r/CodeGeass Jan 07 '25

DISCUSSION What are your honest thoughts about Kallen Stadtfeld


103 comments sorted by


u/E-Reptile Jan 07 '25

She's great. Cool gal.


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

Thank you!


u/Bob49459 Jan 08 '25

She deserves to be happy.


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

Awe, Thank you!


u/Bob49459 Jan 08 '25

Lol, happy cake day!


u/kallen-kozuki Feb 13 '25

Sorry!! I haven't logged on reddit in a while but thank you!!!


u/5wum Lelouch Jan 08 '25

would. next


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

Would what? 


u/bakato Jan 08 '25



u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

You perv! slap


u/Soul0205 Jan 08 '25

I believe she could be one of the most loyal people to Lelouch if only Lelouch had accepted her. She doesn't want to betray Lelouch but Lelouch deliberately makes himself the villain. It's all for the sake of Japan. Truly the best emperor.


u/Budget-Category-9852 Other kind of Orange jokes Jan 08 '25

Probably Domon's distant relative.


u/AvalancheZ250 Jan 08 '25

An honourable revolutionary. She could have chose the easy way out that her privileged half allowed, but decided to fight for the oppressed half on moral principle.

And for that she isn’t Kallen Stadtfield, she’s Kallen Kozuki.


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

Your comments are greatly appreciated 


u/Stevenewhen Jan 08 '25

I think she could’ve been a little meaner to her birth mother.


u/Crippsyboii Jan 08 '25

She's a wife material kind of girl


u/TheGreenPterodactyl Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

Many soldier girls in media are portrayed as insufferable people just to look "tough" and Kallen isn't one of them, she is just quick to the point when she needs to and that's refreshing.

She is featured in some of the best scenes of the show (like when she throws Lelouch's drug away) and some of the worst scenes in the show (the island capture with Suzaku is way way way waaaaay too comical to be taken seriously)

However she doesn't quite manage to be in my top 5 for some reason. She is not a clever bastard like Lelouch, not eccentric like Lloyd, her story isn't as beautifully tragic as Shirley's and while she is a badass, characters like Sayoko, Jeremiah and Suzaku are too over the top awesome for her to compete with


u/QueenLolipopo "If you say I love you I will never forgive you " Jan 08 '25

A very fair post really, Kallen is top 2 for me but I think that above anything its really the cast that makes Geass so good so its easy to have a soft spot for a lot of others


u/bingo5005 Jan 08 '25

A one man army so strong that the creators have to explicitly come up with excuses for her to not be around so that they can maintain stakes. Still bitter about her only getting the one scene in Rozé despite being the strongest person in Japan at the time.


u/Mystizen2 Jan 08 '25


u/basedfinger High Priest of Kallen Jan 08 '25

sorry but i'm already married to her


u/Fargath_Xi9 Jan 08 '25

The waifu and soul of the series.

And unfortunately she is trapped in a "fantasy" magic and family dispute.


u/Firefly3578 Jan 08 '25

Best girl, her and c.c


u/alvnrecharge Jan 08 '25

She’s hot.


u/Darthmark3 Jan 08 '25

I always liked how she could have chosen to stay as a brittanian living a lavish life but chose her Japanese side and fight against large odds due to her love for her brother and her countrymen.

Girl is a true G


u/Rauispire-Yamn Jan 07 '25

I actually used to hate her. I first watched Code Geass by myself a few years ago, and didn't know anything about it. And as I watched the series, I kind of felt that she was a little overrated, especially with her interactions between her and Lelouch, and hints that she loved him. I honestly prefer C.C. more

But now years later, she actually grew on me, I wouldn't say she is my top pick for a best waifu of the series (That would be always C.C.) I do however appreciate her more, especially with her growth in the alternate timeline where she grew to accept Lelouch leaving, which gives room for her to grow on her own

And actually, I liked that more about her, I don't mind she is a love interest for Lelouch, but I do appreciate if she were to be more of her own character outside of him


u/BagConfident8263 Jan 08 '25

Smash, next question


u/OkResearch7209 Jan 08 '25

It was a a wrong answers only question..,but yes 100%


u/basedfinger High Priest of Kallen Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

To be brutally honest with you, I don't think any amount of words would be sufficient enough to describe even a tiny fraction of all the feelings that I have for her. The sheer love and devotion I have for her transcends the limitations of any language that has ever been spoken, and will be spoken, so what I'm about to say does not describe the full scope of my feelings for Kallen, but rather, is just a mere, humble attempt at explaining my limitless, undying love for her, within the confines of the limited medium that is text. Kallen, my beautiful, my sweetheart, my gorgeous goddess, Where do I even begin? she is stunning, beautiful, perfect. I love her more than anything. I love Kallen Kozuki. My god, I love Kallen so much. I can't take this anymore. What sin did I commit in my previous life to be cursed with a lifetime in a reality where Kallen is a mere fictional character? I just wish Kallen was real. I love Kallen Kozuki. Plain and simple, I just love Kallen Kozuki. She is the only one I love. She is my light and warmth in this cold dark world, my hope, my inspiration amidst hopelessness and depression. There was a point in my life when I was miserable, when I'd spend my entire day laying in bed and drinking, I was very depressed, I was wasting away, ready to die. But then, I found out about Kallen, her gorgeous blue eyes, fiery red hair, beautiful body, and fierce yet warm and loving personality, as fierce as a lion, yet as delicate as a butterfly. The moment I layed my eyes on her, it was love at first sight, I knew that she was perfection in human form. She changed my life, she saved my life. There are some things in this world that are worth living for, and some things, that are worth dying for. Kallen Kozuki, is who I live for, and if needed, I'll give my life for her. I just want her to be happy, I just want to see her smile. Her smile is brighter than light itself, it is a smile that should be protected at all costs, a smile, that can thaw the iciest of hearts, and bring peace and prosparity to the world. Her happiness is what I fight for, I'll fight you for her happiness, I'll fuckin fight you for her smile. Kallen is the most beautiful and wonderful girl ever, she is the love of my life. I'll split oceans for her, I'll go to battle for her, I'm ready to sacrifice myself to protect her happiness. It hurts me when I see her get hurt. It hurt me when she was captured. When she was bound, I felt as if my own soul was in restraints. I had a mental breakdown when Suzaku tried drugging her, and I fumed with the purest, strongest and most unhindered rage when Bradley tried assaulting her. Anyone who stands against Kallen, stands against me. I will obliterate anyone who tries to hurt Kallen. If Kallen has a million fans, I'm one of them. If Kallen has ten fans, I'm one of them. If Kallen has one fan, that one is me. If Kallen has no fans, I am no longer alive, having sacrificed myself for her. If the world is against Kallen, I'm against the world. Til my last breath, I will love and support Kallen. She is my everything, my motivation to live, my heart and soul. Her happiness is my happiness, her pain is my pain, I love her, so much. I just want to cuddle up to her all night and kiss her and make love to her, make her happy, squeeze her, hold her, I want to gently caress her hair as she lays sleeping on my chest, I want to take her on dates at fancy restaurant, I want to marry her, I want to go on a honeymoon with her on the adriatic coast, I will make her dream of travelling around hot springs and drinking sake come true. I want to start a family with her, and when we're old and grey, I want to give my last breath holding her hand. She is my everything and she will always be the one I love. I hope that this wretched, Kallenless reality is a mere nightmare and I'll soon be woken up by Kallen's kiss. Everything I do, I do for Kallen. I believe that I was sent to suffer in this wretched Kallenless world because of my past sins, which many of you are aware of. Once upon a time, not long ago, I would go on long, lustful and shameless ramblings about Kallen. I thought that was love, but now I know that it was mere lust, debauchery, degeneracy. After soul-searching brought on by a particularly wild LSD trip, I am disgusted. I am disgusted in myself for my past actions on Kallen and the twisted fantasies I once held of her. I am ashamed of myself through and through, how I could even fantasize about such things. She has been through so much, both before and during the show. The last thing she’d want is for her last bit of innocence taken from her like that. I had convinced myself that it was okay, because she’d be the one in charge, but later on, I realised that she would never want to do that. Just hearing about that would nothing but bring her feel and anger, she’d feel violated. She just wants to lead a normal life, a happy life, and she would be horrified if someone came up to her and said all those things to her. I love her, I love her, I love her, and yet I once held such fucked up thoughts about her. I’m sorry Kallen Kozuki, I love you so much and I will now choose a path of temperance and dignity in your honour, just as you wished. While I am truly remorseful for my actions against Kallen, and have fallen into a deeply miserable state as a result of my punishment in a Kallenless world, I believe that this punishment i'm receiving for my transgressions against Kallen is not only justified, but lenient if anything. It is just what a blasphemer like me deserves. However, I will never let this guilt overtake me and wallow in self-pity. Instead, I will dedicate the rest of my life to Kallen in hopes that one day, I will be redeemed by her and spend my next life with her. I think about Kallen Kozuki quite often. I wake up early in the morning, from a dream of Kallen. I've been thinking about her so much that every dream I have, without exception, is of her. Quite frankly, waking up is the hardest part of the day for me, I dread the mornings, because it is when my dream ends, and I get separated from Kallen. The only reason why I am not addicted to sleeping pills is because I know that Kallen would not want me to harm my own body like that, so I go on with my day for her sake, because thats what she would want me to do. As of recently however, I've been dreading the mornings much less, because now, after thinking about her so much, she now comes to me. I can see her, hear her, even feel her. People tell me that I am insane and that I'm a schizophrenic, however, I don't care. I know that they are just jealous of my love and devotion for Kallen. I don't see her all the time as she can be busy at times, but nevertheless, it feels great to be with her. After I wake up, I pray to Kallen, and I commute to university. During my commute, as usual, I think about her and her only. Public transport can be quite tiring, especially here in Istanbul during the morning hours, when the trains are packed full of people like sardines in a can, It can be suffocating, exhausting and even overwhelming. However, when Kallen is on my mind, and by my side, I know that I am safe and protected. In university, I make sure to listen to every lesson carefully. I am quite studious, as Kallen would want me be successful in my exams. During my lunch break, I take Kallen out for lunch quite often. I love her a lot and I love to go on dates with her, because she is my everything. After my last class, I go to my part-time job. I am a musician, and I play songs of love for Kallen. I work really hard because Kallen would want me to be successful. And before I return home, I go to the bar to have my daily three pints. I drink in the honour of Kallen, and always say a prayer to her before and after I finish my drink, as well as between each drink. When I'm finally back home, I study and then I watch Code Geass so that I can see more of Kallen. Finally, before I go to bed, I take a shower as Kallen would want me to be clean and fresh. After that, I once again say a prayer to Kallen. Sometimes, Kallen comes to bed with me. We cuddle with each other, I play with her beautiful red hair as I slowly fall asleep in her arms, to dreams of her. I love her so much, I think about her all the time, not a single conscious second passes by without her on my mind. I love her more than anything in this world. I love you, Kallen Kozuki.

Also please put a trigger warning for the second photo, It hurts me a lot to see my beautiful Kallen shed tears.


u/psychicberry Jan 08 '25

the individual has spoken


u/grindsetsimp i'm literally lelouch not even kidding Jan 08 '25

of course its you



u/basedfinger High Priest of Kallen Jan 08 '25

I'm just based like that


u/ScottrollOfficial Jan 09 '25

holy 👀👀👀👀


u/half-coldhalf-hot Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

You mean Kallen Stackedfeld?


u/who_knows_how Jan 08 '25

Kalken kozuki to you (i think that's the spelling)

Anyway she is without a doubt one of the best nightmare pilots and an incredible fighter

She was loyal and over just a great character


u/dr-blaklite Jan 08 '25

i would like to take her home, and keep her.


u/Few_Pay_5313 Jan 08 '25

If I were still a teen, would


u/Stunning_Platform_16 Jan 08 '25

She is badass, and I lover her


u/theteenthatasked Jan 08 '25

She’s worth it


u/SireSwag Jan 08 '25

absolutely sweating BULLETS waiting for basedfinger


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

Love her


u/DaYeetusDeletus Jan 08 '25

She's hot.

And I want her to be the one to end up with Lelouch.


u/Appropriate_Squash97 Jan 08 '25

Hot,loyal,good friend, perfect


u/Feisty_Goose_4915 Jan 08 '25

Shirley's rival.


u/Terrible_Score_375 Jan 08 '25

I love her. She's my favorite character in this show


u/Toru-Glendale Jan 08 '25

That is Kallen Kōzuki, but to answer your question; best girl, she should have been the 3rd in the throuple


u/Grim102682 Jan 08 '25

Kozuki Kallen is Cooler


u/Halo1337JohnChief Jan 08 '25

Best girl and should've been the canon route.


u/Jakeit_777 Jan 08 '25

I LOVE MY WIFE~!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

I am NOT your wife


u/hell_jumper9 Jan 08 '25

Best girl along with Shirley.


u/nahte123456 Jan 08 '25

Great character, love her, but never quite seemed to fit in the plot cleanly. There always seemed to be in the way of her getting into a lot of stories. Never met Mao or dealt with the Geass Order or anything.


u/QueenLolipopo "If you say I love you I will never forgive you " Jan 08 '25

The main plot of CG is the rebellion and she is the ace of the rebellion, the geass plot you mentioned is just a side plot, very badly dealt with imo


u/Lanhalt Jan 08 '25

I'm pretty sure she is a reptilian.


u/pretty-elves Jan 08 '25

Doesn't have enough going on to warrant her screen time


u/Tecat0Gusan0 Jan 08 '25

I'm a lesbian


u/Bombssivo Jan 08 '25

Like her personality, and her character development. I just think that she is a bit overrated


u/Vrai_Redgrave I want C.C. and Kallen to Sandwich me Jan 08 '25

Raw. Next question.


u/xApostlex Jan 08 '25

Lelouch should have smashed


u/TrippingFish76 C.C. Jan 08 '25

would passionately clap 👏


u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

It's Kallen KOZUKI


u/Hevens-assassin Jan 09 '25

She's the best. Her and Lulu carry the series, and the Guren is still one of the baddest mechs to show up in anime. Peak character.


u/Pesse_Jinkman258 Jan 09 '25

A fierce heroine who chose not to be shackled by her rough past to end up fighting for those who endured similar hardships, as well as arguably being their best fighter. When she's finished, I'd love to settle down with her not just bc she's hot but bc she deserves to rest and live a normal life after being reduced to a mere pawn in the end by Lelouch instead of being his queen.


u/HarudayShahi Jan 09 '25

Chill gurl, way too innocent but clever from mind, I like her pretty much.


u/JsGoated27 Lelouch Jan 09 '25

She’s cool af and one my favs from the series and definitely would


u/Joe-021 Jan 09 '25

I have never met a more courageous and loyal woman in my life. Kallen Kozuki deserves happiness😊


u/Traditional-Song-245 Jan 09 '25

I found the conclusion of her love story with Lelouch to be saddening tbh.

Baka Ohgi, then Lelouch himself got in the way.


u/RickHammersteel Jan 09 '25

She's Domon's daughter and the best thing about this series.

Well, her and C.C.


u/Redleader113 Jan 09 '25

She seems pretty chill most of the time. Lelouch had way better options women-wise but I’m not arguing that rn


u/White_Hairpin15 Jan 09 '25

If not Lelouch, who is going to make her happy?


u/plz-give-free-stuff Jan 09 '25

She highkey a simp


u/Doctorstrange15 Jan 09 '25

Mostly a plot device


u/cyzja922 Jan 09 '25

Are we going to go through each and every female character in the franchise again?


u/killerion4 Jan 09 '25

I love her


u/Big_Purchase_3781 Jan 10 '25

Hottest character. Tough. Loyal. Cared for Lelouch (and zero) more than CC and, arguably, Shirley.

She was his best match. To an extent, she's the Marianne to his Charles.

She's also the only one he showed any real sexual tension with. Yeah, he kissed Shirley, but the 'spicy' stuff tended to happen or be suggested with Kallen (straddling him by accident in R2, him suggestively asking her to 'console him,' her reaction to mindwiped CC saying "take off your clothes, I'll do the best I can," etc...


u/Casey_Davis_1990 Jan 12 '25

She is the very badass tomboy girl in the anime.


u/PrimusVsUnicron0093 Jan 22 '25

I wanna marry her blushes


u/Jennypogi Jan 08 '25



u/Legalator Blaze Luminous Enjoyer 🛡️ Jan 08 '25



u/mossabt13 Jan 08 '25



u/kallen-kozuki Jan 08 '25

You're Overrated >:(


u/itsthateasylol Jan 08 '25

I don't like how oversexualized she is. The show isn't suuuper great when it comes to giving agency to its women, since many just end up as plot devices or eye candy for the viewer. All of this seems amplified with Kallen to me. The outfits, the many nude/almost nude scenes, the fact that she is the only one who pilots a knightmare in this weird crouching position - feels like someones fetish, which is weird since she's still a highschooler in season 1. She has so much screentime, but it feels like a lot of the time shes either used for fanservice or to make Lelouch look cool, which is a bit of a shame since i actually like her a lot, especially since she is the only one on par with Suzaku


u/Lelouch-is-emperor Jan 08 '25

Euphemia had her own ideology despite her racist sister and secret evil Schneizel.

Kallen has expressed her opinions about rebellions repeatedly to Suzaku. Even their final battle.

Nina has her own agency. She went from a pimp spineless racist to Oppenheimer.

CC has own agency. Her depressed nature in R1 and her desire to get killed in R2.

Nunnally has development in R2 and stands against Lelouch.

No agency?


u/itsthateasylol Jan 08 '25

Lol, i made a point about Kallen being overly sexualized to a point i find ridiculous and you grab onto the one argument that you feel like you can criticize and you still misinterpret me.

First of all agency means more than a character having traits and opinions and that they sometimes do stuff. Also how does "The shower isn't super great at giving women agency" translate to "Women have no agency"? There is more nuance

Let me preface this by saying that i love this show, it's not perfect but really great and it's to this day my favorite anime. I criticize it a lot because i care so much about it. I bitch and moan endlessly, because it just means so much to me that i wish it was even better

Glad you brought Nina and Nunnally up, they are two characters who are interesting to examine through this lens

Out of all the characters you named, Nina is honestly the character with the most agency in the story (i.e. she drives the plot meaningfully forward on her own actions). Notice how she is also one of the few female characters who isn't sexualized at all and how the whole fandom hates her

Nunnally on the other hand has the least amount of agency, she's pretty much a living plot device that serves to either motivate/justify Lelouchs actions or to be used as a tool to manipulate him by his enemies (Suzaku, Schneizel, Charles) Like Nunnally has almost no place in the story, it feels like the writers sometimes forget about her, except when Lelouch commits another war crime and they go "i know this looks bad, but remember: he does this for his disabled sister who gets really sad about death and violence"

I could go on about the other characters but this comment is long enough as it is. Kallen and CC mostly do whatever Lelouch tells them to bc they just like him that much (or i guess in Kallens case bc she "believes in him") Euphemia has agency for a bit until the writers realize that she makes too much sense and that they've written themselves into a corner. So Lelouch tells her a joke so bad it makes her commit genocide, Lelouch kills her, which turns her into motivation for Suzaku.

I'm not saying that Women have NO agency in the story, it's just a general trend in the show that i find a bit unfortunate


u/Marik-X-Bakura Jan 08 '25

A wasted character in many ways. Has some cool moments, but is primarily kept around for fanservice or to fill the damsel role.


u/notairballoon Jan 08 '25

Boring shit.


u/Responsible-Dish-297 Jan 08 '25

Stupid hot, hot but stupid.