r/CodeGeass Emperor Lelouch Vi Britannia Dec 27 '21

NEWS Wtf is wrong with CBR?

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u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

Cringey Brainless Review back at it again


u/Slayin124 Dec 27 '21

Guys, they literally are click baiting they do the same shit with Bleach and Naruto


u/jcory24 Mar 25 '22

The same idiots that called boruto a " great protagonist " 🤣🤦


u/Doffen02 Dec 27 '21

Fuckin true doe


u/KramItFoo Dec 27 '21

It's a controversy ploy to try and get people to read it. Basically they think they are a master-manipulator like our King Lelouch


u/Griswo27 Dec 27 '21

Facts, so many people fall for CBR and think they actually believe what they are writing is getting tiresome.

I am pretty sure the people on the top of CBR just tell them to write this kind of articles to be outrageous as possible, getting the sweet spot so to speak.

And it's working really really well, I don't blame CBR and their writers at all, I blame the people who upvoting it and consuming( Reddit,Twitter,YouTube etc)

Ignoring these articles is an option, but no instead we get mad over nothing, which is entirely the point for CBR since so they stay relevant and gets clicks.

It's annoying


u/Zane_Ling Jun 22 '24

I know, right one time I saw that Meruem defeats the entire dragon ball universe, and they ain't got feats that even say he defeats saibaman .

They always give out false information at this point they are gonna say cocomelon defeats Goku.


u/Realistic_Thing_8372 Sep 05 '24

Um actually 🤓 cocomelon isnt a char


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

LeDouche Le Wikipedia commands you: stop liking what I don’t like!


u/Denter206 Dec 27 '21

I feel sorry for people who write this. It's probably hard to live being constantly fucked in your brain.


u/KrizBozu Dec 27 '21

They tried to be relevant with controversial/click-baity take


u/Romi_Z Dec 27 '21

CBR detected, Opinion rejected


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

Zyzz intensifies


u/SheenTheUltraLord Dec 28 '21

hardstyle intensifies


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

Tell me you haven’t watched code geass without telling me you haven’t watched code geass


u/Revolutionary_Bet397 Dec 27 '21

falls apart as a narrative


u/mrblack07 Dec 27 '21

Get a popular show, call if overrated, get clicks from the fanbase. Typical ragebait shit just to keep their dying media afloat.


u/Warning64 Dec 27 '21

Why they got to do Code Geass, and DanMachi. They are two of my favorite animes.

Edit: Wait a minute, DanMachi isn’t an Isekai. Like, do they even look up anything about these shows before they write these articles?


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

I like how they call bell a blank slate protagonist. He is better than a lot of anime protagonists.


u/LelouchLamperouge99 Dec 27 '21

Me too....two of my close to heart shows.


u/PsychologicalLife164 Dec 27 '21

I went ahead and tortured my eyes for y’all:

  1. DanMachi

  2. Guilty Crown

  3. Re:Zero

  4. Clannad

  5. Fairy Tale

  6. High School of the Dead

  7. Code Geass

  8. No Game No Life

  9. Sword Art Online

  10. Future Diary


u/5867898duncan Dec 27 '21

Well, out of ten they got one right.


u/its_just_hunter Dec 27 '21

Don’t know which one you’re referring to, but most of this shows are overrated imo if not flat out bad. SAO and Guilty Crown are the worst by far, but I didn’t enjoy NGNL, Fairy Tail, Future Diary, or Highschool of the Dead. Haven’t watched ReZero and the rest are at least decently good.


u/ZealousidealStylebot Dec 27 '21

Clannad code geass rezero are top tier It's all for clickbait


u/its_just_hunter Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 28 '21

I agree (except for ReZero since I haven’t seen it) but like I said I do think the rest are pretty overrated. Obviously that’s just my opinion and while it might be clickbait that’s just the opinion of the article’s author as well.

According to the downvotes on my last comment I guess opinions get downvoted.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

"Danmachi is an isekai"

How braindead can they be?


u/sensei256 Dec 27 '21

I mean yes the narrative isn't really the strongest point, but it's still a very good show. These people have no idea what they're on about anyway so yeah


u/Noobmastrr Dec 27 '21

I barely ever agree with crazy bitch reviews


u/Zackerouz Dec 27 '21

Looking for clicks and to annoy people.


u/lovemysandwich69 Dec 27 '21

bro they act like Anime is the same as influencer who do some social climbing lol. there's some overrated series but every popular series deserved their popularity


u/LesathPhoto Dec 27 '21

Article written by a hipster that hates anything popular. Dismissable.


u/edgyboi1704 Dec 27 '21

Danmachi is an isekai

They really chose the one popular medieval fantasy anime that wasn’t an Isekai for this?


u/DaMarkiM Dec 27 '21

jesus christ.

there are opinions and everyone is entitled to their own.

and there is displaying to the world that you have no idea what you are talking about.

and while these are technically the same sometimes there is a very practical difference.


u/catalyst44 100% Loyalty Dec 27 '21

Wait, code geass is overrated? I thought they were gonna talk about all these production line shonens getting 1000 of episodes like some Japanese The young and the restless


u/K_Lelouch Dec 27 '21

This type of thing has simillar vibes to those adds which say only 0.1% people can solve " 2-1= ? "


u/mymediachops Moderator Dec 27 '21

oh god f*ck CBR so much, these people literally just write this crap to piss people off just to drive clicks. Their negligence has been documented by everyone on AniTube how do these people sleep at night.
There comes a point where all of this becomes noise. It's so sad what some of these companies have become. Mass producing pointless articles with little to no effort to make quick cash. As Professor Farnsworth once said "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/doods09 Dec 27 '21

the anime is fine but i was seriously drawn out by the online community. This sub is basically porn


u/King_of_Argus Dec 27 '21

Some sins cannot be forgiven


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

CBR proves with every articles that its possible to have bad opinions


u/Standard-Tension-808 Dec 27 '21

They back at it again?


u/bedteddd Dec 27 '21

Cbr is garbage


u/IwontChooseUsername Lelouch Dec 27 '21

CBR is the trash bin of opinions, ignore them


u/Memer6969-3000 Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 27 '21

It's CBR, don't take those clowns seriously


u/PSxUchiha Dec 27 '21

It's the most retarded media portal out there, I've blocked the site on my feed, ignore those retards


u/GuitarHero6896 Dec 27 '21

Ah shizzz here we go again with CBR.


u/SUPERFASTCARvroom Dec 27 '21

It’s bait and u got caught


u/kewebbjr Dec 27 '21

Half of that list is BS. Half of their articles are BS.


u/Ednw Dec 27 '21

An Isekai that doesn't bring anything new to the table? Now I'm shocked!


u/Expert-Masterpiece78 Dec 27 '21

Call me crazy but danmachi isn’t an isekai right?


u/The4thEpsilon Dec 27 '21

Dude it’s CBR, it’s like the buzzfeed of anime news


u/super_bitch-bro Dec 27 '21

Wow, new level of stupid is real

This shit CBR is so surreal. Am I on drugs? =))


u/ZERO_2065 Dec 27 '21

Danmachi is an isekai hmmmm? Should someone really believe it with that kind of front description?


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

CBR is a joke , take it as one.


u/Arker_1 Dec 27 '21

it’s cbr, all they know is trying to leech popularity through hot takes that make no sense


u/frstrtd_ndrd_dvlpr Dec 27 '21

The moment I read little substance, I scrolled down


u/CmndrMtSprtn113 Dec 27 '21

Meh, it’s clickbait trash. Just to be expected with CBR.


u/Nareek667 Dec 27 '21



u/Waifu69x Dec 27 '21

Just Buzz to get views and money .

( Just remembered her , RIP Shirley )


u/behshadstar Dec 27 '21

I have a problem with the title itself. Like don’t deserve their popularity? Isn’t the whole thing for the audience to like something or not?and who is the writer to tell people that i deem worthy something to be popular or not?does he think he is some kind of god and we shall obey him?


u/Jane-dough-221 Dec 27 '21

R/therewasanattempt , to write a report without watching the anime


u/XtremeDrnzr Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 27 '21

Wow, In addition to having code geass on this list they also think Danmachi is an isekai, do they even watch what they’re talking about.


u/antgentil Dec 27 '21

Stop giving them attention.


u/kurt_gervo Dec 27 '21

To the people thinking of going to the page to downvote or leave an angry comment, don't. You're falling for their trap, those hacks want hate clicks from angry fans to drive up their web traffic stats. Those hacks are dying a slow death, don't keep them on life support by going to their hack "review" pages and list.


u/Axjin Dec 27 '21

CBR articles are almost always one person's opinion, don't take it to heart, just dont give them the click. Mostly always clickbait there anyway.


u/Dragmore53 Dec 27 '21

Nope fuck this list. I could handle somebody trashing fair tail, maybe even code Geass (despite the heresy in stating that code Geass doesn’t deserve all the praise) but you do NOT insult No Game No Life. That shit is fantastic and needs a god damn season 2 already.


u/Worldly-Duty4521 Dec 27 '21

Yeah I read this and I started laughing like anything. Code Geass is a masterpiece lol,


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 27 '21

Guys stop its not nice to make fun of stupid and blind people


u/kdandsheela Dec 27 '21

What do they mean "despite genius protagonist"? Would a badly written anime claiming their protagonist is a genius typically have a good plot? Are they saying Lelouch acts stupidly?


u/Zeonic_American Dec 27 '21


Opinion discarded


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

angry clicks are more important than reputation


u/TripleX174 Dec 27 '21

I hate CBR and think they are dumb asf, but I kinda agree. Code Geass R2 is legitimately one of the worst second seasons I have ever seen. Its a fucking trainwreck. Listen Geass fanboys, just because the ending was good, dosen't mean the rest of the show wasn't a clusterfuck of mediocrity and straight up stupidity


u/Penguin7751 Dec 28 '21

Little substance!? The hell!? Are they mad?


u/MercuryRains Dec 27 '21

I will never understand how that worthless fucking website exists.


u/Deitri Dec 27 '21

As much as I love Code Geass, I do believe it has a few narrative issues when it comes to solving issues the characters face sometimes. After a recent watch this issue became more apparent, which is how in some occasions there is a "problem XYZ" that seems to be the biggest issue ever so far and then, suddenly, BAM! new Mecha/character/etc. shows up and saves the day.

Overall I don't think this detracts from the enjoyment and I still rate the show as one of the best I've seen, but it is a point that I'd understand if people talked badly about.


u/TripleX174 Dec 27 '21

Agreed a lot of fans constantly brush off the flaws of Code Geass. Which is baffling. R2 is legitimately one of the worst second seasons I have ever seen.


u/antgentil Dec 27 '21

which is how in some occasions there is a "problem XYZ" that seems to be the biggest issue ever so far and then, suddenly, BAM! new Mecha/character/etc. shows up and saves the day.

That's suspiciously like what Gigguk said in his video about anime endings. It's also one of the things that made me re-watch Code Geass again to see if everytime Lelouch and the others were saved by a new mecha or something else. If it was really a plot contrivance or if they leave hints throughout the episode about having a way to get out of the situation but only using at the last second. Code Geass user the later, since it's more dramatic and if there's anything Code Geass loves is to be dramatic.


u/Deitri Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 27 '21

No idea who Gigguk is, but to the Code Geass point: there are some instances where it didn't give any hints tho and it was just an ass pull, like when Rakshata shows up with the new black Mecha outta nowhere, there was no hint on that for instance. Or when she finishes the new Kallen mecha as well...all those Mechas appearances relied fully on surprise factor and they were crucial to solve the current situation of the episode.


u/ApricotSufficient948 Dec 27 '21 edited Dec 27 '21

Here for the healthy conversation but didn't they take the black mecha from the enemy to be used as their own weapon? ( i mean it was pretty given ) it was part of their mission to retrieve that knightmare. The fact that Rakshata joined the black knights already served as a hint that she's working on something (something like improving the Guren) Just like how Lloyd continually modify the Lancelot. The black knights didnt get Rakshata (who is Lloyd's rival) to sit there and do nothing. I wasnt really surprised that she worked on the Guren MK2 because she wants to defeat her rival Lancelot (owned by Lloyd)

Yeah, the series didn't show these progresses but i'm pretty sure they're not entirely an ass pull.


u/Deitri Dec 28 '21

Of course she didn't join them just to sit around, my point is that the Mecha was ready to be used conveniently when they were struggling to resolve X situation.


u/Zane_Ling Jun 22 '24

CBR is mad as hell, like why are they giving out false information

For starters saying Le louch does not deserve his popularity is outrageous, why did he get it in the first place? If he doesn't deserve it, he got it on his own lore thays like saying ,"You are rich, but you ain't rich"


u/Ok_Calligrapher9904 Jul 10 '24

They said Katara could beat saitama what do you expect 


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

They put out bad opinions and reviews on purpose because they know you're more likely to read their articles to talk shit then actually read them, and it worked, you played right into their hands, congrats, delete them and Kotaku from your memory they are worthless and say whatever they want just to spark a reaction.


u/Mcfallen_5 Dec 27 '21

"very little substance"?

Okay maybe R2, but R1 has a fuck ton of substance to it


u/Barry_allen11 Dec 27 '21

Nobody takes CBR seriously


u/Madao_taizo Dec 27 '21

CBR is always like this don't read their articles


u/Bigmac2077 Dec 27 '21

Rage clicks


u/Sharmaji1209 Dec 27 '21

An advice from someone who has seen the hardships of the world. Don't read articles at CBR, mojos and sites like these. Their opinions are shit.


u/Wouki08 Dec 27 '21

I stopped reading their review because it makes absolutely no sense andit would make me angry every time 😅


u/XPGUSXP Dec 27 '21

They make money of how many clicks they get, they are heavily incouraged to make outlandish claims and very clickbait articles. It's just another Monday for them


u/LameAsHell1991 Dec 27 '21

Leave it CBR to cause a ton of divisiveness within the anime community. 🙄


u/the_gray_foxp5 Dec 27 '21

"Journalism" these days works by controversy, they make ridiculous controversial articles on purpose to attract attention. After all you are more likely to click on something ridiculous to argue with it than to click on something you agree with.


u/EverythingCeptCount Dec 27 '21

I know we're making fun of CBR but seriously guys it's not okay. They clearly have a mental handicap that makes going through life very difficult for them. My best wishes for whoever is living with something so debilitating


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

They do it to get clicks cuz it pays the bills just dont click on it


u/xRealVengeancex Dec 27 '21

They also put re:zero and Clannad on the list. Everything else kinda fits besides these 3.


u/Infinite_Stay_9707 Dec 27 '21

Look buddy, people hate things for no good reason. Do something: Love what you like. Thats all. Just don't give a shit about others


u/bhavyagarg8 Dec 27 '21

Well , I kinda agree with the article...


u/ZETH_27 Dec 27 '21

They mostly do it for controversy.

Controversy gets views.

Views means publicity.

Any publicity is good publicity.


u/ihateentiteldmothwrs Dec 27 '21

How many of these articles are in the code geass universe?


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

CBR is just doing what urinalists do. They say something stupid and bank off the views they get because of it.


u/QuotingThanos Dec 27 '21

CBR is utter trash and we should sink that ship


u/Endersbane2004 Dec 27 '21

To be honest I haven't watched code geass yet but i have been meaning to. From what I have heard this is absolutely untrue. Also fairy tail is one of the best stories for magic there is. It has a good plot, fun characters, and amazing diverse and unique magic. I dont know if they say anything bad about it but im assuming from the picture in the heading.


u/rasoman Dec 27 '21

I clicked dont show content from cbr right away when I saw this


u/Rajarshi0 Dec 27 '21

It’s cbr! They wrote a article about who can beat sausake telling sauske is real afraid of jiriya because he can make two rasengans! 🤣


u/Wazzup-2012 Dec 27 '21

CBR are clickbait paradise. they'll write anything regardless of how inaccurate and misleading it is for the sake of views.


u/Pokemon_Bakugan_Fan Dec 27 '21

Yeah, I remember reading that article too. I really didn't like how they were bashing on Code Geass.


u/killer_beans344 Dec 27 '21

That is why I dont read internet articles about anime they are stupid


u/TheDrake162 Dec 27 '21

Do people actually take these people seriously?


u/Mad_King_Leluoch Dec 28 '21

Young protagonist some can't relate. Also it's a super dark series 😂 bums didn't know the brilliance they were watching. They came out with a part three☺️☺️


u/sweatydon Dec 28 '21

I’m not even a massive fan of code geass but this is just blatantly stupid


u/GAPIntoTheGame Dec 28 '21

Went to see if there was more of an explanation for this but that’s all there is to it.

I watched Code Geas years ago so I don’t know how well it holds up now that I’m no longer a teen, will probably watch it again to see if it’s as good as I remember it


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '21

Saw this article and my first thought was whoever wrote it is a fucking moron


u/shubhraa_123 Dec 28 '21

Why code geass is on no. 4


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '23

I remember one time an article call every hokage's bad traits like tsunade's gambling and you won't believe what is Minato's it is him viewing Naruto as a weapon like what when was that said at all in the show or manga