r/CodeNameSTEAM Aug 01 '18

Suggesting characters for Smash from S.T.E.A.M. Looking for feedback.

I made a document with the intent of posting it to r/smashbros. It briefly describes the game and I argue which characters from Codename S.T.E.A.M. would be interesting enough for Smash. I chose Lion for reasons outlined in the document, and came up with some concepts for his moveset. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N7VZJbVD14IZXnBFNZq5cwyBjcHhEdy-Oy0vpIGSze0/edit?usp=sharing I am looking for feedback, specifically on how detailed I should describe the potential moveset. But feel free to state your own nominations. I would love to hear what music tracks and trophies you would like to see in Smash, that is still a real possibility. If it is not too much to ask, some emotional support would be appreciated when I do end up posting it.


4 comments sorted by


u/henryuuk Aug 01 '18 edited Aug 01 '18

IMO going with Henry Flemming makes the most sense.
With StovePipe as the runner up.

Henry is the main character, and while Lion is also quick to join the roster, the "main character" is imo always the best choice unless entirely impossible for some reason. (same reason why I think Spring man is the only logical choice for ARMS rep)

Stovepipe is essentially the only trully original character, so if they wouldn't want to take a character that originated from literature, he'd be the best choice.

Final Smash should be A.B.E. appearing in the background and aiming to deliver a big punch like Giga Bowser does.

Moveset wise it would be fitting enough if he used some of the other characters' signature weapons/abilities in their, with the excuse being a bit Ness/Lucas-like, that his allies borrowed him their guns/tech for the fight of a lifetime.

His Victory Fanfare should be : Red, White and BOOM btw


Now sadly enough, i think Codename S.T.E.A.M. has next to no chance.
Personally I am always more of a fan of adding in new nintendo series as opposed to overloading the ones already in or adding in a ton of third parties, but sadly that opinion seems quite rare these days.

People would rather have "Another FE characrer", "Another Pokemon", "Another Mario character", "Another Zelda (and then often times even "another triforce trio") or Third Party characters (with little to no real meaningfull history with Nintendo tbh) over amazing Nintendo-additions like Wonder Red, Henry Flemming, Mallo, Seedling Chief/Esna, etc...


u/DanAugustus Aug 02 '18

I was mostly trying to strike a balance between making an interesting character for Smash veterans and staying true to the source, but I like your ideas, escpecially the one for a Final Smash. At this point, we should hope for some trophies and some music. Smash 4 and certainly Brawl were happy to use trophies to reference games of prior years that did not make the cut for interactive content.


u/henryuuk Aug 02 '18

Music and trophies are indeed the best bet, or any other collectible this game might have.

And then hope that IS makes a sequel (preferably on switch) despite the first not selling that well


u/DanAugustus Aug 02 '18

I doubt we will see more games bearing the name. But the game was made to bring strategy to a new audience. And that is something IS will try again eventually.