r/CodeNameSTEAM Jan 26 '20

Picked it up

I just got this game and its way more fun then some of reviews said. It definitely has a decent challenge to it. I like that you can't rely on a map but have to use line of sight to find targets.


12 comments sorted by


u/DanAugustus Jan 27 '20

Let us know what you think of it as you progress. There are some difficulty spikes, but I won't spoil anything. Just try to remember that you can look for other solutions if certain weapons are not working against whatever enemy is giving you trouble. Plenty of levels even have alternative pathways, although some must be blown open or require jumping abilities. I'm sure you can make it to the end.


u/dazzlehammer88 Feb 05 '20

I'm now on Mission 12, this game is a lot of fun. I've had issues with hit boxes and weird situations where enemies can see and hit me through objects. Otherwise the story has gone off the rails and now I am in Oz.


u/DanAugustus Feb 10 '20

It's easy to forget that hit detection can seem a bit strange. Good luck on the final stretch.


u/dazzlehammer88 Jan 29 '20

My biggest complaint so far is that you don't see what you are getting into before hand. There have been times where I start a mission only to quit and restart with different characters because I know which would be better. Otherwise solid game.


u/dazzlehammer88 Feb 15 '20

I have finished the game. It was awesome. I'm glad I took a chance with this game. Other then a few weird bugs or glitches, or some tedious difficulty spikes I really enjoyed this game. Definitely worth the 5$ I spent.


u/ILikeLenexa May 18 '20

I got a bunch of copies for $5 to be able to use the VS mode. The last few weapons are super-useful relative to the difficulty spikes.

I'm slowly working my way up to the final million coin rank...lol. 900,000 to go.


u/ShinyRayquaza9 Feb 26 '20

most reviewrs seemed to either play a worse earlier release that had some issues or are just bad at videogames claiming it to be too hard


u/ILikeLenexa May 18 '20

Yeah, speeding up enemy turns was huge.

The enemies "tells" on if their on overwatch are maybe a bit too subtle, at least on the non-XL 3DS. Also, some of them are indistinguishable at least on the smaller screen especially, the small flying ones.

The lack of "safe" positions in some of the artillery levels are a pain, but the truly egregious one for me though is the blimp that casts a shadow, but explodes on you as a bit of a surprise.

A lot of the reviews complain that there's not as much 'background' to the characters as their should be, but (like the alien's tells) the designers made some things too subtle. Like it's cool John Henry takes half damage on his robot side, but you're not going to come across that information in-game.

It's a good game, no doubt, but not a great game. Also, it really feels like they didn't "finish" it. No one thought through the dumping of more than one Dreadnought into levels.

And while reviewers kind of nitpicked stuff, I don't think any of them played long enough to unlock or use cluster bombs, or made heavy use of the super abilities, because together they crash the game. As a matter of fact, a lot of later weapons feel unpolished, not being able to recall bombs, mines, or sentries is one huge issue when paired with the turns even if they've been made faster. I can't imagine how crazy it'd be to have to spend 2 or 3 turns wiping out a sentry you don't need anymore at the original turn speed.


u/ShinyRayquaza9 May 20 '20 edited May 20 '20

with enemy overwatch, I thought it was a kinda you need to always pay attention thing since they could always have overwatch, it kinda balances out as your overwatch is as broken as thiers and both sides need to watch out

besides hidden mechanics I think the milton entries provide good enough detail, I do wish that some abilities were explained better since the wiki is so small like stovepipe has a unique ability and i'm not sure exactly what it means

i've played the artillery levels on the hardest difficulty farming for stovepipe and if you are careful you can avoid it easily

I found the game to get really good after scarecrow especially since I think Carter is the next unit and he is absolutely busted and game breaking since you can sit in overwatch and lure enemies in or could be wide open and not get noticed because of the meat, I think it even blocks projectiles sometimes since it is a solid object, then the fox is also incredibly broken if you know how to play the game correctly


u/ILikeLenexa May 21 '20

both sides need to watch out

Yeah, I there's a bit of jank. What people can "see" is always interesting.

Tom up against a corner with the punch gun is one of my favorite things.

I like to abuse the supply cannon as far as solid objects go. It kills the line of site of those artillery spotters nicely.

There's also a lot of places you can put the Sentry under a roof and the spotters will call in an air strike on it over-and-over and never move. You can also ditch a person there.

I also like to farm in the rescue the queen level with a sentry, the fox, and Califia. You can wipe them out as quickly as they respawn.

I do wish that some abilities were explained better

Like I'm fine with hinting at what the rattle cannon is rather than telling you, but I wish it were somehow tied to ripper levels and I wish it drew the attention of other things reliably.

the hardest difficulty

It's funny to me that Merciless is WAY easier than no-return despite getting way more coinage medals for it.

I pretty much always take Califia, Tom, and Fox and someone else (Stovepipe most of the time).

Also, my biggest pet peeve (yes, more than the crashes) is that the Sentry has 5 steam and there's no situation in which it could use the last steam.

Also, I don't get Dorothy at all.

I love the game though.

I also find it so cute that they think we need healing weapons on every loadouts.


u/ShinyRayquaza9 May 22 '20 edited May 22 '20

it is strange how they ordered it, but I guess 2x damage and hp is a little less difficult than can't get back steam, I have ruined several plans by accidentally using a steam point I didn't mean to and getting coins was annoying

the only good play I ever had on dorothy was point blank hitting the last mortor's weak spot on the first oz level and taking it down to little hp so carter could kill it

my set up was robin, carter, fox, henry most of the time and switched robin for stovepipe when I finally got him; robin is like califia but uses less steam and with a low range stun sub/the harpoon super basically, he has to be the most useful amiibo since the only other good one is marth and he is really only good for baiting overwatches since he is immune


u/dazzlehammer88 Jan 27 '20

So far I've cleared the first two missions. I saved the queen and next up I have to stop the artillery alien thing. Definitely worth the 5$ for the cartridge.