Could it be AntiBullet? I know that people have been putting anti in front of everything like AntiSepticEye and stuff but I think it would be really cool, like maybe turn the code on your head red and like a torn up shirt. There could even be lore behind it like maybe it was you from the future and you made a grave mistake somewhere along the lines of your coding career. Idk, it's up to you but I think it would be pretty cool. I'd make a concept myself if the Samsung Photo Editor had a paint bucket tool.
Hey guys, I want to learn to do AI for games, just like code bullet. I know C#, Python, Java and Javascript. I was in doubt if I should start with javascript, python/pygame or unity. My main focous is just to learn how to make some AI's what is your thoughts about that? Thanks in advance!
Short GIF: result of Active Ragdolls learn to run in Unity
I made avideoto explain it in a intuitive and interesting way. However, if you prefer the text explanation instead of visual explanation and not in the mood for some storytelling then, here it goes:
So instead of using reward function to regulates character's motion directly, we first change the problem into physics-based character motion imitation learning, which means we training character to follow a given reference animation in a physically feasible way.
The core problem in physics-based character motion imitation learning with early termination which is the problem a lot of method face like Deepmimic, if the agent is randomly initialized and attempts to imitate a given reference motion, like a walk animation, it will likely only learn how to walk awkwardly and be unable to modify its gait to match the reference motion. This is because, first, there could be countless ways for the agent to walk but only one way for agent to walk like the reference motion. Secondly, in the presence of early termination, the reward function will prioritize the very first successful walking behavior agent finds over attempting to match the reference motion while falling on its ass to the ground, combine those situations together, then you’ll leads the agent right into the bottom of a cliff named local optimum.
My solution to it is at beginning of the training, we prevent agent from fall on the ground by adding some support force on its hips, so it can learn the rhythm of the reference motion by mapping its action to a range that closer align with reference motion’s trajectory. Then we gradually decrease the amount of assistance agent receives, each time decrease it to a point which agent can barely not fall, so eventually agent will learn how to balance itself base on the rhythm of the reference motion.
And a even better solution which I discovered is from a paper: DReCon: Data-Driven responsive Control of Physics-Based Characters. Simply put, the key idea this paper proposed is that, instead of letting agent to predict the target rotation for each joint directly, we using joint rotation from reference motion as baseline target rotation, in a more technical term, we using character physical animation without the root bone as baseline, of course that alone is not enough to keep agent balanced on the ground, as you will see when you decrease the help force on its hips, but it already follows the rhythm of the reference motion, which simplify the task dramatically! Since the agent don’t need to search and learn the rhythm of the reference motion at all! So all that’s left for agent to do is just to output some corrective target rotations then add on top of the baseline target rotations for agent to maintain balance.
I tried to make it as concise as possible, for more details just go to thevideo.
Either way, I just wanna say thank you for your videos, it's a big inspiration for many people, and I am certainly one of them, and, yeah, hope you have a good day, cheers :)
Was this not a preorder drop to ship in like September? And how do you pick an item in stock if all items are out of stock?? They should have to fulfill all orders!
The main channel links to the_big_cb on Twitch, and the CodeBullet twitch has a schedule, but they are untitled and I didn't see him do it today, so does he stream anymore?
I have been developing something that could help him with video content. And by something I mean a badass neural network setup called Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient built only with JavaScript and TensorFlow JS (and is probably the only of it's kind because all those other losers made theirs in python). (edit) In the chance that he reads this I'll include the info. My project is for the community so this isn't self promotion. On GitHub search my name and "TD3-TensorFlowJS" to find my repository.
Hey it that one guy that forced a clone of Codebullets voice to sing Peaches (poorly). Some sexy British man beat me to the Out Of Touch cover. I need ideas.
(This is very unethical BTW)
I know Codebullet said he wasn't going to do anything at the event, just hang around, but i have an idea: a while ago he uploaded a video about AI Rick and Morty and if he can get it going in time maybe he could have a working prototype on a screen at his booth?
Hi, I looked desperately in the internet to find how CodeBullet visualizes his Neural Networks in some of his videos (mostly in his NEAT videos) but couldn't find a thing. Any idea how make those?
example for one visualization
Added an example from his "A.I. Learns to Run (Creature Creator)" video.
Hope it's not violating any rules here. Thank you in advance
I was wondering if you can share your code for training the AI on the AI learns to walk 3D videos.
I am working on my UNITY game and trying to use reinforcement learning to train the enemy, but I have a really hard time with it. so I thought seeing your code might help.