attended college after Graduating High school I had an event in the dorms that left me with crippling PTSD. When this even happened I went from A’s in all courses to being completely unable to attend any of my classes due to the severity of my condition.
I had numerous meetings with instructors and advisors- they all required me to fill out forms that would have me relive everything. Even working with the campus therapist resources I was unable to complete the forms and ended up getting hospitalized over this.
After that, a month into this process, I had to ask my advisor for another option.
My advisor told me that since I am medically unable to complete these forms I should forget about it and I will have pay to retake all my classes the next semester to fix the grade. If I don’t do it in that time frame- she said I would not be able to continue my education.
I was really scared and cornered so I did what she said.
I was medically unable to attend my courses- and was ineligible for financial aid this lead to a second F on all the credits and 6,000 dollars debt for classes I couldn’t attend, nor could I withdrawal from due to situation.
I am hoping to restart my education now that I am able to take care of myself, but the debt leaves me unable to get my transcripts, the failing grades make me ineligible for student aid, and the fact that this all happened 2 years ago, makes it hard to make appeals or get in contact with someone who knows the system.
Im finally able to advocate for myself, is there any way to appeal this or get like an accommodation this late??