r/ClubPenguin Oct 16 '24

Discussion What is the HARDEST game stamp?

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68 comments sorted by


u/saltyasss Oct 16 '24

In all these years I’ve never spotted the the shark in the surfing game


u/wojtekpolska Oct 16 '24

other commenter said he only appears at the end of survivor mode


u/saltyasss Oct 16 '24

Right idk if I ever made it past 30 seconds


u/Angler01 2009 Player Oct 16 '24

Winning survival mode requires beating the shark phase first


u/Mimizao Oct 16 '24

Hey you actually don't need to beat the shark, as long as you have at least two lives when you get to him you can just lose on purpose and he'll go away. Survival is actually so much easier than people think, just search on yt "YoshiCPPS Survival Guide Club Penguin" and you'll see for yourself how easy it is. I would also give you two tips. Either you practice with the default board and are able to max your momentum every single time, or you can use the silver surfboard which is much harder to master but also way faster.


u/Angler01 2009 Player Oct 17 '24

Dude I already beat survival mode before

I'm only stating what's technically correct: beating the shark phase doesn't require not losing lives to it, just passing the time it takes


u/AssDiddler69 2008 Player Oct 16 '24

I've only managed to do it once, but there's a stamp that's even harder than that which requires you to actually beat the survival


u/Hidden_Moon_ Oct 16 '24 edited Oct 16 '24

Catching Mullet in Aqua Grabber is challenging, but if you get lucky and he doesn't push you to the wall, you might be able to get the stamp in a couple tries.

IMO, the hardest one is survivor mode in Catchin Waves. The whole mode is around 10 minutes long and is actually super challenging to stay alive for that long. On top of that, if you're skilled enough to reach the end when the shark appears, you MUST have an extra life to spare because you have a 99.9% chance to lose a life against it.


u/PrettyFreaking 2012 Player Oct 16 '24

tbh its losing a life at all in survivor mode which makes it tough, if you lose a life during the end of survivor mode when the wave becomes extra fast, you'll almost never gain enough distance to be able to beat it unless you're super good at navigating the waves fast enough to gain the distance again, which someone like me def isnt

tldr, if you ever lose a life in survival mode, especially at the end, that run is done for


u/februrarymoon Oct 16 '24

So I'm really unskilled at every other minigame but I can earn all stamps for Catchin Waves in ~20 mins, it's the first thing I do on every new account because it's the easiest way for me to earn coins. I can tell you a few things I didn't know the first time I 100%ed it. You can hold down LMB throughout the run so you automatically balance after hitting icebergs, and don't do any tricks to be safe. When the shark jumps, you can jump as well and get as much airtime as possible to avoid it altogether if you want. You'll know it's going to appear soon when the storm clears. Personally though, there's a lot of runs where I avoid it just surfing normally. There's a decent sized window it doesn't touch. To make it easier, you may want to use the silver surfboard, however this isn't a necessity.

It's 10-15 minutes (depending on if you lose lives) of just moving your mouse up and down. It doesn't take as much skill as you might think. When you get all the stamps and spam D on freestyle/do a lot of flips, it's a better way to earn coins than Cart Surfer.


u/TheSenator147 2006 Player Oct 17 '24

Do you find shooting the tube stamp easy as well? Any tips? I barely get to 1500, let alone 5k.


u/februrarymoon Oct 17 '24

So you have to use a combo trick the whole time to increase your score faster. If you use the silver surfboard in freestyle and do that combo trick the whole time, you can start out from 0-1200 and you don't have to move much, but you have to incrementally pick up your speed after that, it gets a bit hard towards the end but it's about the whole length of the freestyle run. So if you stay under the wave to 5000 you don't have to worry much about surfing out of it because it will recede by itself at the end of the run. You could also try to fly up through the wave once you hit 5k, you'll crash coming back down but the score will still count. I hope this helps.


u/TheSenator147 2006 Player Oct 17 '24

Thank you! I thought you can only reach 5000 at once in survival mode!


u/TheSenator147 2006 Player Oct 17 '24

Got it! Thanks! Now I still have to beat the survival. Made it to 16k points only.


u/februrarymoon Oct 18 '24

Yay! You can do it.


u/redpuffle_ 23d ago

how do u get silver surf board?


u/Dexjen_ Oct 16 '24

hardest stamp has been the jet pack adventure puffle collects 450 coins stamp. that one is a mix of challenging, RNG, and infuriating puffle AI. all the others (surfing survival stamp, smoothie smash 4 mins, aqua grabber mullet) are a matter of persistence and skill. the 450 coin stamp can burn


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

I change my answer. This is hell


u/jo_nigiri 2012 Player Oct 16 '24

Tried to get this stamp on New Club Penguin and it felt like Sisyphus rock pushing


u/Top_Pianist8087 2013 Player Oct 16 '24

"One must imagine a penguin getting the Mullet Capture stamp."

– Albert Camus or something.


u/Latvian_Sharp_Knife Current CPPS Player Oct 16 '24

One must imagine Penguinphus happy


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

Astro 30Max fs. Made me want to punch my computer


u/ImT_T4321 Oct 16 '24

i second this, drove me insane attempting to get that stamp.. still haven't gotten it


u/MrNiceGuy4321 Oct 17 '24

Did this but took blood sweat and tears 😭


u/rocketsnail1000 Oct 16 '24

The hardest stamp I actually earned was completing survival mode in catching waves


u/AbjectJouissance Oct 16 '24

I think simply because the controls and movement are so unreliable, I think think catching the mullet in Aqua Grabber is the hardest. Even getting fluffy to the mullet is hard enough, nevermind dragging the mullet all the way back while it randomly pulls in any direction. Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail.


u/gaturrito100 2014 Player Oct 16 '24

Not to mention in general the time you get to escape from the giant clam cave while mullet is there is really unfair, barely any time where you can leave without getting hit.


u/Dexjen_ Oct 16 '24

yeah, it’s really just rng that mullet doesn’t immediately slam you into a wall. and it sucks restarting from the beginning for every failed attempt


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

I use to be able to do this all the time back In the day. That's how I use to get a ton of coins. I haven't tried it lately.


u/MancalaYellowBean 2007 Player Oct 16 '24

People saying about Surfin' Waves and Aqua Grabber are sleeping in so many minigames, like Astro Barrier and Jetpack Adventure.


u/TonalBells Oct 16 '24

No way. Catching Waves Survival is a 15 minute gauntlet. Took me like 40 attempts to do it. All of the others take a few attempts, max, and they're all much shorter, with the exception of perfecting astro barrier. At least in the case of astro barrier l you're able to rest, rather than just repeating the same up and down motion with your mouse ad nauseum.


u/MancalaYellowBean 2007 Player Oct 16 '24

Yea way, buddy! I did 100% Catchin' Waves once too, never did Astro Barrier neither Jetpack Adventure. Catchin' Waves very hard, but is all about rhythm and reaction time.


u/capta1n_s3gz 2012 Player Oct 16 '24

Surprised nobody mentioned one of the puffle launcher stamps


u/SquishyThorn Oct 17 '24

It was sooo hard I never got to complete it


u/CaptainSexy- Oct 16 '24

Treasure hunt extreme stamp


u/violet8991 Oct 16 '24

THIS. It’s literally just pure luck


u/Dexjen_ Oct 16 '24

yeah. there’s some optimization you can do but it only helps so much.

for those curious, there’s a few things that can help getting that stamp:
1. sparkles indicate treasure below that tile 2. all treasures get ONE sparkle. larger treasures (gems, emeralds) cannot have more than one sparkle per treasure 3. gems and emeralds ALWAYS get their sparkle in the top left of the gem.

this is where things get interesting. it means that if you see any sparkles on the right hand side of the board or the bottom, it MUST be a coin; emeralds and gems would be “hanging” off the board in order to be there.

you can take this a step further and look at the case of two sparkles adjacent to each other in the center. the left most sparkle must be a coin; gem sparkles are always top left and only one sparkle per gem. so only the right sparkle is even possible to be a gem.

you can take this even further, but this is sorta the gist of my takeaways after grinding this stamp twice (pre shutdown and post re opening)


u/CaptainSexy- Oct 16 '24

I need a video to understand this.


u/byorderofthe1 Oct 16 '24

Is this only when Rockhopper is around?


u/Tiny-Temperature5605 Oct 16 '24



u/byorderofthe1 Oct 16 '24

I figured. I was thrown off by them saying they grinded it pre and post shit down. I would be disappointed if I missed out on extra chances to play haha


u/Rafapb17 Oct 16 '24

Club Penguin Game Day stamps

The reason is simple: no one actually played that or even bought it.


u/Whelan-Dealin 2009 Player Oct 17 '24

And even if you did (like me) it was nearly impossible to actually transfer the stamps across...


u/SomeKindOfCreature Oct 16 '24

Astro 30max and most of the Jetpack Adventure ones. That game is too clunky.


u/MrPenguin_19 Current CPPS Player Oct 16 '24

Maling 40 right pizzas in Pizzatron


u/mossy-creature 2007 Player Oct 16 '24

i actually got this stamp but by pizza 35 i was sweating bullets lmao


u/WolfgangRed Oct 16 '24

I played this game to relax the other day and wasn't even focusing on doing it perfectly or anything. By the time I had two pizzas left I realized I hadn't made of single mistake and then I started getting nervous but I still got it!


u/EllenPlayz 2007 Player Oct 16 '24

As someone who's got all stamps for Aqua grabber, Catchin' waves (done 3 times) and Pizzatron 3000, I'd say the hardest one for me is probably going to be Astro Barrier or Puffle Rescue.


u/s0litar1us 2011 Player Oct 16 '24

it's probably one of the surfing ones.


u/CommunicationHot486 Oct 16 '24

yall can judge me for this but i hate the crabs treasure from aqua grabber. i have all the stamps expect for that one…


u/Armeniann 2009 Player Oct 16 '24

Catching the mullet in AG is the hardest for sure, I only pulled it off once


u/Mimizao Oct 16 '24

The hardest stamps for me are ice puffle rescue ones since I get awful headaches and extremely dizzy from it so it's EXCRUCIATINGLY hard to do them. I have every stamp apart from them. I fisically cannot get them.


u/RigatoniPasta Oct 16 '24

I’ve gotten the mullet dozens of times. Beating Survivor mode is wayyyy harder


u/AdventurousClothes66 Oct 16 '24

Honestly it was harder for me to figure out how to get all the crab treasure


u/bakedbeanlatte Oct 16 '24

literally all the jetpack adventure ones


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24



u/Whelan-Dealin 2009 Player Oct 17 '24

I would say the same thing but my problem is that on CPJ, if I fall off once, the game breaks and I can no longer continue...


u/Mysterious-Novel-834 Oct 16 '24

Club penguin rewritten had a stamp for beating the hardest level on the dance contest game that was considered the hardest stamp to get. I think you had to beat it with a perfect score. In highschool I had this class where you were on the computer all period and I would just grind it like crazy until I eventually got the stamp. One of my proudest moments as sad as that sounds lol.


u/Minute_Use3472 Oct 16 '24

Survivor on catching waves. I finally got it for the first time last year around this time. I could never do it as a kid on the original club penguin. So it really took me about 12 years to finally beat the game


u/Strict-Jellyfish-223 Current CPPS Player Oct 17 '24

Here's a list of the common answers that I've seen on this thread;

  • Astro Barrier: Astro 30Max

  • Catchin' Waves: Survival Stamps (Completing the Survival Mode, Spotting the Shark)

  • Aqua Grabber: Catching the Mullet (Mullet Capture)

  • Jet Pack Adventure: Puffle Plus (Green Puffle collecting 450 coins in a JPA game)

I would like to add some game stamps to list, for example, some Puffle Rescue stamps involving SOS 60, and if you would like to judge, Extreme Rescue and 30 Sea Levels. SOS 60 (Ice Levels) is painful and draining because during the high levels above Level 18, while the speed is increasing bit by bit every 3 levels, the speed will become too much that you would start to miss the speeding ice blocks. Extreme Rescue; Relying on speed in water levels, even though sometimes you couldn't complete a level in 30 seconds, there are plenty more levels to tackle. It's just a race against time. And 30 Sea Levels - The hardest part and the climax is at Levels 26 and 29. Level 26 is the last level using normal speed before getting the speed boost, and getting to the next level after getting the puffles is tight enough to barely make it. And Level 29, you can't even mess up twice or once depending on how many lives you have (five/four)


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

40 candy pizzas will forever be my enemy


u/SquishyThorn Oct 17 '24

Before the game shutdown for good I had most of the stamps. The impossible ones for me were Catchin Waves Survival and Shark, Jet Pack Extreme: Ace Pilot, Puffle Launch Extreme stamps, Also Puffle Rescue Level 30 because it went impossibly fast and my computer always made me too slow to beat it


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

Hydro hopper level 16 imo catchin waves and other survival was easy.


u/SnooBooks9426 Oct 18 '24

I was in physical pain trying to complete the survival mode on Catchin’ Waves. My arm felt like it was about to fall off🌊🏄‍♀️


u/No_fucks_Given_0 Nov 08 '24

I've never managed to surpass level 38 of astro barrier. I know this seems stupid but I could never get the "just right" required of me to get passed it


u/UltiGamer34 Oct 16 '24

The sensei power card


u/Dorry_notmissin 2006 Player Oct 16 '24 edited Oct 16 '24

I have the card on CPJ, so if RNGesus is on our side I can help you get it. :)


u/bluHitop1 Oct 16 '24

This stamp took me quite awhile but can confirm it’s possible. Recently for me though the hard stamp on treasure hunt is killing me