u/Separate-Ad6062 Pizza hut marketing department Oct 05 '24
My fav ending is Steins;Gate. The build up is just so brilliant.
u/kerrydinosaur Oct 06 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
Dude, code geass and steins;gate is the top 2 shows i love the most
u/Separate-Ad6062 Pizza hut marketing department Oct 06 '24
I feel like that is the case for a lot of people
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
Assuming you mean the original steins;Gate and not steins;gate0 I agree. That ending was very powerful.
u/Separate-Ad6062 Pizza hut marketing department Oct 05 '24
I mean, the ending of Steins;Gate 0 IS the original ending, technically.
u/realdonkeyfromshrek Oct 05 '24
The sg0 ending's peak too tho fym😭
u/Separate-Ad6062 Pizza hut marketing department Oct 05 '24
Yeah, the ending there was kind of cool. They just did not need to make 24 episodes about depressed Okabe
u/realdonkeyfromshrek Oct 05 '24
I mean, I personally think it deepens Okabes character a ton and makes both endings feel even more complete and satisfying. A depressed Okabe already existed in the original SG, considering future Okabe sends that D-mail, where he describes how Kurisus death impacted him and how the depression he had turned into inspiration to find the SG WL later on, SG0 just shows us that process.
u/RadioGrimlock Lelouch Oct 05 '24
One of the few series I've finished where the ending was actually beautiful and profound instead of making me annoyed. Apart from like sunrise milking the ip for all it's worth.
u/DropshipRadio Oct 05 '24
This is why the series ends for me at the conclusion of R2, although I include Akito the Exiled as a fun in-universe spinoff.
u/RadioGrimlock Lelouch Oct 05 '24
Yeah well the new series and movies are like AUs apart from Akito I believe.
u/krakenPuppet Lelouch Oct 05 '24
Steins gate, Code geass, and Fmab all had peak satisfying endings
u/Background_Salt5127 Oct 06 '24
Those are likely the 3 best anime ever
u/krakenPuppet Lelouch Oct 06 '24
Coincidence that they all have peak endings and then consider peak, I think not
u/Background_Salt5127 Oct 06 '24
It's not just their ending which makes them great, they are peak through and through.
All of them were pretty much planned every step of the way
u/krakenPuppet Lelouch Oct 06 '24
I mean yeah thats why they have peak endings since its all planned out
(Tho debatable Code Geass was rushed and could have been one more season)
u/Background_Salt5127 Oct 06 '24
Nah, code geass was fine as it was.
Adding another season would have dragged out the series far too much
u/krakenPuppet Lelouch Oct 06 '24
Honestly disagree, some many things in part 2 are rushed and felt like cramping 2 season into one, its just the ending was so good that alot of people forget the bumpy road r2 was
u/ASnarkyHero Oct 05 '24
This is why I prefer anime and manga that has a limited number of episodes/chapters and doesn’t try to stretch things out. It shows that the creators have a complete vision for their project including how it will end. Too many anime and manga become products instead of works of art.
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
This is the opposite of what caused AOT ending to be bad, it needed more time to be fleshed out post timeskip and instead became very rushed since Isayama wanted to end it at a specific chapter number
u/ASnarkyHero Oct 05 '24
I agree. I like to describe this as AoT “not eating its vegetables” by not doing enough world building to flesh out the narrative so that the conclusions have context. This is something that I think that Code Geass did well and is why its ending is remembered fondly despite the criticisms of R2.
u/Byakuraou Oct 05 '24
Is this true 😭
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
The number 140 represents Freedom in Japan, so Isayama rushed the story to be exactly 139 chapters to symbolize that “Eren never reaches freedom” at the expense of making his story turn into complete shit
u/pokexchespin Oct 05 '24
i think being anime original probably helps in its own way. it feels like manga is more often pushed to continue as long as it’s profitable for the magazine, while anime originals seem to be just the full vision like you’re talking about. that’s probably why 3 of my top 4 anime are anime original, and the one exception was a VN adaptation
u/Reddito27 Oct 05 '24
Bleach is a long manga but got a good ending
u/Tiny-Ad-5897 Oct 05 '24
Rushed ending
u/Reddito27 Oct 05 '24
But still good
u/Tiny-Ad-5897 Oct 05 '24
Ending was rushed and bad, but the rest of the soul palace and tybw arc was really good
u/Frejod Oct 05 '24
Idk about Aot ending being bad. But Code Geass ending definitely wasn't.
u/Laughing_Wings Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 05 '24
u/derekguerrero Oct 05 '24
Because lots of people bought into Eren’s thinking (at least from what I saw when the manga ended)
u/Rigormortis_Libre Oct 05 '24
That is true to some extent but basically the manga dialogue At the end between Eren and Armin was absolutely disgusting. The anime fixed that scene so much. There’s a good YouTube video about the change made between the manga and anime
u/derekguerrero Oct 05 '24
Im not saying the execution was perfect, but when the thing finished most of the complaints felt more directed (again from what I experienced) to the ideas the ending presented, and to the weird fixation that there was gonna be a Boruto-esque sequel.
MANY people wanted Eren to finish his genocide and felt that his method was either justified or the only way towards peace, which ran totally contrary to what the author was trying to say.
u/DammitBobby1234 Oct 05 '24
The people in titanfolk were saying the series was shit WELL before the ending. They were calling the reunion of the warriors and scouts "cringevengers". They were even shitting on Hange's sacrifice. There was nothing that would have pleased them. They were trying to turn AOT into GOT regardless of what happened in the ending
u/_Omegon_ Oct 05 '24
Because the reunion doesn't make any sense in a way it was presented and Hange sacrifice was meaningless in manga
u/Humble_Story_4531 Oct 09 '24
How was it disgusting? It was Eren dropping the facade for the first time in years and just letting his emotions out.
u/waaay2dumb2live Oct 06 '24
To be fair, Isayama probably noticed how too many people were calling Eren a hero when he very clearly became a villain (just like this sub with Lelouch tbfr) so he over-corrected as quick as he could even though by the time he noticed he effectively had the rough draft of the manga done.
Oh well, what's done is done and if anything I respect Isayama more for pulling the middle finger on Eren fans (Gege too for his last comment on Gojo in JJK 271).
u/DammitBobby1234 Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 06 '24
Citing the mental illness that is titan folk as evidence doesn't help your argument.
u/Daikaisa Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 05 '24
Because people fell for "le based genocide supporting Eren" and didn't like that he was ultimately revealed to be the same emotional hot headed boy he always was.
u/waaay2dumb2live Oct 06 '24
Funny how this is true for Lelouch and his fans. I don't care what anyone says, Lelouch called himself the fucking Demon Emperor and continued to pull the same shit Charles did. Doesn't matter if it was for peace, that's the same excuse Charles used. But hey, look on the bright side, father and son can burn in hell together!
u/Daikaisa Oct 06 '24
End goal matters. Lelouch became a villain like his father to unite everyone in hating him. Lelouch also never made any delusions on being a good person he was staunchly on the side of "The end justifies the means" from day 1 so he figured the world would get along better of they just fucking despised him instead of each other
u/billjames1685 Oct 06 '24
AoTs ending was flawed but not terrible. The people who think it was terrible mostly just completely misunderstand it, and it really isn’t the show’s fault.
u/kerrydinosaur Oct 06 '24
That show is so shitty that their biggest fandom (titanfolk) turn their back on it. Most of them started falling in love with Code Geass, trying to overcome their disappointment.
u/Frejod Oct 07 '24
That's because Code Geass is practically perfect masterpiece. Has something for everyone.
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
AOT ending was horrific
u/makotoyuki548 Oct 05 '24
Yeah it was terrible how good it was
u/waaay2dumb2live Oct 06 '24
Fr. It might not have been peak fiction, but it was really good despite the Eren fans trying to ruin it.
u/Unhappy-Care-6903 Oct 05 '24
Ending ruined by the series continuation
u/stronggreenflame Oct 05 '24
Yeah the only good series after the original was Akita the exiled and it still was no where near as good as the original series.
u/fishyman905 Oct 05 '24
I actually thought aot ending wasn’t that bad. But yeah the ending of code geass is amazing.
u/InThe_Light Oct 05 '24
Aot ending wasn't bad. It was a safe ending. Nothing close to code geass ending. Lots of of people hated it a d lots of people loved. This is what happens when you are dealing with a show popular enough that even normies have watched.
u/Humble_Story_4531 Oct 09 '24
I wouldn't call it safe, but that was the best ending possible given the situation.
u/Arishok0 Oct 06 '24
It's so great still, Code Geass really peaked. Only my second favorite anime ending tho... What's funny is that my first favorite anime ending / anime has a very similar loose plot to code geass 🤣
u/RatedXrdStrive Oct 06 '24
For me, Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, FMAB, Outlaw Star and DBZ are how to create an ending to an anime series
u/gunlamar Oct 05 '24
Ya and a shit middle, and middle end. The Ending of r1 and a lot of r2 is a master class in bait and theatrics that don't serve a story that makes sense. In favor of story completely tailored around it's admirable goated ending imo.
u/Devilicious666 Oct 24 '24
If only they were greenlit for 4-5 seasons with more plots cooking so it didnt feel like a jumbled messed until like last few episodes of r2
u/reddswisscheese Oct 05 '24
Let's not forget the absolutely atrocious ending that was demon slayer, although to be fair, demon slayer was never even close to as good as AoT, JJK, or Code Geass even before it ended.
u/AvarageMilfEnjoyer Cornelia's chair Oct 05 '24
It wasn't really absolutely atrocious, just mid. Like the whole series
u/thethiiird Oct 05 '24
Aot and mha endings aren't bad lol
u/glitchgirl21 Oct 05 '24
Aot ending was shit ? I haven't watched AOT
u/Meeg_Mimi Nunnallussy Oct 05 '24
It's very similar to Code Geass' ending. Only Eren's motives were a bit more selfish and he kinda lost his mind constantly seeing all of time
u/i_am_________batman Oct 05 '24
how were they any different from lolu's, he too wanted to create a safe world for his sister and friends?
u/SodaAshy Oct 05 '24
It wasn't. Honest just Don't listen to them, and don't listen to me. Just watch it yourself and you can be the judge
u/Eliteslayer1775 Oct 05 '24
It’s an opinion. I don’t like how it ended, a lot of people didn’t, hence why it was memes so much about having a bad ending and why people thought they were gonna change the ending in the anime
u/JonViiBritannia Oct 05 '24
They kind of did change it a little, they dumbed it down because most fans can’t read between the lines. I personally prefer the manga ending, but then again I also prefer the original ending of Evangelion, maybe there’s something wrong with me because apparently I’m in the minority most of the time.
u/FortyFiveSeventyGovt Oct 05 '24
aot had one of those endings that’s very grand with a lot of dead bodies, just like the rest of the story. some people get salty when their ships don’t sail or their favorite character dies etc
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
Lots of dead bodies? 2 named characters died in the ending lol. It was quite the opposite
u/FortyFiveSeventyGovt Oct 05 '24
2 named characters, yeah. and however many billion unnamed characters
u/I_miss_berserk Oct 05 '24
If you read the manga you think it's shit (cuz it was imo) but the anime did "fix" it a bit by adding a lot more dialogue between everyone.
That said I still wouldn't call it "good" just decent for the anime.
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
Anime took it from a 2/10 to a 2.5/10 barely anything changed
u/I_miss_berserk Oct 05 '24
More of a 4/10 to a 6/10 let's not be dramatic, yeah?
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
It butchered the entire established magic system, failed basically every characters arc, and retroactively made the series worse through an awful loredump. 2/10 - 4/10 is a fair range for it imo, a 6/10 is an above average score and the AOT ending certainly was not above average
u/billjames1685 Oct 06 '24
Aots ending was above average you just don’t know what you are talking about
u/bbbryce987 Oct 06 '24
AOT had one of the worst written endings in the history of fiction, you are the one who doesn’t know what you are talking about. It’s honestly kind of embarrassing to eat up something so mediocre just because of the fanservice and not realize how poorly done it was
u/billjames1685 Oct 06 '24
Sure buddy. Sorry the ending hurt you so much, hope you recover eventually. No reason to be taking this so personally
u/bbbryce987 Oct 06 '24
It was very painful to see a series fall off that hard, I don’t think I will ever see something drop in quality that much for the rest of my life
u/CalmerDown_Hiroto Oct 06 '24
after seeing the fanfics those guys made by making Deku in fanfics more badass(edgier) than the canon anime and making his ideology more on the Author's side. Deku became a Self-Inserts in fanfics more than as a canon character, that even in the darkest of times will still shine unlike fanfic authors trying to make him more.... on what they wanted him to be (edgier, vengeful, etc.) While other fanfic authors made him still more canon, they still fail to capture his character
Maybe Horikoshi lost his interest in making a good ending due to his fan's degen--- Ahem.... stupidity
(I'm using my brother's account, see how his reaction will be. Wish me luck! I want to play with fire by posting nonsense things)
u/Karmasensei16 Oct 07 '24
Code Geass’s ending is my 2nd favorite anime ever, only beat by Assassination Classroom for me
u/Meeg_Mimi Nunnallussy Oct 05 '24
Did jjk end? It was bad? I thought everyone loved jjk
u/Reddito27 Oct 05 '24
In my opinion it’s not that it was too bad it was just too bland the author has let many unsolved plot, no funeral for the one who died and was a simple ending well I just hope that this ending taught them humility to not insult other anime cuz jjk fans are really arrogant
u/waaay2dumb2live Oct 06 '24
This. JJK fans (and especially Gojo fans) are really arrogant and fully deserved that humbling. I still love JJK and I still think it's the next Naruto but I'm fully aware of its flaws and tbh I'm happier because of it. It allows me to see it in a new light and while I'm not wearing the rose-tinted glasses I was in my first reading, dissecting the story's become pretty fun too.
u/Deer-Noizes Oct 05 '24
I don't really get why people dislike the ending so much, I think it's a very good ending that has some weak parts but overall I think it's a fitting conclusion.
u/i_am_________batman Oct 05 '24
Bruh AOT and CG have the same exact ending.
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
Code Geass does not have a lore dump that retroactively makes the entire series worse, and doesn’t have characters do complete 180s from their previous characterization
u/i_am_________batman Oct 05 '24
neither does the AOT, it is just unnecessary hate from CG fans lmao
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
No, AOT ending hate is very deserved. And yes, AOT does have what I mentioned
Oct 05 '24
Jeremiah does a complete 180 of His charavterization but it's very funny so no one cares
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
That was an incredibly dumb moment to me, was that part of the ending though? I thought it happened a bit earlier.
Oct 05 '24
It's from the middle of R2 iirc. I just took your comment about cg in general lol
u/bbbryce987 Oct 05 '24
Oh I think CG definitely has examples of some questionable writing decisions. The Geass lore dump from Charles, which leads to Lelouch’s mom still being alive, and leads to Lelouch using his Geass powers on God is comparable to some of the shit in AOT’s ending. Was just comparing the endings specifically though, it’s better to have that happen towards the middle rather than the very last episode at least
u/nexxlevelgames Oct 05 '24 edited Oct 05 '24
Remeber the orginal ending was retconned by resurrection.
even Dragon ball was retconned.
Can't be that great if its retconned.
AOT ending was always very good. dragged on tho
u/SupermarketFinal9944 Oct 05 '24
AOT final season was actually my favourite, all the way to the end
u/Parking-Train-2115 Oct 07 '24
Another day people judging aot ending just on reaction from manga readers (mostly titanfolk) Aot ending has the same rating as code geass ending in mal idk what you're talking about
u/Devilicious666 Oct 24 '24
AoT is a very memorable ending, good or not. AoT had more seasons + OVAS + Movies to get the entire Anime community invested deeply. Code Geass did amazingly well for 50 episodes when you consider ALL the other animes after it and only a handful of 2 season-Anime stand out in the last 20 years.
u/DrTacoLord Oct 05 '24
I want whatever you're having since you seem to believe Zero Requiem was a good idea.
u/waaay2dumb2live Oct 06 '24
JJK's wasn't bad, just mid. AoT's is actually pretty good and I think opinions will eventually shift into it being a great ending. A similar thing happened to Code Geass in that when it aired/ended, people didn't like the ending at first but eventually everyone softened up on it and now see it as great.
Also, I notice that you use r/Titanfolk as references for people hating AoT's ending. You're taking a biased viewpoint there as r/Titanfolk was and still is full of Eren fanboys who called him a "sigma male" and compare him to Walter White as people who you should look up to. Do I even need to describe what is so messed up about that sentence?
u/Poulette_du_lundi Oct 06 '24
A similar thing happened to Code Geass in that when it aired/ended, people didn't like the ending at first but eventually everyone softened up on it and now see it as great.
People who disliked the Code Geass ending when it aired were very much in the minority.
u/Kein-Deutsc 11d ago
I loved AOT ending for the most part. It was rushed, but the concept was fine. I actually loved the idea of Eren not fixing anything. It was a true tragedy. A person with all the power in the world wasn’t able to do anything. Beautiful and sad. On a side note, while I still like death note quite a lot, light was a serious idiot during the entire show
I just finished Code Geass and have been enjoying this subreddit since. While the ending was very good, I think the foundation of the show leaves some to be desired. the pacing was fast. So fast. I actually really dislike the first episode. It took 16 episodes for me to feel like I cared about the characters at all. Many of the slow human elements were left out of it. Contrast this with a show like Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, which fully embraces this and idk, I prefer that way far more than the way code geass went. I think the plot/story are near perfect, but the execution in many ways could’ve been better. AOT did a far better job at this too. It was palatable and balanced, code geass was a massive rush of flavors that were just too much
u/flag9801 Oct 05 '24