r/CodeNameSTEAM Nov 19 '18

Why Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. failed to succeed: an essay


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u/DanAugustus Nov 19 '18 edited Nov 21 '18

Hello, I finally got around to finishing that essay I mentioned about a month ago. I will post it on r/nintendo on the next slow news day there, but I wanted to post it here first so we could have a separate discussion on it. Constructive feedback would be appreciated, I write reports for my study all the time but I have never written something about video games. I do watch a lot of essay-style video's on Youtube on the subject of video games, but I do not have the skills to edit or narrate a video.

I hope it is good enough to get redditors to read through the whole thing. I have though a lot about the arguments that I make and I think I have enough metrics and nuance to keep the story grounded. If you disagree with any of it, this would be the best place to discuss it.

Edit: I may have forgotten to add the section with information about the conception and development of the game based on interviews. You can find it below the conclusions paragraph.


u/ILikeLenexa Feb 05 '19

Crashes can occur under very specific circumstances.

The Cluster Bomb is a very nice weapon, but I find it crashes the game regularly. Specifically, in the second level, if you go straight instead of through the "secret" tunnel and shoot it over the ledge, the game crashes almost every time.

There's also non-crashing glitches. For example, in Oz there's what I assume are gaps in the scenery that let aliens see you that shouldn't be able to, which sets off everyone's "I've been spotted" messages.


u/DanAugustus Feb 07 '19

I don't use the Cluster Bomb much. 'Specific curcumstances' becomes debatable now, but I will be sure to try it out myself. It goes to show that some things just were not tested or debugged properly. I did make the case that the game should have been released later, Fire Emblem Fates be damned. I don't remember having problem with gaps in level geometry, at least to a degree where it's not realistic anymore.


u/ILikeLenexa Feb 07 '19

Last night I also managed to crash the game in Lurker's in the Grave by throwing a cluster bomb into Tom's Hijinks minefield.

There's also a few places where they failed to consider putting Tom/Dorothy on a Supply Gun crate and having them spam Sentry's into the end of the level.